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joined Jun 13, 2015

This could have been such a good series if it wasn't cancelled. (and if Kotooka finally shut her damn fool mouth for once)
Shame, too, the author is a really great writer, with some nice art style, so it's sad to see such talent totally wasted. But that's what you get when you spend so much time building up the scenario only to waste chapters with filler that no one remains invested.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Honestly, even with the cancellation, the author didn't need actually need to give any of them a boyfriend unless that was the intention the whole time. Unless that was also a (bizarrely specific and counterintuitive) form of editorial meddling, which... I guess it could be? If we're trying to absolve the author of everything we possibly can? I just think that, regardless of what the author was trying to do, if they hypothetically wanted to put middle fingers up and say "fuck you" to everyone who'd gotten invested in the story, a pretty effective way to do that would be to resolve none of the romance plots and then say that at least one of the girls is thinking about marrying a boy instead.

I'm just really glad I stopped caring about this story back in chapter 8. I kept an eye on it afterwards, kinda hoping that the plot would go somewhere and I'd get drawn back in, but... No chance of that anymore, I guess.

joined Feb 4, 2016

Lots of people saying "I stopped caring about this story back in..."

I was one of those who still caring at this point... Just kill me now...

last edited at May 1, 2017 11:44PM

joined Feb 4, 2016

Btw, what's the point of keeping the "yuri" tag?

Just get rid of it...

joined Jul 1, 2014

Btw, what's the point of keeping the "yuri" tag?

Just get rid of it...

I guess because this isn't Kotooka's first time having feelings towards other girls. She's at least on the bi spectrum if not full on gay. Even though I'm not a fan of this idea, you could technically say the other two (washio and tsukasa) are just having those feelings of adolescence, but Kotooka IMHO is definitely attracted to women primarily.

joined Feb 4, 2016

Btw, what's the point of keeping the "yuri" tag?

Just get rid of it...

I guess because this isn't Kotooka's first time having feelings towards other girls. She's at least on the bi spectrum if not full on gay. Even though I'm not a fan of this idea, you could technically say the other two (washio and tsukasa) are just having those feelings of adolescence, but Kotooka IMHO is definitely attracted to women primarily.

Kotooka can not be happy with men after all. So I guess she is a full lesbian.
But still, at least change to "Yuri crush" so people don't get baited by this mess.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I guess the author got bitter about the series getting cancelled and decided to take it out on the readers, nice, happens way too often.

Oh, is this the new "Shou did Stretch as revenge over what happened with Prism"?

joined Apr 20, 2013

Nezchan posted:

I guess the author got bitter about the series getting cancelled and decided to take it out on the readers, nice, happens way too often.

Oh, is this the new "Shou did Stretch as revenge over what happened with Prism"?

Is more like the Happy End drama(justified)... Well, maybe not as bad for me, but is worse for others.

last edited at May 2, 2017 1:33PM

joined Jul 6, 2013

I can only wish for the author to die. Preferably in a car fire, or maybe from hunger. Yeah, that'd be nice.

joined Feb 4, 2016

I can only wish for the author to die. Preferably in a car fire, or maybe from hunger. Yeah, that'd be nice.

He must be starving because APPARENTLY his manga is not selling and it was CANCELLED!

Oh boy, I can´t get over my anger...

last edited at May 2, 2017 12:28PM

joined Oct 16, 2016

Jesus, people, it's just a gay picture book.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Yes please, let's not reach Oreimo fans level

joined Feb 4, 2016

Sorry for the rage.

It's just frustrating to see a series that you love and followed for months to end so sad...

joined Jul 6, 2013

Jesus, people, it's just a gay picture book.

It's more than that: it's giving the middle finger to the people that spent time reading your work.

joined Aug 28, 2016

As other people have said, the biggest problem with the way the ending seems to be headed will be if it ends up vindicating Kotooka's point of view, because everything up to now has shown that the way she's trying to live is self-destructive. She's been driving the emotional conflict of the story more than anyone else, so if she doesn't at least get her shit sorted out the whole story will have been a bit pointless. I don't even need to see her end up with one of the other main characters, just... not keep doing what she's doing.

joined Apr 20, 2013

LilyBlack posted:

As other people have said, the biggest problem with the way the ending seems to be headed will be if it ends up vindicating Kotooka's point of view, because everything up to now has shown that the way she's trying to live is self-destructive. She's been driving the emotional conflict of the story more than anyone else, so if she doesn't at least get her shit sorted out the whole story will have been a bit pointless. I don't even need to see her end up with one of the other main characters, just... not keep doing what she's doing.

I thought she was a great character, she was my favorite and I had high hopes for her but now she will be remembered as the crazy bitch from the cancelled manga.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Fuck I know I said I wanted things to happen faster but like not like this geez.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Omg, 4 more chapters till the end?!

joined Feb 4, 2016

Question: Which chapters were made before the author knew that the manga was canceled? Which chapters are from the original story and which chapters were made after he was informed of the cancellation?

Or... is the whole volume 5 made after he became aware of the cancellation?

joined Apr 20, 2013

komugi posted:

Question: Which chapters were made before the author knew that the manga was canceled? Which chapters are from the original story and which chapters were made after he was informed of the cancellation?

Or... is the whole volume 5 made after he became aware of the cancellation?

No way to know for sure, I bet arround chapter 19 to 21 he was noticed.

joined Feb 4, 2016

Come to think of it, In this chapter (19), I cannot help thinking that Kotooka overreacted... She even slapped Washio... She usually deals carefully with these amorous situations. In this case she was quite bitchy from the beginning.

That's why I find this chapter a bit off

joined Mar 12, 2014

The manga is cancelled?! Noooooo noo noooooo oh man, I love this series so much! It had so much potential. With such a quick finished I can't see how it's going to be resolved well

Mannnnn... this was easily one of my fave yuris atm, so depressing

joined Feb 23, 2016

I would buy the manga, only if they would sell it faster over here.. But i'm asking for to much xD but it's soo good!

joined Jun 30, 2015

Half the comments dumping on Kotooka have apparently never been a teenager. Or had a bad day, or any sort of negative emotional reaction for that matter. :/

She's in a shitty time of her life, in a culture that heavily stigmatizes lesbian relationships, and she's having problems piled on her like all the cheese in the world's most american burger. And people are coming out swinging calling her a narcissist. Have you actually ever met a narcissist? Because Kotooka's personality and motivations don't reside in the same hemisphere as one of those.

For serious guys, have some chill.

last edited at May 5, 2017 11:27PM

joined Sep 28, 2011

As always, Asakura Is a treat. And Washio, honey, please do give up on that self centered asshole

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