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joined Jul 30, 2015

normal boobs change itso big boobs ..okay I learn something new.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Lol everyone complaining about the sudden sex scene. Seeing it's Ogino I woulda been surprised if there was a proper, natural build up to the explicit stuff. I feel like he writes his stories around the sex, but ends up getting too invested in the story so he has to shove his planned sex in somewhere before it ends.

joined Jul 15, 2016

What surprises me the most is the lack of lolis and loli-like physiques... Is Ogino getting old and losing his touch?

last edited at Apr 4, 2018 8:41AM

joined Jan 21, 2016


joined Aug 9, 2017

Am i the only one who is surprise that he can do vanilla just because of this

joined Oct 16, 2016

Lol everyone complaining about the sudden sex scene. Seeing it's Ogino I woulda been surprised if there was a proper, natural build up to the explicit stuff. I feel like he writes his stories around the sex, but ends up getting too invested in the story so he has to shove his planned sex in somewhere before it ends.

Hell, I got so invested in this story that I completely forgot about the NSFW tag. This is probably the first time I have ever been surprised by a sex scene in a manga here.

Parnifia the Bastard
joined Aug 4, 2014

Lol everyone complaining about the sudden sex scene. Seeing it's Ogino I woulda been surprised if there was a proper, natural build up to the explicit stuff. I feel like he writes his stories around the sex, but ends up getting too invested in the story so he has to shove his planned sex in somewhere before it ends.

Hell, I got so invested in this story that I completely forgot about the NSFW tag. This is probably the first time I have ever been surprised by a sex scene in a manga here.

Same, although for me it's the second time.

joined Aug 10, 2015

That was cute... Although yeah, I agree with everyone saying the sex scene felt tacked on. IMO it was unnecessary, but I'm not going to complain =p

joined Jul 22, 2015

Honestly I think it would've been better as a two-shot where the second one developed the more NSFW contents. However, it was still cute and fluffy.

joined Sep 23, 2017

Agree with all the others expressing that the sex portion feels disjointed from the rest of the story.
Seems like it'd be a better narrative if that was cut entirely tbh.

joined Dec 27, 2014

this was nice, though idk about anyone else, but the sex part felt a tiny bit out of place

still great tho.

Agree. If it ended with the first panel of page 20 (the kiss), it would still be perfectly fine. The sex scene almost feels like an afterthought along the lines of: "oh darn, forgot this should be R18, better quickly add something". Disturbs the flow more than adding to it in my opinion.

yup, the author must've forgotten about that lmfao

Yeah hahaha imagine that "Now just to draw the final kissing scene aaaaa~nd I'm do-.....Oh right, PG18... Fuuuuu-"

joined Feb 10, 2013

“Hey, Ogino-sensei, we had an artist fail to deliver a 28-page story for our 18+ yuri anthology. You know that 20-page story about cute high school girls you’re almost done with? Can you flesh it out with a sex scene so we can print it in this magazine instead of the one it was scheduled to go in? You can? Great! Thanks!”

Or something like that.

last edited at Apr 4, 2018 9:32PM

joined Jan 24, 2018

There's......... more..... there's more work from Ogino Jun?!!!...... Yoshhhhhhhh!!!!! fangirls out so hard I can't get enough of that art style! It seems more detailed than older work too uhaheh

last edited at Apr 5, 2018 9:28AM

joined Mar 15, 2017

“Hey, Ogino-sensei, we had an artist fail to deliver a 28-page story for our 18+ yuri anthology. You know that 20-page story about cute high school girls you’re almost done with? Can you flesh it out with a sex scene so we can print it in this magazine instead of the one it was scheduled to go in? You can? Great! Thanks!”

Or something like that.

Ogino was certainly not in L Girls just as a late addition. This was the 2nd of 5 he did and he was treated like one of the main draws.

The anthology series (not just L Girls but its predecessors too) was one where it was far from unusual for the sex to be quite a small part of the stories. Which seems to make sense for yuri. Most of Ogino's stories in there treated the sex scene as the culmination.

joined Jan 9, 2017

That's some interesting eyes

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

The drawing of the vagina is scary in this one...

joined Nov 14, 2015

No pantyshots ~ 4/11 IGN

joined Nov 8, 2017

I noticed the bust size change in the NSFW part too, and Miho's breasts even seemed to get bigger with every panel, but otherwise the story was really nice. The NSFW part could have been worked better, though.

joined Mar 5, 2016

normal boobs change itso big boobs ..okay I learn something new.

it's the same principle as boners

joined Apr 17, 2016

Well I did like this chapter; this is the first that I have ever seen from this creator. But I do agree that the sex segment was a little rush, maybe there might be a continuation of this couple, because I think that the concept is cute.

joined Dec 28, 2016

That was good until they started the sex. The boobs don't match the size they are when wearing normal clothes. Stop inflating boob size!

joined Aug 18, 2015

I really don't understand the censorship in hentai, It seems like all they're required to do is put a black rectangle on most of the clit. Is there some sort of hang-up with showing the clitoris in Japan? Same thing applies to the censorship of penises which seem to just have to cover a bit of the glans. (Basically the same bits, at least in terms of how the genitals develop as a fetus.)

joined Mar 29, 2017

That was good until they started the sex. The boobs don't match the size they are when wearing normal clothes. Stop inflating boob size!

"Stop inflating boob size!" An out of context quote if ive ever seen one.

Parnifia the Bastard
joined Aug 4, 2014

I really don't understand the censorship in hentai, It seems like all they're required to do is put a black rectangle on most of the clit. Is there some sort of hang-up with showing the clitoris in Japan? Same thing applies to the censorship of penises which seem to just have to cover a bit of the glans. (Basically the same bits, at least in terms of how the genitals develop as a fetus.)

It's an archaic, useless Japanese law that probably won't ever change, because who wants to openly suggest lifting a regulation on pornography? The censorship is only out of obligation, nobody actually wants to waste their time doing it (unless they're putting an uncensored version behind a paywall).

last edited at Apr 9, 2018 8:49AM

joined Mar 15, 2017

I really don't understand the censorship in hentai, It seems like all they're required to do is put a black rectangle on most of the clit. Is there some sort of hang-up with showing the clitoris in Japan? Same thing applies to the censorship of penises which seem to just have to cover a bit of the glans. (Basically the same bits, at least in terms of how the genitals develop as a fetus.)

Japan, like a lot of countries, has a law against distributing obscene material. Those laws end up being a matter of precedent and interpretations that depend on social norms. In practice Japan's porn industries are mostly allowed to self-regulate in various ways. The tiny transparent bars is how far the ero manga industry has dared to push the limits with their display of self-regulation. It probably isn't actually enough to protect someone in court if they did get prosecuted, but that very rarely happens.

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