Forum › Fuzoroi no Renri discussion

joined Jan 27, 2016

Just believe it's one of a kind and that kind of chapter will probably never pop up again.

Oh I don't expect Iori's abuse of Minami to ever be treated seriously again it's just going to go back to being a punchline which is actually the least appealing outcome here for me.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Weird flashback chapter, but glad to see more of these two. I hope the younger pair shows up again soon.

joined Jan 2, 2017

I think I'm coming from a POV that's different from most of you, but I'm absolutely not the type who thinks any creator has any responsibility to be "conscious" or "aware" of what they make - that there are any moral or ethical considerations that have to be taken when creating. A creator only has to create.

And so with that said, I don't really get the response to the last chapter. As someone else mentioned a few pages back, the series has a kind of telenovela feel with its sense of drama, and has since the beginning. The violence has often been treated with a kind of simultaneous over-the-top drama and shoulder-shrugging indifference. Shizuku's introduction is almost played for a laugh the way it catches you off guard and is so over the top, and Iori's sister's intro absolutely is. The series hasn't ever been consistent with the violence - be it the little smacks and boops between Iori and Minami, or the way Iori's sister and Shizuku throw each other around. Minami frequently showed up with bandages in the beginning - and no, this isn't justification for "oh, it's okay that she's beaten", but it's also not something that the series has played for drama outside of Minami's backstory and her time with Shizuku (and even then, their frequent fights in the past are played for laughs). I think it's obvious that readers are not supposed to take the event in ch. 22 as some sort of horrific point of no return for Iori - she wasn't malicious or sadistic about it, and it was obviously, I think, an emotional reaction in that previously mentioned telenovela way. Making so mich of it, with this humanities-department (and I say this as an English major) deep-reading cultural critique of domestic abuse is misguided and foolhardy when it's clear that this series uses violence as a means to an end or to set the stage for plot points rather than being "about" the violence as a critique or conversation instead.

Which isn't to say that I'm trying to invalidate anyone's feelings - react to the manga as you will, it's your right - but I don't believe that "calling the creator out" or judging the series based on your personal standards of right and wrong and responsible is worth it or defensible on a wider scale.

joined Oct 3, 2018

I think I'm coming from a POV that's different from most of you, but I'm absolutely not the type who thinks any creator has any responsibility to be "conscious" or "aware" of what they make - that there are any moral or ethical considerations that have to be taken when creating. A creator only has to create.

Making so mich of it, with this humanities-department (and I say this as an English major) deep-reading cultural critique of domestic abuse is misguided and foolhardy when it's clear that this series uses violence as a means to an end or to set the stage for plot points rather than being "about" the violence as a critique or conversation instead.

Creators don't have any innate responsibility to an audience via their work, you're right, but likewise an audience has every right to dissemble, analyze, and (yes) condemn a work on the basis of its messaging. No one here is obligated to take Fusoroi no Renri at face-value, or to pretend that Mikanuji's intention is the only thing coloring the manga that we end up reading.

react to the manga as you will, it's your right - but I don't believe that "calling the creator out" or judging the series based on your personal standards of right and wrong and responsible is worth it or defensible on a wider scale.

What do you suppose is the role of critique, which is an entirely subjective pursuit? I agree that there are many types of nonconstructive and/or haranguing criticism, but tbh if we allow that authors should fuck up routinely so too should the people consuming their work.

To be very clear, I only mean with regard to the piece itself. If people were to go harass Mikanuji because of this bad plotting and tone, that'd definitively be over the line.

last edited at May 2, 2020 10:37PM

Looking East
joined Jul 19, 2018

I think I'm coming from a POV that's different from most of you, but I'm absolutely not the type who thinks any creator has any responsibility to be "conscious" or "aware" of what they make - that there are any moral or ethical considerations that have to be taken when creating. A creator only has to create.

Making so mich of it, with this humanities-department (and I say this as an English major) deep-reading cultural critique of domestic abuse is misguided and foolhardy when it's clear that this series uses violence as a means to an end or to set the stage for plot points rather than being "about" the violence as a critique or conversation instead.

Creators don't have any innate responsibility to an audience via their work, you're right, but likewise an audience has every right to dissemble, analyze, and (yes) condemn a work on the basis of its messaging. No one here is obligated to take Fusoroi no Renri at face-value, or to pretend that Mikanuji's intention is the only thing coloring the manga that we end up reading.

react to the manga as you will, it's your right - but I don't believe that "calling the creator out" or judging the series based on your personal standards of right and wrong and responsible is worth it or defensible on a wider scale.

What do you suppose is the role of critique, which is an entirely subjective pursuit? I agree that there are many types of nonconstructive and/or haranguing criticism, but tbh if we allow that authors should fuck up routinely so too should the people consuming their work.

To be very clear, I only mean with regard to the piece itself. If people were to go harass Mikanuji because of this bad plotting and tone, that'd definitively be over the line.

There is a very thin line between critiquing and self indulgent whining. I see quite a bit of both on here.

joined Oct 3, 2018

self indulgent whining.

Nothing wrong with self-indulgence if the part of yourself you're indulging is "it really fucking sucks to see domestic violence handled so clumsily".

joined May 28, 2013


Looks like we're making progress on the side couple again.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Oh wow, the violent younger sister has more sense than the working adult. At least, a lot more eloquent. On a more serious note.

I have to echo some of ronasokily's points about the violence in this series. The vibes I get from Mikanuji is we are only supposed to treat the violence from Minami's parents and that one bit involving Shizuku 'kidnapping' Minami as actual abuse. Abuse that carries physical AND emotional scars. The physical smacking Iori does to Minami? Mikanuji's take on the decade old tropes of lovers' quarrel in anime. It's usually very one sided. There will be one crazy ass mofo who takes out her frustration on the more masculine partner. Emphasis on masculine, because people's perception that the more masculine types can handle abuse because... social expectations. Usually such lovers' spats and physical violence towards each other are greatly exaggerated and cartoony so you know "oh, it's not serious. They'll make up by the end of the episode/mini arc." If the emotional cues that prompt such acts of violence afterward are apologetic (rare), typical tsundere shit (common), the abused character venting to friends/others about relationship woes (common,) followed up with gags (also common, such as the KFC + sushi combo), and whatever other things I can't remember right now. It's considered "safe." It's "safe" because it's resolved. It's "safe" because the author didn't intend for this to be taken seriously. It's only serious when the mood after the fight is followed up with a tense BGM, or the abuser being sad/regretful. The author wanted to evoke that "teehee slightly violent couples's spat" trope, but due to probably cultural gap or just a terrible way of portraying the thing, a good chunk of readers here react with "OMG, DOMESTIC ABUSE!" ronasokily mentioned telenova kind of feel. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Japanese TV shows also adopted a very anime approach to their acting as well. Everything becomes greatly exaggerated. Iori overreacting to Minami's insecurity by trying to smack her out of it? *One of the oldest anime trope ever. See tvtropes for 'Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!' Yes, that mouthful is what it's called. (Too lazy to look up formatting guide for this. Google this yourself)

If you look at other examples of violence should not be taken that seriously in the Mikanuji's universe when it involves close friends/couples, check out the younger sister and Shizuku combo. "But Minami is hurt enough that she needs to wear bandaids on her face!" We are still meant to take it as "it's not that serious. Just a typical anime romcom moment."


Anime. Romcom.

TL;DR version. Mikanujij didn't intend for us to see this as DV.

joined Sep 6, 2018

where exactly does it come from?

bad writing

I believe the chapters are too damn short... no chance for story arcs. This is all a comic strip series to me. The novelty of this manga is wearing thin.

joined Dec 27, 2015

Love this series!
Love the couples goofy antics and growing love. I wish they would figure out a way to resolve the you said something that hurt my feelings so you get slapped; it’s funny sometimes, but also concerning that this is the method of choice for resolving hurt feelings. I love that the little sister has begun to become such a reliable influence on Shizuku, there is so much damage there, I find myself worrying over her emotional state. That the series makes me laugh, and makes me concerned over the characters is what Makes it enjoyable.

last edited at May 3, 2020 1:05AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Feels like this chapter is starting to explain how their fight got this much out of hand, but it remains to be seen whether it will be enough...

I believe this fight will never be mention again so don't expect anything.

We'll see. I just don't see why else we had to get a flashback like this right at this time. 32 already made it clear that Minami's attitude towards their relationship, still expecting it to be a temporary thing, was what started the fight. But I'm wondering whether there was anything more to it that made it escalate, this alone really doesn't seem enough to warrant that kind of a result after Iori's initial words in response.

It's already seen, as far as i've read raws, there is no sign of those domestic violence anywhere. Beside a little fight, which was most intented to not beviolent but more funny.

joined Aug 28, 2019

Ah finally, a delinquent x Imouto chapter. I need a separate series starring these two. They have a pretty interesting dynamic going on.

joined Apr 17, 2018

Ah finally, a delinquent x Imouto chapter. I need a separate series starring these two. They have a pretty interesting dynamic going on.

I love them as well, glad to see I'm not alone, plus her wisdom " you are possessive that's why people leave you"

joined Jan 27, 2019

it do be like that

joined Jul 26, 2016

Saori may not be winning prizes for self-awareness anytime soon but her read on Shizuku seems on point.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Babe, i want to get smashed
But you are already drunk
That's not what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined May 8, 2017

Are the plates okay? I hope they didn't shatter

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

Are the plates okay? I hope they didn't shatter

I was thinking the exact same thing

joined Jul 17, 2015

I've had sex in a bathroom. It wasn't great. Although maybe having sex in a bathroom at work is the key

joined Feb 23, 2016

Oh my oh my ~ i think she indeed have developed a kink( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Mar 24, 2015

Wait so we're really gonna pretend that chapter never happened and act like this is fine--Author, what even

I also worry for the plates

joined Dec 27, 2015

Iori sure has an large sexual appetite. And alcohol seems to make it worse.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Now I'm just hyper aware of every fucked up thing Iori does and can't find comedy in any of it.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Can't resist. :D

joined Jan 5, 2020

Definitely coming to a point here where I don’t think Iori has any right to be in a relationship. Period. She’s an alcoholic who doesn’t listen to her partner and thinks the best way to respond to insecurity is violence. At this point, it’s not funny and just makes me feel worse and worse for Minami.

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