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joined Jul 16, 2017

Did anybody notice the hair swap?

last edited at Dec 31, 2017 10:13PM

joined Oct 11, 2016

Howell fangirls and boys feel.

joined Jul 4, 2012

It was super refreshing to see their hair length changing!
Sayo with longer hair looks good and Ayumu looks even better with shorter hair imo. This has been such a nice journey to read through <3 Bless this

joined Jan 18, 2016

lesbian sisters here, lesbian sisters there, lesbian sisters everywhere!

guess the yuri community loves lesbian sisters

joined Dec 18, 2016

is this Tsubomi's ex-girlfriend from that yuri inn?

last edited at Feb 22, 2019 1:27PM

joined Sep 8, 2018

Yes it is. It's been a while since I read it, but doesn't she accidentaly call her sister "Tsu" at one point?

joined Oct 22, 2018

... If I'm so much opposed to incest, why do I find myself unable to condemn this manga...
internal conflict intensifies

joined Apr 8, 2019

lesbian sisters here, lesbian sisters there, lesbian sisters everywhere!

guess the yuri community loves lesbian sisters

It’s a Mochi au Lait thing lol

last edited at Apr 24, 2019 4:22PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

Read this now in one day and I must say that I don't regret it.

joined Apr 16, 2018

... If I'm so much opposed to incest, why do I find myself unable to condemn this manga...
internal conflict intensifies

Probably because Mochi has a thing for writing stories with good communication skills where fetish takes a back seat to genuine emotion, usually.

joined Mar 10, 2018

is this Tsubomi's ex-girlfriend from that yuri inn?

Yes it is, and I really hope she shows up again in Yuri Inn. It shows off how Tsubomi's reaction to seeing the two of them together like this is kind of justified considering how ambivalent Daidou was to her.

joined Feb 8, 2016

It's the loving that keeps on giving! That Mochi Au Lait has one awesome sense of humor. Incest is an issue with complex parts to it so I won't go into my opinion other than to say if certain things can be addressed between the parties and responsibilities taken, I am generally in favor in partners having the right to it. But whether you are for or against same sex (and wh wouldn't you be dammit!!) or incest, they have a way of just constantly making you roll on the floor splitting your guts open laughing!

joined Sep 13, 2018

ho it kind of hit near home at the start , i have also fallen in love my little sister but reality =/= 2D drawings so thinks just dont work that way. I had to leave home to stop thinking about her and try to date other girls in order to forget her ,yet its been more than 15 years and i still feel the same for her.
I just hope for the day she gets married and have childrens with some guy so i my heart can stop feeling all that love for her.

ye taboo love is suffering but im glad i got to read this cute story.

joined Jun 27, 2014

Mochi released a new thing on their Pixiv fanbox:

Not sure if it’s a new chapter, reboot, or just a republished version of the old comic.

joined Nov 24, 2017

It looks like their old art style, so it's probably either an unreleased chapter or republished.

joined Jul 23, 2021

Having Tsubomi say all that stuff about sisters makes me worried about the status of her mom and aunt as well as Yoh and Miki. I need mochi to post an update to Kaguya Inn! Err, yknow. Just so I can see that they're still okay?

joined Feb 17, 2020

I'm glad I discovered this story, and I never got disappointed by Mochi Au Lait. Great, as always. <33

joined Aug 19, 2018

Having Tsubomi say all that stuff about sisters makes me worried about the status of her mom and aunt as well as Yoh and Miki. I need mochi to post an update to Kaguya Inn! Err, yknow. Just so I can see that they're still okay?

Yeah, this felt like a mischaracterization of Tsubomi from the inn, but something may have happened right before they met. Like, she had a break up and her family's incest caused some scandal that's left a negative impact on Tsubomi's thoughts about sis love. If they ever meet again, I hope Tsubomi's in a better place mentally and apologizes for her behavior. I really like her character in Kagaya Inn

last edited at Jan 20, 2025 11:57AM

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