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joined Feb 23, 2016

~(OvO)~ Nani the fuck......

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

A Spanish-to-French Dictionary has this example:

Fr: quoi! vous avez perdu?
Sp: ¿qué? ¿habéis perdido?

So big sister should have used two interrogation points and an acute accent. But she was too upset to realize that.

~(OvO)~ Nani the fuck......

Also acceptable.

last edited at May 27, 2017 6:09PM

joined Oct 16, 2016

You can only translate "Wha-" so many times before you gotta change it up a little.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

There is absolutely no doubt that it's the same pair of sisters. The events of this chapter were referenced in chapter 2

I just noticed that, it makes a lot more sense to me that they'd be connected.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's probably just me, but I think so far that's the best kiss I've seen in all of Mochi Au Lait's works.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Nezchan posted:

It's probably just me, but I think so far that's the best kiss I've seen in all of Mochi Au Lait's works.

Personally I prefer the one from Pranking the Pranker. That one is going to be hard to outdo.

joined Mar 26, 2016

Is it just me or is her hair(twin ponytail) disappearing?

joined Oct 16, 2016

Is it just me or is her hair(twin ponytail) disappearing?

Schrodinger's ponytails. Because she is not real, we cannot prove whether or not they actually exist.

joined Jul 20, 2013

lol there's an Elsanna fic that went a lot like this latest chapter (yes I'm trash)

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Yuri strikes again!

joined Nov 4, 2016

You can only translate "Wha-" so many times before you gotta change it up a little.

For professional translations (at least, for IT manuals, dunno about official regulations for manga) there are certain specific requirements to make sure non-native speakers of the target language can properly understand the translation. So random silliness irks me, because I've done the same in the past and I got a thorough talking-to for it.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Typo on page 3 "Que!?".

joined May 17, 2013

Unless you would prefer the interrobang, that's perfectly correct.

I'm not even from a native Spanish-speaking household but we all know enough of the basic "hello/what/thanks" stuff in enough languages to randomly say things like "que" or "danke" just for fun... do other people not do that?


I can confirm as a native speaker:

Unless we're thinking of two different types of Spanish, I was thinking of the wrong word/situation. Got it. Uses of "que" just might not have registered.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nezchan posted:

It's probably just me, but I think so far that's the best kiss I've seen in all of Mochi Au Lait's works.

Personally I prefer the one from Pranking the Pranker. That one is going to be hard to outdo.

Probably only me then.

joined Dec 16, 2013

so far the best wincest yuri ever.

joined Feb 17, 2013

You can only translate "Wha-" so many times before you gotta change it up a little.

For professional translations (at least, for IT manuals, dunno about official regulations for manga) there are certain specific requirements to make sure non-native speakers of the target language can properly understand the translation. So random silliness irks me, because I've done the same in the past and I got a thorough talking-to for it.

Manga has no official regulations for translation - different translators and different groups will all have their own views on how to translate - how literal to be, what words should NOT be translated, how to make changes or not to reflect cultural differences or practices, etc etc.

For example I like honorifics left in if appropriate - they give extra detail and subtlety, especially where they change- that is lost if they are not used - and the alternatives often sound stupid (i.e big sis for onee-sama) but some translators will never include them. I hate when something is translated into an American equivalent, like yen to dollars, but some do that - or a Japanese cultural things name is replaced with a descriptor - like squid balls instead of takoyaki - but you also see that sometimes too.

The goal in translating manga / fiction is to convey the same or very similar meaning / feeling - and sometimes that means making changes too - I've heard it said trying to be too literal is a beginners mistake.

Translating a manual is very different - the only things that matter there I'd imagine are accuracy and clarity in conveying the information.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Is 'que' really right, though? I've only ever heard " por que".

"Qué" means 'what?' (or 'that' in a sentence), "porque" altogether means 'because' and "Por qué" separated means 'why?'... I'm glad I was born as a Spanish native speaker cause it's really hard to learn it with all the different tenses it has... English is so easy that I started learning a little while ago and now I can at least write something like this and hope that I'm understood.
¿'Qué' comiste ayer? ➡️'What' did you eat yesterday?
Comí una hamburguesa 'que' me me preparó mama ➡️I ate a hamburger 'that' my mom cooked for me.
¿'Por qué' no fuiste al médico? ➡️'Why' didn't you go to the doctor?
'Porque' no quería ir ➡️'Because' I didn't want to go

last edited at May 29, 2017 12:58PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Is 'que' really right, though? I've only ever heard " por que".

"Qué" means 'what?' (or 'that' in a sentence), "porque" altogether means 'because' and "Por qué" separated means 'why?'... I'm glad I was born as a Spanish native speaker cause it's really hard to learn it with all the different tenses it has... English is so easy that I started learning a little while ago and now I can at least write something like this and hope that I'm understood.
¿'Qué' comiste ayer? ➡️'What' did you eat yesterday?
Comí una hamburguesa 'que' me me preparó mama ➡️I ate a hamburger 'that' my mom cooked for me.
¿'Por qué' no fuiste al médico? ➡️'Why' didn't you go to the doctor?
'Porque' no quería ir ➡️'Because' I didn't want to go

Don't worry, it definitely is understandable and grammatically correct at that. I've been studying Spanish since, what, like first grade (I'm in eleventh now), and I can still barely hold a conversation with anyone... I mean, I can write fairly well and I can actually say things pretty well, but listening is hell for me. I did at least understand these four sentences you wrote here, so perhaps I'm not quite as bad at Spanish as I initially thought.

last edited at May 29, 2017 1:53PM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Symphogeah posted:

English is so easy that I started learning a little while ago and now I can at least write something like this and hope that I'm understood.

I know native English speakers who are more difficult to understand so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

joined Apr 11, 2016

this is incest and i shouldnt love but i love it oh god i'll burn in hell because of this bUT IT'S JUST TOO CUUUTE

joined Feb 18, 2013

Mochi Au Lait is the hero we need.

Also, holy shit, just saw this:

For professional translations (at least, for IT manuals

Treating a work of literature like technical writing would probably make for about the worst translation ever. But that's why technical writing is sort of its own animal in general.

last edited at Jun 2, 2017 4:30AM

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016


joined Apr 18, 2016

So they didn't actually do the deed in chapter 1? Wow, that's a let-down.

joined Apr 25, 2017

Yoooo messin me up real bad with that credit page....... i cri. But at least that means we will get to see their progress on the way to the last stage, instead of it just happening from the very beginning.

joined Jan 17, 2017


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