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joined May 30, 2013

I'm watching this all burn down, waiting for the inevitable disaster.

joined Dec 4, 2015

That was a good chapter alright, I won't join the people thinking it'll turn het when Asuka couldn't make more clear that she doesn't like Jun like romantically (not one bit).

2Kay3Lee posted:
Lol, it's so cute how Asuka's mother is curious about "practice".

I would be lying if I said I'm not curious as well.

Too late, you're here forever~

PS: After some comments after my last one, Belphegor caught up and I got too lazy to keep reading (and now I just read the comments for this chapter), but there were some pretty interesting comments, so I'll read them all later.
PSS: Why did I made that PS, you ask? Because I wanted to of course.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Okay. What does a medical thing with arginine and taurine has in common with Asuka x Ayako x Akira?

joined Jun 27, 2017

We don't even know whether the mom misunderstands the situation. This could easily be like our happy school uniform vampiress who immediately clears up all drama / potential misunderstandings the next chance they get - because, let's face, so far that's what happened. Whenever there was any chance of real angst the characters here just went "oh well, let's get on with it; let's not make this into something bigger than it actually is..."

joined Mar 21, 2016

Lol, it's so cute how Asuka's mother is curious about "practice".

the mom literally said MY asuka at the beginning of this chap.
which obviously mean, it would be weird if she ain't curious about what her asuka have been doing behind her back all this time. lmfao

joined Jan 6, 2018

Why do I remember "Happy end" again and again. There no need to be like this!

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Well thar was kinda lewd

joined Sep 6, 2015

it's a shame, but I guess a novice writer is bound to end up relying on cheap drama when they run out of ideas.

I thought the same when Akira was introduced, and look how wrong I was. Instead of a standard love triangle, we got a character who actually served quite an important role in the progression of the main relationships, by bringing up some really pertinent points, like the fact their relationship could turn sour, as many romantic relationships do, and Asuka is still a teenager, dependant on her mother for basic life needs. True, Asuka still maintains her resolve to be with her mother now, rather than later, but at the very least she is now aware of the issue, as evident when she straight up tells Jun here she is not the mature one.

Akira also made Ayako think about Asuka's father, which was a good thing because in a relationship such as this one it was bound to come up sooner or later (evident by the fact people in this very thread have dreaded the substitute-for-a-deceased-parent trope since the very beginning), and it is a question that needs to be dealt with, regardless of the final outcome.

Not to mention Akira managed to intrigue me as a character of her own, and I would not actually be opposed to her returning. Considering I went into a full blown love triangle alert when she was introduced, and was quite harsh on the author for it, I think it is a pretty safe bet the author actually knows what they are doing.

As for Jun, as people have already pointed out, Asuka is not interested in him, he knows she is not interested in him, he has no intention of pursuing her, so quite frankly, I just do not see the het angle here. My guess is he will serve as a means for Asuka to reflect on how society at large might view her incestuous relationship.
I am actually kind of on the fence about how he will react, because Akira turned out to be pretty relaxed with the whole mother-daughter issue (in her own family, no less), I somehow doubt the author will go for it the second time. Some people are open minded and non-judgemental when it comes to incest, but let us face it, the majority of people are not like that. In a mango that decided to deal with the whole relationship in something of a believable fashion, I am reasonably certain some hostility against the main couple is bound to happen, and the impact would be greater if it comes from an old friend, rather than some random strangers.

joined Mar 21, 2016

This could easily be like our happy school uniform vampiress who immediately clears up all drama / potential misunderstandings the next chance they get - because, let's face, so far that's what happened. Whenever there was any chance of real angst the characters here just went "oh well, let's get on with it; let's not make this into something bigger than it actually is..."

I'm betting on this too. People really tend to overreact when a male character shows up more than 2 times, even if it is already established that she dosen't like anyone that isn't her mom, hell the last thing she said in this chapter was "I love my mom" how we'll go to that for het? Now I'm actually curious lmao.

when I see any male char in my yuri , my PTSD started to run amok :P

joined Mar 15, 2017

What the fuck is actually going on. Why is everybody screaming het?
Aware that Asuka is not interested in him
"Just forget all about it"
"I don't have any weird expectations to begin with"
"I don't want to force my feelings on you"
Isn't this basically Jun's way of saying he's given up on Asuka?
In fact, with Asuka telling Jun of her incest gayness this is basically setting up for Jun probably helping out Asuka with advice or something. At the start of this chapter Asuka was kinda forcing Ayako to tongue kiss so the focus would probably be the "I don't want to force my feelings on you" part.

Here's what I think will happen. With some advice from Jun Asuka will be less pushy and forcing in kissing Ayako because Asuka will think stuff like "I don't want to force my mom to do stuff she doesn't wan't to" and stuff and it'll make her less initiative in this whole relationship with Ayako. At first Ayako will be glad that Asuka is less pushy but then starting to fell empty, like she'll expect Asuka to kiss her but she won't and Ayako will start thinking "why isn't she kissing me?" and "i-it's not like I want to kiss my daughter, what is wrong with me?" and eventually it'll lead to "I won't lie to my feeling anymore, I WANNA KISS HER" and this set's up for Ayako to be more active in the relationship instead of the current relationship of Ayako only doing whatever Asuka asks for.

Also as some other has said I also don't think there'll be any misunderstanding from Ayako looking at Jun, or if there is she'll simply talk about it and it'll be solved without drama. This author has done the 'drama foreshadowing' thing at the end of a chapter multiple times and it was all a bait and there's barely any angst or drama at all (as seen by Akira chapters). This is probably another dramabait and I'm not biting it again for the third time.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Jun is just a foil to awaken jealousy.

Though I sure hope it doesn't get a "Happy End".

last edited at Apr 18, 2018 2:58PM

joined Sep 10, 2017

Man I love this manga, there is progress in every.single.chapter. I was feeling depressed when I read the newest chapter of Citrus but this little gem over here is really saving the day haaaaaa

joined Jan 6, 2018

Man I love this manga, there is progress in every.single.chapter. I was feeling depressed when I read the newest chapter of Citrus but this little gem over here is really saving the day haaaaaa

You still need to read this

joined Mar 20, 2017

joined Mar 26, 2018

More i want moooore >_<

joined Mar 26, 2018

where can i find the raw chapters?? anyone of you know??

joined Oct 15, 2014

where can i find the raw chapters?? anyone of you know??

They're usually behind a paywall, either on Taiyaki's Fantia page or Amazon Kindle, but you may find something if you lurk the /u/ threads. Right now the available chapters yet to be typeset are ch10, ch10+a and a Cat Day special.

joined Jan 21, 2016

After all of the dark comments it will be hilarious if the practice Asuka was talking about is just with her pillow or something lol

joined Jun 27, 2017

.. or if she were secretly working as a professional lesbian domme.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Even if that is what i quoted that wasn't what i was referring to

That's certainly an inventive use of quotation.

tfw it's your first day communicating using human language.

joined Jul 29, 2017

tfw people gang up on you because you're an idiot

How about we just chalk it up to a misunderstanding all around, and get on with talking about the story, OK?

joined Jun 25, 2017

Omg! Is the mom jealous?!! I need more

joined Jun 25, 2017

Omg! Is the mom jealous?!! I need more

joined Feb 4, 2012

I loved the "I thought you we're gay"

joined Jan 24, 2018

This actually turned out to be a real page turner! It's so strange but as you learn more about them you kinda understand why they're a little fucked up

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