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joined Sep 28, 2011

Half the comments dumping on Kotooka have apparently never been a teenager. Or had a bad day, or any sort of negative emotional reaction for that matter. :/

She's in a shitty time of her life, in a culture that heavily stigmatizes lesbian relationships, and she's having problems piled on her like all the cheese in the world's most american burger. And people are coming out swinging calling her a narcissist. Have you actually ever met a narcissist? Because Kotooka's personality and motivations don't reside in the same hemisphere as one of those.

For serious guys, have some chill.

Oh, so she's a teenage and, therefore, her conduct is justified? Look, while Tsukasa and Washio have been about what's the sensitive thing to do to not hurt the other person's feelings, all of Kotooka's thoughts have been about how the desires and wants on Washio are inconvenient to HER, and how unfair is that Washio wants to ruin something that Kotooka's holds fear, regardless of how Washio feels. I'm sorry, but that's textbook Narcissistic behavior

joined Jun 30, 2015

Oh, so she's a teenage and, therefore, her conduct is justified?

What? No, but it's understandable and, more importantly, forgivable. She's a teenager. I don't expect her to be emotionally wise in the most emotionally unstable part of her life and neither should any other sane human.

Look, while Tsukasa and Washio have been about what's the sensitive thing to do to not hurt the other person's feelings, all of Kotooka's thoughts have been about how the desires and wants on Washio are inconvenient to HER, and how unfair is that Washio wants to ruin something that Kotooka's holds fear, regardless of how Washio feels. I'm sorry, but that's textbook Narcissistic behavior

I'm sorry I must've been hallucinating the three or four chapters in which Kotooka spends entirely puling to us about how she's trying to drive this story into a situation where it doesn't turn into a tragedy for her friends. If you want to take any act wherein someone acts selfishly over the wishes of someone else to describe a person as 'narcissistic', then literally every single human being on this planet has been a narcissist. Quit using that word; it's pretty obvious that it's not pathological for her. You either haven't read the story, or are selectively remembering only the parts where she's being selfish, or don't know what being a narcissist even fucking means. So stop being a butt about it.

last edited at May 6, 2017 1:53AM

joined Sep 18, 2014

Best boy coming to Washio's rescue.
At this point, I think Asakura deserves his happy ending.

joined Aug 16, 2015

Half the comments dumping on Kotooka have apparently never been a teenager. Or had a bad day, or any sort of negative emotional reaction for that matter. :/

She's in a shitty time of her life, in a culture that heavily stigmatizes lesbian relationships, and she's having problems piled on her like all the cheese in the world's most american burger. And people are coming out swinging calling her a narcissist. Have you actually ever met a narcissist? Because Kotooka's personality and motivations don't reside in the same hemisphere as one of those.

For serious guys, have some chill.

Yeah, being a spectator and being a participant are such insane changes in perspective and I think a lot of people struggle with realizing that sometimes. At the point of life the characters are in right now, you begin to deal with so many new things between horomones, responsibilities, etc. that sometimes you forget to take a step back and evaluate yourself. Kotooka definitely fucked up and handled the situation poorly, but it doesn't mean she's a bad person (and certainly not a narcissist, lol). It really just depends on how she handles things when/if she realizes that she made a mistake.

joined Aug 16, 2015

Look, while Tsukasa and Washio have been about what's the sensitive thing to do to not hurt the other person's feelings, all of Kotooka's thoughts have been about how the desires and wants on Washio are inconvenient to HER, and how unfair is that Washio wants to ruin something that Kotooka's holds fear, regardless of how Washio feels

That's a bit misleading. Kotooka thinks all of their feelings are inconvenient to all three of them (and she's kind of right). Even Kotooka's own love for Tsukasa is an inconvenience for her. More than anything, she just wants all three of them to be happy, and she realizes that can't be the case where their feelings are fulfilled because they contradict each other. She made a mistake by blowing up at Washio and subsequently splitting apart the group, which is exactly what she wanted to avoid, but she has a lot on her plate and it's been hinted that she has some trauma from her past. Making a mistake doesn't make you a bad person. We just have to wait and see how it is dealt with.

joined Mar 26, 2016

I heard this ended with main girl getting a boyfriend. Washio best girl.

joined Aug 16, 2015

Ok, I just read through the older comments, and I think there might be a different way to interpret the back cover. I don't have any evidence to back this up, it's just on speculation, but I'll put it in spoiler tags anyways:

What if, at the end, the big argument is resolved by Kotooka apologizing and explaining her past to Tsukasa and Washio, where they discover Kotooka's feelings on homosexuality. Tsukasa then confesses to Washio and Washio, knowing that Kotooka is against homosexualty, decides to date Tsukasa. Kotooka notices Tsukasa acts differently and she, knowing that Kotooka wouldn't be comfortable with her and Washio's relationship, tells her that she got a boyfriend. The boyfriend in question is actually Washio. Tsukasa and Washio grow closer, while Kotooka grows more distant, partly due to their falling out and partly due to them growing up. They still get together as the old trio from time to time. Washio brings up the wedding as a very nonchalant remark for a conversation topic to make it seem like she only heard of it through word of mouth in front of Kotooka, even though she likely knew a lot of the details already from Tsukasa herself. It would also kind of explain why Tsukasa becomes so flustered when Kotooka brings the subject up.

Well, it's a bit convoluted as it is right now, but I think it still makes more sense than what everyone else is thinking with the way the manga had been going so far. Still, anything could happen I guess.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Chapter about best boy!!!

Any Nanashi chap that focuses on developing Subaru x Asakura is always nice~ That talk with Washio was nice, too.

joined Dec 12, 2016

How am I not surprised that this piece of trash turned out to be a dumpster fire? Horrible characters with a plot that goes everywhere and yet no where. Not surprised that it was canceled. Never touching anything by Kobayashi Kina again.

last edited at May 6, 2017 5:03AM

joined Apr 16, 2012

Ok, I just read through the older comments, and I think there might be a different way to interpret the back cover. I don't have any evidence to back this up, it's just on speculation, but I'll put it in spoiler tags anyways:

What if, at the end, the big argument is resolved by Kotooka apologizing and explaining her past to Tsukasa and Washio, where they discover Kotooka's feelings on homosexuality. Tsukasa then confesses to Washio and Washio, knowing that Kotooka is against homosexualty, decides to date Tsukasa. Kotooka notices Tsukasa acts differently and she, knowing that Kotooka wouldn't be comfortable with her and Washio's relationship, tells her that she got a boyfriend. The boyfriend in question is actually Washio. Tsukasa and Washio grow closer, while Kotooka grows more distant, partly due to their falling out and partly due to them growing up. They still get together as the old trio from time to time. Washio brings up the wedding as a very nonchalant remark for a conversation topic to make it seem like she only heard of it through word of mouth in front of Kotooka, even though she likely knew a lot of the details already from Tsukasa herself. It would also kind of explain why Tsukasa becomes so flustered when Kotooka brings the subject up.

Well, it's a bit convoluted as it is right now, but I think it still makes more sense than what everyone else is thinking with the way the manga had been going so far. Still, anything could happen I guess.

I would like that end. Hope so then we should see. . I skipped the part with the history of him this chapter. Don't like him either way

joined Sep 28, 2011

You either haven't read the story, or are selectively remembering only the parts where she's being selfish, or don't know what being a narcissist even fucking means. So stop being a butt about it.

You're right, I'm being a butt about it and I'm sorry. She's just the embodiment of all of my fucking past relationships, and all I can see is a person fucking up her relationship with the others in the worst way imaginable because even considering anything else is inconvenient

joined Oct 26, 2016

Asakura is too cute.
Why isn't he the main character?

joined May 7, 2015

It's already far late for me to drop it. I have to see the ending no matter how it sucks.... So sad it had to end all the story so suddenly.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Honestly, if this wasn't axed, I think it would have ended with Washio x Tsukasa.

Because all along, Washio can't help but think about Tsukasa too and needs her words of encouragement. See

Kotooka, on the other hand, makes her kinda miserable, because she loves her but gets rejected every time. And Kotooka makes herself miserable too.

Author had to settle for an ambiguous, or het, ending, because that couple would have taken more time to develop.

joined Dec 15, 2013

Ok, I just read through the older comments, and I think there might be a different way to interpret the back cover. I don't have any evidence to back this up, it's just on speculation, but I'll put it in spoiler tags anyways:

What if, at the end, the big argument is resolved by Kotooka apologizing and explaining her past to Tsukasa and Washio, where they discover Kotooka's feelings on homosexuality. Tsukasa then confesses to Washio and Washio, knowing that Kotooka is against homosexualty, decides to date Tsukasa. Kotooka notices Tsukasa acts differently and she, knowing that Kotooka wouldn't be comfortable with her and Washio's relationship, tells her that she got a boyfriend. The boyfriend in question is actually Washio. Tsukasa and Washio grow closer, while Kotooka grows more distant, partly due to their falling out and partly due to them growing up. They still get together as the old trio from time to time. Washio brings up the wedding as a very nonchalant remark for a conversation topic to make it seem like she only heard of it through word of mouth in front of Kotooka, even though she likely knew a lot of the details already from Tsukasa herself. It would also kind of explain why Tsukasa becomes so flustered when Kotooka brings the subject up.

Well, it's a bit convoluted as it is right now, but I think it still makes more sense than what everyone else is thinking with the way the manga had been going so far. Still, anything could happen I guess.

Honestly I don't think this is plausible but I need a reason to not hate the end of this manga so I'm just gonna pretend this is the real ending.

joined Nov 27, 2016

Is it bad I hate her twin. Because he's playing with a boy's heart, as well as using his sisters identity. Which i'm pretty sure souns lik identity teft. And if something bad happens to break their relationship because of him. I'm going to get pissed. As this guy can't even apologize to him properly. So, even though this is a terrable thing to say. I hope Karma makes him sorry. I mean come on if he doesn't when he will ruin a possibly good friend for his sister. I just don't like his character. Even blonie has some balanced reasons, they are the oppisite of her's as her's are selfless.

(Sorry for typos)(I also had to use a on screen keyboard as the key's weren't working for e, d , c, or spae. But I couldn't help it i'm just angry and need to rant.)

last edited at May 6, 2017 6:53PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

I thought the manga direction was bad, but the cancellation and ending just confirm that it was not a coincidence.

The mangaka was a good artist. But his/her story setting is horrible. Just as much as I hate looking for Yuri story in a yaoi manga, I can't see the market for people reading yaoi story in a Yuri manga to be that big either.

Maybe if he was a big name author, then he can try those. Otherwise it would have been better to focus on his initial target audience

joined Jan 29, 2015

This is like eating a cake made of spoiled sugar

Fvk this Im out

joined Jul 17, 2016

Geez, at the end a huge part of the story ended up being about the yaoi guys. If I wanted to read yaoi then I would read a yaoi manga. Fck this

last edited at May 12, 2017 8:05PM

joined Sep 28, 2011

I want a manga about Best Boy. Right here, right now

joined Jan 20, 2014

Half the comments dumping on Kotooka have apparently never been a teenager. Or had a bad day, or any sort of negative emotional reaction for that matter. :/

She's in a shitty time of her life, in a culture that heavily stigmatizes lesbian relationships, and she's having problems piled on her like all the cheese in the world's most american burger. And people are coming out swinging calling her a narcissist. Have you actually ever met a narcissist? Because Kotooka's personality and motivations don't reside in the same hemisphere as one of those.

For serious guys, have some chill.

This, this it's what I think. Glad to see someone like me, when I entered and saw all the hate to Kotooka I was afraid to coment x'D

joined Dec 10, 2014

if that back cover is implying tsukasa grows up and gets a boyfriend this author can literally fuck off forever

just a bag of queerbaiting bullshit and the people who write shit like that are scum

last edited at May 12, 2017 9:14PM

joined Apr 1, 2015

So speaking of the back cover, I can't but help notice that Kotooka and Washio are both wearing the same style bracelet?
Apologies if this has already been brought up before, but I haven't seen any references to it?

joined Feb 23, 2016

This wasn't the ending right?!?!

joined Apr 28, 2016

Lol I'm enjoying Asakura's confusion, but his appearance twice in a row?

As for the trio... sigh.

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