Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.
Sometimes the childhood friend character wins...
I concur. Look at the list under the Childhood Friends tag to find heaps of stories with childhood friends who turn into lovers.
Only when there isn't a love triangle. In that case, they always lose.
you should read kashimashi girl meets girl. though it disappointed me because i wanted the other girl to win, if a childhood friend ending is what you want, that's got it. and in general, within yuri, childhood friends get a fair shot. i would even say they often win over the initial crush/object of admiration, it can be a little frustrating!
as for this manga, the art is gorgeous. i'll read it for that alone. time to look up raws and binge!
The other girl does win though in the anime, as long as you don't watch the final episode/ova.