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Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Yuri Guy posted:

while that mentioned boyfriend means that tsukasa gets a "just a phase" ending.

Or she turned out to be bi.

Ah that's even more great -_-

What do you mean?

The whole relationship btw the girls that they were madly in love with each other but now author is introducing a boyfriend which is not only really disgusting but also conflict everything manga was based on.

Also the bisexuality in manga is represented very poorly and inaccurately, at least that they say.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

This manga is slowly turning me into a BL fan.

I'll help you alright
Close your eyes for a little bit

LMAO! Why hasn't the like button introduced on this site yet!?

last edited at May 13, 2017 5:21PM by Nezchan

joined Dec 18, 2016

This manga would've been so much better if it had had none of the yuri love triangle & just focused on the yaoi in the first place (tho I most likely wouldn't have started on it if that was the case). Pleasant art with some nice visual storytelling & panelling. I always like introspective stories that explore the inner workings of the characters, so if this hadn't juggled more than it could handle, jumping around multiple characters and conflicts all at the same time, I would've enjoyed it better.

Nice chap for S.S. BL. If this is their last chapter (since there're only 2 left & my guess is that the yuri triangle needs those), I don't mind this as a resolution to their story too much.

last edited at May 13, 2017 2:10PM

joined May 1, 2013

Thematically, the ending that makes the most sense to me is that two of the girls pair off, and Kotooka is one of them, AND the three of them remain friends.

It would be absolutely perplexing to prove Kotooka right, but anything else seems like it'd work.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

LittelWind posted:

someone said that dropped soon? But it has new updates..? And on twitter it looks like its not dropped. The author seems really happy still.

  1. It was probably that some reader dropped it. 2. The series was canceled. It is the last volume and then it ends.
joined Aug 6, 2015

Well, authors rarely add that kind of detail if they don't intend any meaning behind.

So, maybe we can infer that Kotooka and Washio are an item, while Tsukasa got a boyfriend.

But it's very nonconclusive.

I just feel like that would ruin the whole point of the story. The girls don't want to pair up because that would hurt the other one. Also it would feel pretty weird for the author to give zero hints of them getting together than have them do so on the back cover.

last edited at May 13, 2017 5:01PM

joined Apr 1, 2015

I wonder if the author will go with a bit of everything approach for the ending.
A paring of one each: yuri, het, and yaoi?

joined Sep 12, 2014

It's funny how some people are complaining about Subaru and Asakura, seeing as the one major reason this was even translated in the first place is Subaru's crossdressing. Hachimitsu scans only translate stuff that has gender bending or is made by an author whose work they've previously worked on. The yuri is really just the added cherry on top :P

In regards to the resolution, I see no way for the love triangle to end in a satisfying manner. Having two of them pair of would leave a bittersweet taste for the last girl, no matter how content she herself would be with the outcome, and the three of them remaining friends by keeping the status quo would just feel straight up bitter with none of the sweetness. Even worse if they all end up with boyfriends after some bullshit time-skip. Worse STILL if Subaru ends up falling in love with a girl because then the author would have seriously been stringing us along for some massive next level trolling."See?! It's just a phase! Everyone turns out normal in the end!" Honestly, If that's actually how it ends, I'll have some Hulk-level rage.

joined Apr 26, 2016

How bout all 5 bang each other in poly yeah no yeah

joined Jul 4, 2012

I don'r care what ya'll saying - I'm shipping Shiratori and Kotooka. Period!

joined Jan 20, 2014

I just found this doujinshi with a similar name and plot and I would be happy if this ends like this I suposse this wouldn't but just saying x'D

Fellowship of Freelancers
joined Oct 11, 2010
joined Feb 23, 2016

I gotta say.. Kotooka is a real thinker x_x damn... But about time Shiratori said stuff that actually made sense to her! Can't wait for the next one! T^T

joined Feb 18, 2015

So... only two more chapters left... I have to say I am still finding this one interesting, even if the characters are frustrating.

joined Jan 12, 2014

..... I kinda dun like where this is heading. ( ; = - = )

Urgh, my ship... Cries

joined Jan 30, 2013

this series hurts me... agh I hate it

joined Feb 18, 2015

So... Now that she understands that she was being an ironclad b!tch, she's ready to apologize and admit to both of them that she likes girls and has always liked girls? And that, in particular, she likes the brave girl who just came to try to hook her up with the girl SHE likes? sigh... I'm not sure I'm going to like the ending, but I'll be happy if there is no more lying!

joined Apr 1, 2017

I'm not too fond of her "I'm a REAL lesbian so that's how I know Tsukasa is just going through a phase" nonsense, but its still good to get some manner of resolution to this character arc, knowing whats ahead.

joined Jan 20, 2014

I'm not too fond of her "I'm a REAL lesbian so that's how I know Tsukasa is just going through a phase" nonsense, but its still good to get some manner of resolution to this character arc, knowing whats ahead.

Think it the way Hanjuku Joshi do: some girls mistakes admiration for love. I don't think it's wrong put it in a manga, it's common. I know some girls who admire so much girls and think they are pretty and sexy but will never go out with one nor fuck with one x'D
In other hand, we need to think that this gets cancelled, so maybe the author had an idea of who he/she wants this ends and needing to change it :(

last edited at May 18, 2017 4:50PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

Kotooka, I knowed you just need some love ;^; thanks Tsukasa. Just one more chapter, I want moooore T^T

joined Feb 28, 2015

Mindless protoganist Tsukasa and edgy dumbfuck Washio yet you still make Kotooka the bad guy ,the only good character, fuuuuck author

last edited at May 19, 2017 12:56AM

joined Nov 4, 2016

I see Kotooka doesn't subscribe to "my beloved being happy is more important than my happiness" school of love.

I don't like this chapter because it feels like we're heading to a terrible disappointment of an ending.

joined Dec 16, 2014

I hope for tsukasa x kotooka ending.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I hope Kootoka apologizes to her middle-school friends and is able to revive her friendship with them.

joined Sep 28, 2011

"You're not the only one who is hurt"




Fuck this shit backwards

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