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joined Dec 5, 2016

This smells like "the feeling we all must endure"
Please tell me that is not the case.

You mean like several "coincidentally" bisexual/lesbian characters modeled after capital sins being grouped together and ending up having occasional sex with each other? Seems unlikely.

joined Dec 27, 2014

At first the Scottish was extremely distracting, but once I got used to it it was actually quite nice. Would love to see a Scottish comeback

joined Dec 28, 2016

The Scottish dialect was a good and creative choice, certainly better than how dialects are usually treated! Since people are having trouble, maybe add a short dictionary for the phrases people have the most problems with.

Translation notes would be helpful for whenever the heavy-scottish non-english words are used.

joined Jun 9, 2018

This smells like "the feeling we all must endure"
Please tell me that is not the case.

You mean like several "coincidentally" bisexual/lesbian characters modeled after capital sins being grouped together and ending up having occasional sex with each other? Seems unlikely.

During the original sin, they practically fuck every hour.
And then when they get used to it, it's not like they stop doing it, they do not do it occasionally, they do it every day or every time they have a chance.
To put it objectively: those who are supposedly lovers are actually the official couple, while what is supposedly the official couple is a sentimental friend at the most.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Yeah, this isn't quite like that...

joined Jun 9, 2018

I just wanted to make it clear

joined Mar 6, 2012

Thank the yuri gods i never had to deal with those flying censored things

joined Jun 27, 2016

Wow, that pressure point does actually hurt a lot. My hands are sore.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Their faces as two popped up xD hahahaha

joined Mar 19, 2016

Just want to say that I love the translation, Ropponmatsu, really well done. Good job! It's fun to see accents translated.

joined Nov 7, 2013

Dont lose hope. Therell be light at the end.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Dealing with these little pests is a nightmare. Remember to keep your homes clean!
Also, you're doing an awesome job with the translation. Coming from a non-native English speaker, I'm having a really great time reading this :D

Chapter 2.5 needs a horror tag.

joined May 31, 2016

i cannae read it without scottish person shouting in a back of my head

joined May 1, 2015

I can endure the Scottish accent. It's not the end of the world. But when people are talking about including translation notes for your translation? To me, that's kind of a sign that the cart may be in front of the horse.

joined Mar 8, 2016

I definitely side with DYWYPI on this one - trying to shoehorn in English accents in place of Japanese dialects has always been a distractingly bad thing to me. As s/he rightly points out, an accent brings with it a lot more implications than just "different way of speaking than standard." It conjures a whole host of cultural connotations and prejudices (in the neutral dictionary sense of that word). There is never a direct analogue between what a particular speech affectation in Japanese connotes and any English accent. I definitely think it does more harm than good to a character no matter how integral it is to the characterization.

In this particular case I would much rather see her just speak notably more casually/coarsely in standard English during her "dialect times." That alone is enough to communicate effectively enough the dichotomy between her "put-together, type-A overachiever" work personality and her incongruously rough "real" (for lack of a better word) self.

FWIW I won't be reading this translation for the above reasons, but props at least to the translator for giving it this much thought. I just really disagree with the result.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Roommate life. A real slow burner I see.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I mean, it's 7 volumes and still ongoing... :p

joined May 8, 2017


Never before has the Scottish accent had a more fitting place in this manga

last edited at Sep 16, 2018 9:41PM

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

lol I love how the bugs are mosaic'd out. I can only assume it's because the bugs are nude.

joined Oct 15, 2014

lol I love how the bugs are mosaic'd out. I can only assume it's because the bugs are nude.

It's a typical Japanese thing, as cockroaches seem to viewed as the most unclean thing ever. I think the only cockroach manga/anime I can think of where they're uncensored is Gokicha (moe cockroach) and Terraformers (gachi cockroach).

Now I'm just kinda imagining how censored the first Men in Black movie would be over there.

joined Jan 11, 2015

lol I love how the bugs are mosaic'd out. I can only assume it's because the bugs are nude.

Cockroaches be like, "Kyaah~ ecchi!"

last edited at Jun 29, 2018 10:10AM

joined May 11, 2015

Y'all must have HATED the father in Flying Witch.

Actually no, since his only purpose is for comic relief and he almost always gets translated be some bystanders.

Btw: Are there new chapters coming to dynasty? Scans are already at chap 40+...

joined Jan 11, 2015

I did two chapters in like two weeks, lmao. Cut me some slack. :p

joined Dec 11, 2017

Honestly, I get the reasoning behind the accent, but I think maybe part of what makes it so distracting (at least for me) is that accents in text just don't work to begin with. I think it's a pretty natural thing when you're reading to just read in your own natural way of speaking. Except in cases where I'm reading something for which I've seen an audio/visual adaptation or tie in (and therefore have a feel for the character's voice and accent) When I read, in my head, everybody just has a neutral american accent. And as soon as I hit a "ye" or an "aboot", all of a sudden it's a neutral american accent that is forcing in random words from a scots accent.

That doesn't read as an accent, that reads as a bad impersonation of an accent, and that's what makes it hard to swallow. It's like somehow the experience of a bad dub has been translated into text form.

I do think the page at the front of this update was worth including, though. It was less distracting having a more thorough explanation of the reasoning at the beginning.

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