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joined Aug 29, 2019

Agree wholeheartedly, although I personally am not going to do any specific discussion of MD-only chapters (sorry, Zormau-san) before they appear here.

Well at the current rate Dynasty should be caught up soon enough, it's not like we're gonna have to wait ages until then. And we get to read another great translation as it releases.

joined Aug 17, 2019

Wait... was the author preparing us about the future with that previous fake out!?

joined Mar 21, 2019

Wait... was the author preparing us about the future with that previous fake out!?

Isn't the manga like, 90% fake-out?

joined Aug 25, 2021

In 125, how would you handle 姫始め? (Google translates it literally as ‘Princess beginning’, which hardly needs to be spoilered at all.)

Tough one. I can't think of a good way to retain the ambiguity, but I'm not a native speaker. Maybe something like "Let's go have the new year's first time at my place.", but I'd hardly call that an improvement.

I'm only a student of the language, and rusty at that, so I may be mistaken; but if I recall correctly, I think it's the first sexual encounter of the year, though it can also (again, if memory serves) be used to describe any first of the year.

last edited at Apr 19, 2023 8:09PM

joined Sep 21, 2019

I- uM...


Every single time I come back to this thread, this comment somehow gets more and more accurate

joined Feb 18, 2013

Oh fuck, that's heartbreaking.

joined Apr 2, 2017

Last chapter just had me glued to my freaking seat, and now the comments are tempting me to go read the next chapters somewhere else x'D
¿Should I? :( I read chprt 115 in mangadex and the translation is not bad but not as HQ as stan miller's and has no redraws on the SFX
If you guys are hyping the next chapters so much, I want to enjoy them in the best way possible 'cause I love drama with every single cell in my body

joined Jan 18, 2016

hino x koguma 4eva
been cheeky and spied on mangadex cus i was too impatient, finally FUCKING KISSED AFTER 4 FUCKING YEARS

joined Oct 4, 2022

damnnn, were gonna get the funeral arc before the yuri one.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Last chapter just had me glued to my freaking seat, and now the comments are tempting me to go read the next chapters somewhere else x'D
¿Should I? :( I read chprt 115 in mangadex and the translation is not bad but not as HQ as stan miller's and has no redraws on the SFX
If you guys are hyping the next chapters so much, I want to enjoy them in the best way possible 'cause I love drama with every single cell in my body

I personally find the Mangadex translations to be good enough. They’re not perfect, but they don’t need to be perfect to be entertaining (I still read these as well, though, as I’m obsessed with this story). There’s nothing wrong with wanting to wait for this version to update, though, especially now that updates appear to be back in full swing. Just got to be patient and ignore the spoilers like the plague.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Last chapter just had me glued to my freaking seat, and now the comments are tempting me to go read the next chapters somewhere else x'D
¿Should I? :( I read chprt 115 in mangadex and the translation is not bad but not as HQ as stan miller's and has no redraws on the SFX
If you guys are hyping the next chapters so much, I want to enjoy them in the best way possible 'cause I love drama with every single cell in my body

Well, I'm just reading both and get to enjoy each chapter at least twice that way. Whether you want to go for maximum impact by sticking to the one highest quality source and savoring the singular experience or have "double the fun" is up to you.
Yuri Ichigo, Stan/Runrin, Stan/Chads and Cuetie were/are all a slight cut above the one by xKs on Mangadex, but it's not like that means it's bad by any stretch.

Also this:

ignore the spoilers like the plague.

last edited at Apr 19, 2023 9:08PM

joined Mar 19, 2022

Pool on the roof definitely has a leak.

joined Feb 1, 2021

Typo on page 12 of Ch.116 heat->heart

joined Jun 21, 2021

mom go "ara ara"

joined Nov 6, 2018


joined Nov 6, 2018

They just-

joined Nov 6, 2018


joined Oct 16, 2020

Great chapter as usual! This felt like a fresh breath of air after some bitter news going around today

joined Jul 16, 2013

I always hate that trope with the parents having to move because of work and tearing their children away from their friends and so. Now we actually have a child who is really enthusiastic about moving and they just send her to her grandma for years.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well this went from sad to, wholesome. Also seems like someone's Gaydar is going wild there haha

Thanks as always for the translation! It's been a treat to read again <3

I always hate that trope with the parents having to move because of work and tearing their children away from their friends and so. Now we actually have a child who is really enthusiastic about moving and they just send her to her grandma for years.

As someone who had to move a ton while growing up, sounds more like a painful reality than a trope to me lmao

joined Jan 9, 2017

Demand her blondness return, Koguma go to the beach and let the sun do it's thing!

joined Dec 20, 2018

So it wasn't her parents but her grandma. All things considered, probably the worse hit for her after all this time, though...

Okaa-san no baka! :P

Pool on the roof definitely has a leak.

Did not expect to see a Hackers reference here, but it's appreciated. :D

Koguma go to the beach and let the sun do it's thing!

This sure brings back memories of my own childhood... Went pretty much white in the summers.

joined Feb 18, 2013

At this rate, EVERYONE is going to know they're wildly in love with each other before they do.

joined Oct 9, 2016

Poor Hino...

joined Aug 29, 2019

At this rate, EVERYONE is going to know they're wildly in love with each other before they do.

So no change? :D
Kogumom knows, Omichii knows, Rin knows. That's the cast. Their teacher might be the only character that had more than one line who doesn't.

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