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joined Feb 20, 2023

I do feel for Tianli. She's genuinely remorseful and I'd like to see her character grow more. The promise was to "stop talking about her" and she kept that by leaving the chat. So I wonder if she'll show up again next year.

(Not forgiving something doesn't have to mean cutting someone out of your life forever. It'd be interesting to see the nuance of moving forward under a different kind of relationship explored after they've had more time to grow apart.)

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I can't believe how sweet and fun this chapter was. The cute light-hearted romantic bickering with Xiaoen's adorably infuriating reversals, the art omigod the art, with those cherries and everything . . .

Once in a while I go back to the first chapter just to look at that scene with the two of them, the box on her head and the peaches scattered around them.

Thinking of peaches . . . hang on, she's allergic? I must have missed that.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Their snuggling was adorable, and then it jumps into what might be new drama? Hopefully the new character doesn't add too much drama...

joined Jan 21, 2019

woah 2 new chapters today. we've been blessed by the yuri gods ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯

joined May 10, 2021

Holy crap those last two chapters were down right incredible.
Now, let's see what the little homewrecker is about to do.
Thanks for the translations!

joined Jan 2, 2022

That was fantastic. Adorable and sexy, which is a great combo.

joined Jan 30, 2017

I'm so happy for them! ^.^

Now, what's with the nee girl? She definitely looks like a relative of Xiaoen (maybe her sister?).

joined Sep 10, 2022

One of my favorite characters incoming. This series is one of the best. Really love the relationship building between the entire cast.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

I do feel for Tianli. She's genuinely remorseful and I'd like to see her character grow more. The promise was to "stop talking about her" and she kept that by leaving the chat. So I wonder if she'll show up again next year.

(Not forgiving something doesn't have to mean cutting someone out of your life forever. It'd be interesting to see the nuance of moving forward under a different kind of relationship explored after they've had more time to grow apart.)

And unless i missed something, Tianli doesn't know the severity of what she did because Xingyuan didn't mention anything about her father. Which is understandable, but Tianli might realize how trivial her hangups are in the face of that info and understand the Xingyuan's response better. When that flashbacks were happening, the interactions with her father seemed to be the bigger deal, so I was pretty surprised he didn't come up at all in panels dealing with Tianli and that (even just like, a note about Xingyuan intentionally not mentioning him)

joined Apr 10, 2023

Thinking of peaches . . . hang on, she's allergic? I must have missed that.

It only came up once, she gets stomach problems if she eats raw peaches, but she's fine with processed ones like peach baked goods. I think this was a "secret" told to Xingyuan by the nail art gay with the stutter, iirc.

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 11:39AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, finding out the true meaning of her chat ID got quite a laugh out of me, in the end there was no reason to be jealous over that. :D

joined Feb 20, 2023

And unless i missed something, Tianli doesn't know the severity of what she did because Xingyuan didn't mention anything about her father. Which is understandable, but Tianli might realize how trivial her hangups are in the face of that info and understand the Xingyuan's response better. When that flashbacks were happening, the interactions with her father seemed to be the bigger deal, so I was pretty surprised he didn't come up at all in panels dealing with Tianli and that (even just like, a note about Xingyuan intentionally not mentioning him)

Yea, Xingyuan's family has been the main source of her trauma so far. Also even if Tianli found out there isn't much she could've done as a middle school kid once the rumor reached her parents. She made a mistake in the heat of the moment, but the sins of everyone who followed aren't all hers. She sought Xingyuan looking to apologize and offered to do anything, and I think she meant it. To be honest had Tianli found Xingyuan at a time she was still alone and not surrounded by a support network she may have been able to do something for her. As an adult I actually think Tianli took all the right courses of action she reasonably could.

joined Mar 23, 2022

Omg did they just, finally slept together???like you know doing the did??ayieeeeee!god finally!!!>\<
I really love how freaking sensual they could be for each other like all those simple and little touches they make so lovey dovey that make me feel so freaking single. Shanaa all..these two adorable dorks, the amount of happiness I feel for them now that they are together is immeasurable.
Lol I like how we all misunderstood the meaning behind her caller name ID.XD.

last edited at Apr 12, 2024 10:05AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

This bunch of cowards. :D

And no, I didn't see brother coming either...

joined Sep 27, 2017

Brother you say? That's very different than what I was expecting lol

joined Aug 8, 2021

Wait, I'm confused. Who's "he"? Is Xiao Yang a girl or a boy?

joined Feb 24, 2023

I’m so confused so that’s a boy??

joined Jun 21, 2021

a very pretty boy, that one. big gremlin energy

joined Sep 10, 2022

Love this character! Can't wait to explore their story again, as I connected with the story the most after their introduction. Really happy this series has such a good group working it. It really deserves it.

last edited at May 7, 2024 3:16PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

"younger brothers just automatically get to call their older sisters "jiejie"?" lesbianism off the charsts lmao

joined Apr 2, 2017

Really hope this is "hes a trans man w/o top surgery" and not.. any other option... besides maybe they are misgendering a trans fem character and eventually they will stop doing that

joined Aug 21, 2017


joined Apr 10, 2023

Really hope this is "hes a trans man w/o top surgery" and not.. any other option... besides maybe they are misgendering a trans fem character and eventually they will stop doing that

I'm inclined to think Yang is transmasc due to how accepting and queer friendly Peach Town (or at least Mu Xiaoen's bubble within it) has been shown to be so far. Like they have a conversation specifically about how these gendered terms are more important socially than they are strict biological tags, right? Somebody does not need to be your AFAB biological older sibling to be a Jiejie. So surely the labels can be flexible in other ways as well, like respecting the gender of your trans little brother.

last edited at May 8, 2024 12:53AM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

He's hilarious, is what he is. Beyond that, I don't really care what particular kind of gender fiddling he might be doing or if he's just a pretty boy with interesting fashion sense.
I'm dying. Funniest chapter yet.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Whatever their gender is, I already love our new chaotic gremlin.

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