I'm losing it lmfao Rhea's like "we can't do this, I'm trying to turn you into my mom" that's kind of a crazy reason to jack someone off until their dick disappears then say "Okay no more :)"
Is she her mom and this is some time travel thing? I only played the first Fire Emblem game and that was a while ago so I don't remember the storyline. There's no incest tag so I thought it's just some forbidden superior/subordinate thing.
It's really hard to explain without going into complete spoilers for Three Houses and having a total Pepe Silvia meltdown over the timeline and the relationships involved, but basically:
Rhea is trying to forcibly reincarnate her mother (Sothis, a dead dragon god) into Byleth's body. This is the latest in a long line of experimental resurrections that Rhea has been attempting to carry out for the last 1000 years or so; all of them have been complete failures, although Byleth seems the most promising candidate. Unbeknownst to Rhea, however, Sothis has already awakened within Byleth, but instead of taking over her body, she's just been hanging around like a sassy imaginary friend. By this point in the story, a crisis has forced Sothis to completely meld her soul together with Byleth, and they have become a kind of gestalt entity, with Byleth in the driver's seat. Whether Sothis is conscious within Byleth, and would be aware the whole time she's doing the nasty with Rhea, is... inconclusive.
Also, Byleth's mother was sort of an artificial lifeform that Rhea created, in a failed attempt at creating a shell for Sothis to manifest into (presumably using her own DNA, though that isn't explicitly stated). This clone/homonculus ended up falling in love with a soldier and giving birth to Byleth, a pregnancy for which Rhea served as midwife. So in some ways, Byleth and Rhea are more or less unrelated, but in other ways, Byleth is both Rhea's mother and her grandaughter at the same time.
You might wonder how fucked up you'd have to be to ship these two characters together, given the circumstances, and that would be a great question to ask Intelligent Systems, who made Rhea a completely real and valid romance option in the game. Meaning that this doujin is, in fact, almost completely canon-compliant, magical disappearing penises notwithstanding.
last edited at Mar 17, 2025 11:24PM