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joined Dec 27, 2015

I call B.S. on the younger sister thing, that's Tomo! I swear it! She faked her death and everything is okay now.

--- Spoilers Please dont read if you havnt read the manga (I suggest you do if you havn't its a awesome hour read) ----
Well tbh you could actually be right, which in my current mindset I'm agreeing with so I don't cry ._.

Does anybody remember her mom saying something along the lines of " I wish we could of lived happily just the four of us " (Mom, Dad, Tomo, Little BROTHER) And + the "little sister" ( if that wasn't Tomo ) was at least a near adult and would of had to been a sister of the Tomo to even look like that so why didn't she live with her Tomo...?

Also the "little sister" has the same glasses, same outfit that Tomo wore earlier in the manga and put her hands in her pockets the same way......

Finally Tomo said "Don't wait for me" that means she planned on coming back.... (+Her body was never found)

Anyways past my blabbing I really feel like that was actually Tomo and the author is just playing with the readers who don't pay enough attention. ( Hopefully ._. )

Did some research at 1am while mourning over Tomo's 'death' again, and I have come to the conclusion that the 'Tomo' (decided to call her Chi instead to avoid confusion) is Tomo's younger sister.

First of all, I confirmed that she is definitely not Tomo as:
- Chi has the same hair colour as Tomo's stepmother
- Chi shown no signs of aging, as compared to Ai who now has some eyelid detail to denote her aging.

Secondly, it is also confirmed that Chi is definitely not Tomo's younger brother as:
- Chi has eyelashes, which shows that she is a female. Shuninta never draws her male characters with eyelashes (with reference to Ayame 14 vol 2 where at least four male characters were shown to support my assumption)
- Difference in facial features, as Shuninta does not depict her characters with a drastic appearance change as they age (again, with reference to Ayame 14 vol 2, which shown Ayame and Sango as children, teenagers and adults It'll show up eventually on Dynasty Scans ^^;;)
- Chi stated that she was born after Tomo disappeared. Tomo's brother was born already.
- Subtle boobs
- It would be in bad taste to depict Ai falling for Tomo's brother, since Shuninta is so well-known for her yuri works. Just my opinion.

Hence, my conclusion that Chi is Tomo's younger sister.

Also did some quick calculation on their ages based on what I know, which may be wrong so please correct me.

At the time of Tomo's disappearance, Ai should be around 19 years old since the common age for the Japanese to enter university is 18 and Ai is into her second year already, iirc.

Assuming that Chi was born in the same year when Tomo disappeared and entered university at 18, Ai would be around 37 years old. I think it is unlikely that Chi is born in the same year, as her mother was not shown to be pregnant during the time so the age gap may be even wider.

End of report, I'll show myself out now o-o

last edited at Dec 27, 2015 10:10AM

joined Dec 21, 2015

I feel so late, but I'm going to comment anyway.
Wow. Wow.
I read this in one sitting and I loved every moment of it. Art, story line, everything was just so pleasing and refreshing.
Love this author so much!

joined Apr 4, 2016

maybe i'm just having a bad day and am demanding a happy ending in my own head but i'm sure the very end is only a few years later

Dynasty Scans
joined Feb 14, 2011

Left me feeling empty inside. 10/10 would read again.

joined Dec 5, 2016

Left me feeling empty inside. 10/10 would read again.

Are you guys mental masochists or something?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Left me feeling empty inside. 10/10 would read again.

Are you guys mental masochists or something?

Aren't you? What kind of degenerate are you then?

joined Jul 15, 2016

Left me feeling empty inside. 10/10 would read again.

Are you guys mental masochists or something?

Aren't you? What kind of degenerate are you then?

I am electron-degenerate matter.

joined May 29, 2017

end tragic lesbians 2017

joined Jun 13, 2017

The ending, though. Like what?

Does she have a twin?

joined Jul 15, 2016

The ending, though. Like what?

Does she have a twin?

No, her dad and his wife had another daughter soon after her death.

joined Jun 13, 2017

No, her dad and his wife had another daughter soon after her death.

Who also smokes and looks exactly the same?

joined Jul 15, 2016

No, her dad and his wife had another daughter soon after her death.

Who also smokes and looks exactly the same?

A contrived coincidence, for sure. :-)

joined May 16, 2017

Shit, I wasn't ready for this sadness...

joined Jun 23, 2017

Whyyyy won't you talk ;_; God damn angsty shit... I love it, but I'm sad.

Damn denial, hit a second time reading the comments... Whelp, yes, need tragedy tags!

last edited at Nov 1, 2017 2:25PM

joined Sep 20, 2017

Well that was unexpected...I don't know how I feel about this ending. Just because two people look alike doesn't mean they are he same person.

Love is not transferable.

At the end of the day we still don't know what Tomo was thinking? If she loved Ai why didn't she do something?!

joined Aug 13, 2017

im gonna kil myself right now

joined Jul 15, 2016

im gonna kil myself right now

There are numbers you can call when you're having those thoughts, you know.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Like the Mochi Au Lait Emergency Incest Services.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Well that was depressing. But it's been a while since the "kill your gays" trope dickslapped me, so it's almost a welcome hurt.

That was the worst way I could have put that.

joined Mar 12, 2019

< Do I look like the type to go to mixers ? Yeah I'd rather spend my money and time on manga and anime, game, novel. Fangirl stuff ya know. > is what I'd say to Chi-chan hahahah X"D
Oh and a college yuri manga covered in smoke ? Dang ! quite a rare sight. I'm in.
But well do college students in anywhere else party and smoke like a chimney like that ?
Personally I don't like smoking but anyway, this is a manga, and I enjoy it's plot. I'm in the same team as Chi-san though, what a hassle you have to interact with people you don't care abt.

Yes, Asians smoke a LOT. I am a South Korean American, and most of my Korean friends smoke. I attended a Fine Arts college and 99% of the kids outside smoking are Korean or Chinese lol. Japanese people, especially men, are known to smoke a lot too. But not as much as South Koreans ick

joined Mar 12, 2019

Well that was unexpected...I don't know how I feel about this ending. Just because two people look alike doesn't mean they are he same person.

Love is not transferable.

At the end of the day we still don't know what Tomo was thinking? If she loved Ai why didn't she do something?!

I think Tomo knows that she is not capable of love because she has never received genuine love. Maybe she ran away because she was afraid. I think she is most likely afraid of hurting people or giving them the wrong idea. Sometimes trying to understand a person like her is difficult.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is definitely not a fluffy story, but interesting. i hope there is happiness for Ai in that open ending.

joined Sep 6, 2016

I was hoping for happiness, I’ve been looking for a feel good yuri manga to help me out of my depression rut I’m in and this has not helped 10/10 very well written and powerful. I feel gross

joined Jul 23, 2017

I thought it would end happily but it ended so depressing...sigh it was so unexpected feels so bad...

joined Apr 2, 2016

Why do I keep coming back for this heartache?

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