Somehow I think she's more of a psychopath than a yandere.
If she was psychopath, she wouldn't be able to feel anything towards Shio at all.
That's sociopathy. Sociopaths are the emotionless "cold" killers. Psychopaths generally tend to get some pleasure out of doing those things. Their emotions are reversed to the average. She does seem more psychopathic.
I don't think we know enough about the character to say she's either one, can't diagnose someone with one or two symptoms.
So long as this doesn't turn lolicon, I'll keep reading so let's hope lolicon stays very far away from here.
For the non TL'DR types...
There's a lot to be explained here, but the terms sociopath and psychopath fall under Antisocial Personality Disorder. I think the main difference is that psychopaths tend to be more impulsive while sociopaths are more calculative. Either way the main commonality is not being emotionless, people diagnosed with APD can feel wide ranges in emotion and even love their mothers. The issue comes into learning from their bad behavior. People with APD tend to not have that ability to tell the difference between right and wrong and if they learn anything it's shot out of their minds very quickly. There is also the propensity towards violent behavior, but that's only a propensity and not a grantee. You could work an entire career next to a psychopath and never know it and he/she will die never having killed anyone. Emotions may be shallow when it comes to things like empathy and sympathy, but more often than not they're not completely absent.
This is also a big one... Mental illness does not equal violence.
On an interesting note, some of the "coldest" of cold killers, aren't found to be sociopaths or psychopaths, and there is the undeniable fact the perfectly "sane" people enjoy a bloodbath. The guy who shot up the theater in Colorado, not mentally ill or "crazy", just pissed.
last edited at Dec 3, 2015 11:12PM