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Forum › Useless Princesses discussion

joined Jun 1, 2016

I accept Ajiichi as my lord and saviour.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Okay, this was... something...

joined Mar 21, 2016

who the Heck is that? she scared the crap outta me lol

joined Dec 20, 2015

Wow, both of their friends are shitty people...
joined Jan 7, 2018

people in dynasty really have an eyebrows fetish huh ;)? though i agree it should've been better to keep them and be confidence in her looks or find a style that suits her eyebrows, but that would just be a cliche by itself right?.

i totally didn't expect fujishiro to actually change her looks and for kurokawa to be ditched by her friends. now i'm really interested in where this is gonna go. maybe fujishiro will join kurokawa group? or is it going for the we're on our own and they will develop a crush on each other? but the problem is that kurokawa still hasn't opened up to fujishiro, and she might not like her friends leaving her because of her?

i'm really looking forward to the future chapters, i loved dear my teacher i know i'll totally love this too!

last edited at Aug 12, 2018 7:58AM

joined Feb 23, 2016

Dayuum~ i sense drama

joined May 25, 2015

Wait wait wait, do you guys think we are going to get a ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ kind of story?

joined Oct 1, 2014

Wow, both of their friends are shitty people...

Kinda of. No one is talking about it, guys.
Their friends don't support them, don't go ask what's happening and then decides to leave them? Yeah.

joined Jan 6, 2015


joined Aug 10, 2015

Wow, both of their friends are shitty people...


joined Nov 9, 2017

Shitty friends but unlike Fujishiro’s, I don’t know that Kurokawa’s are necessarily being malicious. They probably just think they’re gonna be ‘left behind’ or something like that. But still a shitty way to go about things.

Also RIP eyebrows, you’ll be missed.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Wow a reverse makeover. I don't think I've seen that before. Wait. Have I? I don't know anymore. I read so many of these things.

joined Jan 21, 2016

I was too busy missing the eyebrows to notice Kurokawa's amazing facial reactions...hopefully they'll make a return, but oh well. Not sure why her friends just instantly btfoed their friendship, but it could be just a misunderstanding? Like, the author wants us to think they're shunning her or something. Who knows.

joined Dec 4, 2017

"now we can both live in a corner together!!" where was this god-sent chick when i was in highschool?! XD

joined Oct 15, 2016

Shitty friends but unlike Fujishiro’s, I don’t know that Kurokawa’s are necessarily being malicious. They probably just think they’re gonna be ‘left behind’ or something like that. But still a shitty way to go about things.

Also RIP eyebrows, you’ll be missed.

I'm thinking that Fujishiro and her old group were shitty to them in the past and they're leaving Kurokawa behind due to her forgiving Fujishiro so easily. At least thats what i think, they don't seem like malicious people but i could be wrong.

joined Nov 14, 2013

Kurokawa's friends likely think that the Gyarus are setting Kurokawa up for a major prank of some sort and it would probably be a good idea to distance themselves in order to not get caught in the blast radius. Still kind of shitty of them, but somewhat understandable, especially as I get the feeling they may not be especially close friends with Kurokawa.

joined Jul 21, 2016

the ex-gyaru girl is so adorable!!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well you gotta hand it to Fujishiro - if nothing else the girl doesn't waste time hesitating.

I'm thinking that Fujishiro and her old group were shitty to them in the past and they're leaving Kurokawa behind due to her forgiving Fujishiro so easily. At least thats what i think, they don't seem like malicious people but i could be wrong.

Seems like mighty dubious grounds for cutting out a pal without so much as inquiring what's going on... I suspect the point Ajichi's making is rather that the "cool girl" clique has no monopoly on arbitrary prejudices and knee-jerk clannishness.

joined Nov 13, 2015

I swear to god, if she makes her wear contacts next, there will be blood.

joined Aug 12, 2018

I think one of the things with Kurokawa's friends is cultural. In japan they have several different words for 'friend', including ruitomo which is a hobby friend, or a friend based on having the same interest or personality. This is fairly common and since this type of friend isn't based on deep feeling or connection but just because you're into the same thing, it's easy to understand why the friendship would dissolve so easily if the person started deviating from whatever that shared interest or hobby is.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Well you gotta hand it to Fujishiro - if nothing else the girl doesn't waste time hesitating.

I'm thinking that Fujishiro and her old group were shitty to them in the past and they're leaving Kurokawa behind due to her forgiving Fujishiro so easily. At least thats what i think, they don't seem like malicious people but i could be wrong.

Seems like mighty dubious grounds for cutting out a pal without so much as inquiring what's going on... I suspect the point Ajichi's making is rather that the "cool girl" clique has no monopoly on arbitrary prejudices and knee-jerk clannishness.

Maybe they just didn't like Kurokawa's fujoshi tendencies and said "Fuck it, let the weird gyaru befriend her instead" I like the idea that every clique is just as shitty as the "cool" cliques though.

joined Feb 18, 2013

"Well, it's not like Kurokawa was ugly to begin with..." So they finally admit it.
I'm starting to wonder whom Useless Princesses actually refers to.

joined Feb 10, 2016


joined Apr 23, 2015

I like this.
Like, there's the problems with bully/victim ships, yeah, and there's the "Hollywood Homely" trope in play, and the popular girl is a little too bitchy to forgive... but, three things make me really like this:
1: I just really like the whole "the school's alpha bitch learns to be a decent human being" trope. I watched a lot of the early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a kid, and Cordelia Chase's character arc was always my favorite. She's, like, the bully alpha bitch (a trope that I was familiar with even then because it's so ubiquitous in media about highschool, especially in America) when she's first introduced, but she keeps learning things that make her act a little less awful, and by the time Angel starts, she's become this fairly down-to-earth girl who makes Star Wars puns about her ghost roommate.
2: I really like Gyarus, but pretty much all content about gyarus is either mocking, het, or Galko (and Galko is great, without a doubt, but it's kinda doing its own thing without pandering to my desires). So, there's not nearly enough Gyaru yuri in the world. And what little gyaru yuri there is is mostly Citrus, which doesn't count to me because A) she's just a poser, and B) I don't even like Citrus anyway.
3: And finally, the first chapter- the one that's actually from her point of view- kinda comes off to me as pitiful rather than hateful? Like, I don't read that and go, "Christ, what a bitch", I read it and go, "Christ, she's got a really fucked-up view of the world, and I feel sorry for her- she's clearly been brainwashed by certain aspects of society. If only someone would open her eyes, she'd be nicer AND happier.".
Though, uh. Eight pages of discussion already. Man, people certainly have opinions about this series.

Really? The absolute majority of gyarus I've read in yuri are absolute sweet hearts! I really like them. They often have this very down to earth,every-man/woman and friendly feel to them. I don't know how to describe it exactly.(and I'm probably doing a terrible job) I should comb my favorites to get a good list of examples. My dream is for someone to pair one up with a delinquent type character. :3 but I tend to avoid het and don't like Citrus so there could be plenty of stories I've missed featuring gyarus.

I also have a thing for the bitch with a heart of gold types. Or ones that get a heart later, as is often the case.(every fellow fan of this, main Karin in Street Fighter!) Fujishiro's bossiness does have an appeal. Very quick to act even if we don't see things the way she does. And some really fun expressions. Don't quite agree with how she told her friends off, even though they were in the wrong, so I hope this addressed later and used to help her grow. And that dramatic makeover was a nice surprise! Quite the declaration.

I see why people aren't happy with either group of friends but I wonder why they are so quick to write them off? They may realize they are making mistakes later too. Also. They are probably use to thinking of Fujishiro as a bit of a jerk and a bully. You probably would get a little weary if someone you didn't like started hanging with one of your friends, right? Add to that, relationships are different in different countries. Even Kurokawa mentions the way things are likely to play out based on the actions Fujishiro suggests taking for this particular class/school.

This story is very worth putting up with a small, boring makeover arch that might not be over yet.

last edited at Aug 12, 2018 11:42PM

joined Feb 6, 2018

Woah so complicated from both sides ... but I guess that's just part of the plan to make the manga more exciting. Not for me though; I hate drama.

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