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joined Mar 8, 2022

Nanase just ditch her and find someone else, you deserve better

joined Apr 27, 2014

Awwww. I want Fuuko to have a healthy relatio...ok she might be past that..well I'd want her to end up with Yuni, I don't think this all is solved just like that, if it is...Nah it can't be, I want my shitshow back! GO FUUUKO xD

joined May 3, 2014

Nanase is hypocrite.
For her is fine to have 2 things she likes at the same time (club and GF), but she forbade Yuni to have 2 girlfriends at the same time.

She is acting awfully wrong in this chapter toward Yuni and Fuuko.

is this a dumb joke or are you for real? because i actually saw people in other forums being completely divorced from reality on what an relationship works while reading the most absurd depiction of relationships ever this manga

joined Mar 18, 2023

Until we know about the domestic environment of Nanase and Yuni we really cannot make any solid judgement about all three of them. What sort of home Yuni has, and is she truly being loney (no friend, no family).
Lonely is a usual reason for break ups; but unfortunately people also use that reason for cheating.

joined Aug 12, 2019

The way I engage in this manga is kind of like walking into someone else’s kitchen where everything is burning and/or on fire, lifting up a few lids to see what’s going on, then waking out again

yep! the moment I saw the new chapter it was going to be cooking up another storm once again. just like always.

last edited at Aug 22, 2023 12:53AM

joined Apr 28, 2019

Nanase gon' cheat on Yuni with that other girl lmfaooo

joined Aug 26, 2018

ew why choose the karen? however this is pretty damn realistic. People generally seem to have a fetish for dating people who treat them like shit. As bonkers as fuuko might be, she treated yuni infinitely better than karen chan. and it’s obvious that karen chan is gonna end up cucking yuni and sending her back into fuuko’s arms once again lol

joined Mar 31, 2023

Damn, I'm still rooting for Fuuko to end up with Yuni. Both are sick but they are perfect for each other. Also given that Fuuko understands and treated Yuni way better than Nanase could ever be lol.

As for Nanase, she either choose to dedicate herself to volleyball or find someone who can relate to her passion. Win-win.

Most of all, Im waiting for the day Yuni and Nanase broke up. I dont think their relationship can be salvage even if Nanase changes herself or Yuni choses her over Fuuko. The damage has been done. Their relationship were doomed from the start.

P.S. Please dont end up like luminous blue. The ending does not make any sense at all.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Really we're all here just to watch the train wreck, sometimes is fun to watch something so unapologetically messed up that doesn't shy away from portraying character as assholes instead of trying to justify their shitty behavior and utterly fail at it

That's the heart of it. No one thinks Fuuko is a good person. Hell she doesn't. Everyone in this manga sucks but it's obvious Nanase should date her chipper volleyball bestie and Yuni and Fuuko should fuck off together. But that isn't how manga works so its just kind of funny to watch it explode


Nanase and 101 Dalmatian girl all the way

joined Apr 4, 2014 the author setting up the polyamorous route by having Nanase saying its possible to love more than one thing? Is it foreshadowing Yuni loving both Nanase and Fuuko?

The other girl in the volleyball team is very sweet but compared to the main 3 characters she seems too safe, almost boring even so I don't want Nanase to end up with her. Let's keep the drama going please this is amazing. I need this story to keep going please don't get cancelled and have a rushed ending!

joined Nov 23, 2014

Huh. Kinda disappointing that I can once again just got "huh" with a new chapter. This is beginning to resemble startlingly regular human behavior, but surely Iwami-sensei still has some absurdity left to entertain us with, right?

joined Feb 27, 2014

Nanase is hypocrite.
For her is fine to have 2 things she likes at the same time (club and GF), but she forbade Yuni to have 2 girlfriends at the same time.

She is acting awfully wrong in this chapter toward Yuni and Fuuko.

is this a dumb joke or are you for real? because i actually saw people in other forums being completely divorced from reality on what an relationship works while reading the most absurd depiction of relationships ever this manga

You know this day someone can love more than one personn ? So Nanase telling Yuni she can love two things is quit ambigous here

Nanase can have 2 things she love Yuni and voleyball. But Yuni have to choose wich girls she want to be with and neither see the other one ever again.

Yes Fuuko since the start is acting on her interest and have a strange mindset but it wouldn't be interesting at all with no shit so...

joined May 31, 2020

Hm, I'm not satisfied with this chapter. Toxic as it may be, I want Yuni and Fuuko together. They're interesting.

joined Mar 13, 2014

Really we're all here just to watch the train wreck, sometimes is fun to watch something so unapologetically messed up that doesn't shy away from portraying character as assholes instead of trying to justify their shitty behavior and utterly fail at it

That's the heart of it. No one thinks Fuuko is a good person. Hell she doesn't. Everyone in this manga sucks but it's obvious Nanase should date her chipper volleyball bestie and Yuni and Fuuko should fuck off together. But that isn't how manga works so its just kind of funny to watch it explode


Nanase and 101 Dalmatian girl all the way

I have found my people.

joined Aug 16, 2018

I'm surprised nobody asks what they're gonna do about sex now.
For me, that's the main question.

The one big problem with Nanase x Yuni, as it's been extensively discussed before, is that Nanase doesn't seem to have any desire towards Yuni's body. She's a teenager, full of raging hormones; she got herself a cute girlfriend; she should be desperate for time alone with Yuni, to hug her and touch her and kiss her and fuck her! But nope, all they have done for the last six months is exchange texts. Oh, and greet each other at school if per chance they meet. That's it. No weekend dates, no secret trysts, no quality time together, nothing. And Nanase was a-ok with this.

Now that they're back together, will Nanase suddenly find that she has a sex drive? Or is her idea of being a better girlfriend taking Yuni for strolls at the park and gifting her flowers and bonbons? And a sisterly kiss on the cheek from time to time?

joined Feb 27, 2014

Let's compare a little
Are girlfriend for sometimes, don't go on date, don't kiss everytime they see each other, don't have sex... well what do they di really ?

Have some dates, have kiss plainty of time every panel they are together. Have sex, do see each other a lot, talk, and so on

Fuuko maybe was ok at the start to be the second woman. But at time goes on, i think here feeling may have grow and now she don't want to be second.

She has given time to Yuni telling here that she would choose her if she let Fuuko be her one and only.

joined Feb 24, 2023

Yeah sorry Yuni it takes two to tango and just because y’all wanna make blondie into the big bad villian to defeat doesn’t mean you’re suddenly absolved. You’re a awful person still and it will take nothing less than a head on the floor apology for EVERYTHING you put Nanase through and even THEN you wouldn’t deserve it but it’d be a start

joined Sep 23, 2022

Nah, Nanase needs to grow a backbone and dump her cause she deserves someone better than a cheater who blames everyone instead of talking things out.
The fact that people have a hate boner for Nanase and not Yuni blows my mind. Like I understand she wasn't giving her attention but that in no way justify cheating on her. Then again everyone in this story but Yuki (Nanase friend) are shitty. Like at this point Yuni and Fuuko deserver each other. Man, I can't wait to see just how this train wreck would end, lol.

last edited at Aug 22, 2023 10:45PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

Idea to bring on question about sex is great.
And comparing it as a fact, after, is great too.

There is also one detail from the beginning, when Yuni chan slapped Fuuko, and Fuuko says:

"Compared to the kiss we had, or to the kiss THEY had, I definitely felt more honesty and passion from Yuni-chan's slap"

Fuuko saw their kiss and took the pic. She noticed a lack of passion between Nanase and Yuni. It gave her the additional reason to act and start to conquer Yuni.

There is also a situation when Yuni had sex with Fuuko, and she is rubbing and touching her and she compares how she felt Nanase and Fuuko separately.
Nanase was toned, and Fuuko soft (to touch, but there is a possibility that it was about their characters too, one rigid and closed, one soft and open)

Yeah, Nanase is very stiff and strict, not so generous to touch Yuni.
And Fuuko is very open to touch her.

And...we should not forget that Fuuko did not answer Yuni why she loves her, they were interrupted by forceful entrance of Nanase.
She literally entered, grabbed Yuni like her possession (and Yuni liked it!) and took her away from Fuuko.

There are situations left open, there was no real closure between Yuni and Fuuko.

And there is real question how the sex between Yuni and Nanase will happen and what it will look like?
Is Nanase capable to give Yuni the passion she needs?
Can it change "overnight" from complete disinterest by Nanase into mindblowing sexual passion between them?

It would be great from author to show us more "skin to skin" events between Yuni and Nanase, that we can complete the pic.
There were only vague flashbacks of sexual exchanges between Nanase and Yuni and not so passionate kiss exchanges. Really not much physical contacts between them.

Did Nanase really had a GF all that time or just called Yuni her girlfriend and was satisfied with it?

joined Sep 22, 2021

Basically your gf f*ck another girl while you chasing for your passion and don't care about her enough, without break up with you. No one is really the victim in this. They are all selfish, want to have all for themselves. The gf did not break up first, want to have both gf and sidechick, the sidechick wants to ditch another person's gf and become the "only one" and lastly an idiot don't know what it's like to run a relationship rightfully. Morally, cheating is wrong. Emotionally, it happens a lot nowaday and it's understandable especially when you have a cold partner.
Maybe the author just want to drag this out by some bs and how it escalates, then the viewers keep fighting each other for which to root and which is the evil to endless

joined Nov 23, 2014

And...we should not forget that Fuuko did not answer Yuni why she loves her, they were interrupted by forceful entrance of Nanase.
She literally entered, grabbed Yuni like her possession (and Yuni liked it!) and took her away from Fuuko.

Forceful and possessive, like when just couple of chapters ago we had a scene where Fuuko openly undressed and groped Yuni in front of Nanase? I guess opening a door can be viewed similarly, perhaps. Yuni probably liked that too though, maybe she is just a fickle bitch?

But really why even try to compare who is the "most bad" at this point (though it's Yuni), just anticipate the final big crash that is surely coming.

joined Feb 24, 2023

I pretty much think Nanase did nothing wrong and trying to put the blame on her as if she deserved to be cheated on is extremely gross. She’s a high school kid who’s trying to accommodate her first partner as best she can. She spends a lot of time at club and neglects her gf, okay that’s a normal problem a normal couple can have and Nanase DOES put in every effort she can to spend time with Yuni, it’s not like she totally ignores her? She also deals with a lot of personal issues being in the closet that Yuni has no patience for, won’t even let her have someone to confide in like a friend or anything.

And that’s the problem, is Yuni is all take no give, she expects Nanase to do EVERYTHING in their relationship, texting her first, make plans, won’t actually COMMUNICATE, wants Nanase to give up her life’s passion for her like the selfish twat she is. It’s no wonder she so easily fell for Fuuko’s manipulation when that girl gives Yuni exactly what she wants whenever she wants it.

Nanase’s only mistake was not kicking Yuni to the curb frame 1 and seriously is giving Yuni a second chance she doesn’t deserve.

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 11:33AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

And...we should not forget that Fuuko did not answer Yuni why she loves her, they were interrupted by forceful entrance of Nanase.
She literally entered, grabbed Yuni like her possession (and Yuni liked it!) and took her away from Fuuko.

Forceful and possessive, like when just couple of chapters ago we had a scene where Fuuko openly undressed and groped Yuni in front of Nanase? I guess opening a door can be viewed similarly, perhaps. Yuni probably liked that too though, maybe she is just a fickle bitch?

Of course it's very similar, as you noticed. We can see from both examples that Yuni is submissive and enjoys to be taken, swept away (probably something close to "consensual non-consent").
Definitely she won't fight against it, as we saw from before in her interactions with Fuuko (it was "borderline assault"). And it would be, if Yuni is not as she is, consensually submissive without verbal acknowledgment. And Fuuko respected her boundaries, understanding them without speaking verbally with Yuni about them.

That's why Yuni chose Nanase this time, because she was turned on by situation and how Nanase dominated above her and Fuuko.
Probably she likes such an energy in her partner, it moves her.
And probably she feels something close to love for both girls in same time.

Does it make her bad? Not sure, she is just a typical submissive character with poly inclinations (yet not aware of it). She is something like a cat, as her avatar shows already.

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 12:32PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I love how this series subverts, indeed denies and makes a mockery of, the inevitable Dynasty commenters’ attempt to sort characters into “the worst one” (who is the cause of all the problems) and “the best one” (who has done nothing wrong and suffers unjustly).

Insert 3 x Spider-Mans pointing at each other meme here.

EDIT: lol Not that that ever stopped anybody (see below).

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 12:08PM

joined May 11, 2023

I pretty much think Nanase did nothing wrong and trying to put the blame on her as if she deserved to be cheated on is extremely gross. She’s a high school kid who’s trying to accommodate her first partner as best she can. She spends a lot of time at club and neglects her gf, okay that’s a normal problem a normal couple can have and Nanase DOES put in every effort she can to spend time with Yuni, it’s not like she totally ignores her? She also deals with a lot of personal issues being in the closet that Yuni has no patience for, won’t even let her have someone to confide in like a friend or anything.

And that’s the problem, is Yuni is all take no give, she expects Nanase to do EVERYTHING in their relationship, texting her first, make plans, won’t actually COMMUNICATE, wants Nanase to give up her life’s passion for her like the selfish twat she is. It’s no wonder she so easily fell for Fuuko’s manipulation when that girl gives Yuni exactly what she wants whenever she wants it.

It is so refreshing to read a normal comment. I agree, Yuni really is the worst.

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