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Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

No! Not the eyebrows!

If your eyebrows aren't plucked, you are out of the light music club!


unless you have cakes.

last edited at Jul 31, 2018 7:26PM

joined Nov 13, 2015

Eyebrows are cute! CUTE!

joined Dec 11, 2017

The “ugly girl doesn’t look ugly” thing is an issue of long-standing in popular culture, although a slightly different one in comics/manga than in live-action.

The "ugly girl doesn't look ugly" thing is an issue of long standing in -real life-.

Standards of attractiveness are arbitrary and subject to all kinds of irrational biases. I have met dozens of people over the course of my life that have been mocked and regarded as ugly by their classmates who look perfectly normal.

People get called ugly sometimes because they have a feature that stands out (in another decade, that same feature might get someone called pretty) Sometimes they get called ugly because they just don't try to be pretty, sometimes they get called ugly because somebody popular felt threatened by them and wants to turn public opinion against them. Sometimes it has nothing to do with their appearance at all, but because it gets repeated by enough people, everybody just seems to accept it.

Sure, some people are more traditionally attractive than others, but the "ugly kid" is almost always more likely to be a victim of the social pecking order than their actual physical appearance.

last edited at Jul 31, 2018 6:58PM

joined Jan 21, 2016

Those eyebrows give me life

joined Jul 19, 2015

The “ugly girl doesn’t look ugly” thing is an issue of long-standing in popular culture, although a slightly different one in comics/manga than in live-action.

The "ugly girl doesn't look ugly" thing is an issue of long standing in -real life-.

Standards of attractiveness are arbitrary and subject to all kinds of irrational biases. I have met dozens of people over the course of my life that have been mocked and regarded as ugly by their classmates who look perfectly normal.

People get called ugly sometimes because they have a feature that stands out (in another decade, that same feature might get someone called pretty) Sometimes they get called ugly because they just don't try to be pretty, sometimes they get called ugly because somebody popular felt threatened by them and wants to turn public opinion against them. Sometimes it has nothing to do with their appearance at all, but because it gets repeated by enough people, everybody just seems to accept it.

Sure, some people are more traditionally attractive than others, but the "ugly kid" is almost always more likely to be a victim of the social pecking order than their actual physical appearance.

This. And besides, if I'm gonna be reading something for a long time, I want the characters Im looking at be aesthetically pleasing, I dont have any issue with following the narrative if someone insulted and called "ugly" isnt actually ugly.

joined Jul 29, 2017

This. And besides, if I'm gonna be reading something for a long time, I want the characters Im looking at be aesthetically pleasing, I dont have any issue with following the narrative if someone insulted and called "ugly" isnt actually ugly.

Don’t get me wrong—I wasn’t calling for uglier characters (and I certainly wasn’t saying anything about how people get treated in real life). I was simply pointing out an issue with narrative plausibility and coherence in comics when a character is designated within the story as being “unattractive” when visually they’re more-or-less indistinguishable from everyone else, or even (as in this case for me, and obviously for others) may seem more attractive to the audience because of style or whatever.

The same thing in reverse comes up even more often in manga—a character is called something like “the school beauty,” someone who is supposedly far beyond the level of everyone else, when (given the very narrow range of face and figure diversity in some manga) visually they actually are almost indistinguishable from the others (except for the usual hairstyle, dress, etc. variations used to identify characters).

It’s just an odd thing that has happened in comics for a long time in genres where all the characters are conventionally depicted as “attractive” on those occasions when artists are called upon to somehow provide a visual signal for below-or-above average physical beauty.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Short-haired girl seems to be actually decent, unlike the other two friends. I wonder if she could become more relevant at some point.

there's seemingly this trend with yuri manga set in highschool with popular girls that a short haired girl is the pretty chill one when it comes to bullying, most of the time they don't become relevant, but this author did make Dear My Teacher so we can dream

joined Feb 10, 2016

This manga makes me angrier after every chapter

joined Jun 27, 2018

trimming eyebrows

This is going too far.

It is. It so is.

I happen to like girls with thick eyebrows, even though I pluck mine (go figure).

I think we know where this is going, right? Popular-chan will give Plain-girl-chan a makeover and realize she's the cutest girl ever and fall in love for her. Where have I seen this before?

joined Nov 23, 2014

You are walking on thin ice, Ajiichi.

joined Jul 11, 2018

I like this.
Like, there's the problems with bully/victim ships, yeah, and there's the "Hollywood Homely" trope in play, and the popular girl is a little too bitchy to forgive... but, three things make me really like this:
1: I just really like the whole "the school's alpha bitch learns to be a decent human being" trope. I watched a lot of the early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a kid, and Cordelia Chase's character arc was always my favorite. She's, like, the bully alpha bitch (a trope that I was familiar with even then because it's so ubiquitous in media about highschool, especially in America) when she's first introduced, but she keeps learning things that make her act a little less awful, and by the time Angel starts, she's become this fairly down-to-earth girl who makes Star Wars puns about her ghost roommate.
2: I really like Gyarus, but pretty much all content about gyarus is either mocking, het, or Galko (and Galko is great, without a doubt, but it's kinda doing its own thing without pandering to my desires). So, there's not nearly enough Gyaru yuri in the world. And what little gyaru yuri there is is mostly Citrus, which doesn't count to me because A) she's just a poser, and B) I don't even like Citrus anyway.
3: And finally, the first chapter- the one that's actually from her point of view- kinda comes off to me as pitiful rather than hateful? Like, I don't read that and go, "Christ, what a bitch", I read it and go, "Christ, she's got a really fucked-up view of the world, and I feel sorry for her- she's clearly been brainwashed by certain aspects of society. If only someone would open her eyes, she'd be nicer AND happier.".
Though, uh. Eight pages of discussion already. Man, people certainly have opinions about this series.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, no such thing as bad publicity etc.

joined Dec 12, 2017

Is it wrong to like the manga because some people on dynasty hate it?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Is it wrong to like the manga because some people on dynasty hate it?

Lol--then nobody would ever like anything.

A lot of people seem to react to series as if they're directly talking about the actions of real people in the real world, with their only recognition of the "story" aspect being complaints about "cliche" or "drama" or hating the art or whatever.

I like a lot of stories with characters who I would think are horrible people in real life, or people I would think are OK as people but are really stupid in real life, or people I would be utterly uninterested in, or people who wouldn't have the remotest chance in hell of actually existing in real life, etc.

So like what you like, and rest assured that you're almost certainly not the only one, even if they don't show up here to say so.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Is it wrong to like the manga because some people on dynasty hate it?

Well if there are people in this world capable of liking Citrus, you're allowed to like whatever you want. (Except loli/shota, you're not legally allowed to like that in a number of countries).

joined Sep 22, 2014

Nooooooooo its going down the exact route I hope it wouldnt

  • Otaku girl falling for popular girls "beauty" CHECK
  • Makeover time by trimming eyebrows CHECK
  • Popular girl making a scene in front of her over-the-top-mean-friends CHECK

I'm still clinging onto the hope that the makeover doesnt happen next chapter

That was everything I was hoping we wouldn't go down the route of either. I'm still not at all a fan of Fujishiro and her sudden pushiness after everything she did, but I'll hold onto hope that her making a scene in front of her friends isn't treated as the only amends she has to make.

joined Oct 25, 2015

I like that the "comforting" wasn't intentional, so the characters are getting (marginally) better. Hopefully by the end we've had a nice feel-good story.

P.S. Hmm... I've kept up with Citrus. The ending is looking to be fantastic. (<-- sarcasm) I'm still going to miss it because it's linked to Fluttering Feelings in my head (heart) due to timing. ... (ಥ﹏ಥ) ...Point is I have yet to find a new bar for good yuri, personally. I'm reading whatever's not off putting.

last edited at Aug 1, 2018 5:41PM

joined Jun 27, 2018

P.S. Hmm... I've kept up with Citrus. The ending is looking to be fantastic. (<-- sarcasm) I'm still going to miss it because it's linked to Fluttering Feelings in my head (heart) due to timing. ... (ಥ﹏ಥ) ...Point is I have yet to find a new bar for good yuri, personally. I'm reading whatever's not off putting.

I've been reading some lovely LGBT webcomics lately. Have you read Always Human or Go Get A Roomie?

joined Feb 3, 2013

You people don't understand. The eyebrow trimming is not an apology, but an act of revenge. Revenge for not bringing gay manga.

joined Jan 27, 2016

I starting to like this manga

joined Jun 27, 2018

You people don't understand. The eyebrow trimming is not an apology, but an act of revenge. Revenge for not bringing gay manga.

"Bring me the gay goodies, or your eyebrows will suffer!!"

joined Jan 31, 2013


i luv it when things start off as innocent and escalate :))))

joined Apr 17, 2017

Just 2 pages into the new chapter and I can already foresee the rage. Sorry Ajiichi-sensei.

joined May 7, 2017

I love how this is escalating smoothly here, although that change in the hairstyle was a little over the top - as a BL reader Kurokawa-san should switch on her gaydar as of now

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