Is statutory rape not a thing in Japan? Isn't this girl supposed to be in Middle School?
Fun fact: Child porn was banned in Japan in 2014. They havent fully adjusted to this yet.
fun fact: manga characters aren't actual persons.
"Funny" how people get their panties in a bunch for a character having a sexual encounter, but when said characters are butchered in horror or guro manga, it's somehow acceptable and "just fiction".
I was not trying to clutch at pearls, I was just trying to start a discussion regarding the normalization of this behavior in manga. I think every manga fan can agree that there are some problematic behaviors advocated in the art form. This series hasn't had enough translated yet, but I would be pretty disappointed if it is played straight as an acceptable form of romance. I know that there are cultural differences, but I'm pretty sure every prefecture in Japan has an age of consent above 13 now.
As for butchery portrayed in manga, I would have a problem if said butchery was presented in a positive manner. I haven't seen any tacit endorsement of actually striving for the scenarios laid out in horror and guro, but I definitely have in manga depicting relationships between adults and pubescent children.