It's really sad to see it go. It has been such a great ride...
I really did love this one quite the bit. And i know this was suppose to be a one-sided crush/love but i cant hel but to think that Shimamura really never thought about Adachi as more than a friend... And for as much as i wish i was wrong here, I don't really think they will become a couple... and i can't help but to feel sorry for her.
And i know that the novel is still going on (I'm only a handfull of chapters in) but i cant help but hoping that Shimamura starts to ponder her own feelings for Adachi in the later chapters or that Adachi take's a chance and confesses.
I think that a lot of people can actually sympathies with this story. while a lot of mangas tend to be over the top on a lot of things, this always feelt more down to earth, and i appreciate that.
Also this qoute...
...It's too real
last edited at Dec 10, 2019 4:18AM