This is definitely a flawed protagonist but every honest 15 year old protagonist is flawed, teenagers are fucked up monster people. This is just a more honest comic than normal :P
Hmmm, I agree that people are a bit too harsh on the MC here....But compared to the other lame MCs I seen she is just average character honestly, kind of a flaw and bit selfish person but not the worst person or best main character I ever seen but yes she could have a better personality...Eh I say hopefully she will get some character growth later on probably~
Kind of mean to assume every 15 year old or younger teenager are fked up monsters tho (Minus natural born psychos/sociopaths)... 0_0....
Either my high school experience was just filled with normal to good people [There were a few obvious jerks and annoying people though] or you just well struck with bunch of rude people/jerks in school XD
I say it depends on the person background/family situation and upbringing with morals along with the friends they have while growing up that shapes how a person develops. I mean there are bunch of monsters that are already grown adults exploiting people sadly in life...Not just because they are a teenager...Though I do admit most teenagers do stupid sh*t lol
[Chapter 3.1]
This chapter...Hmmm I say this is a kind of 'canon but non-canon chapter' by the author in response to some of the comments that they received...probably comments joking or saying the star-GF looks young or like a kid. [4th wall breaking comment....No one else seen star-GF besides MC yet and MC's lil sister not awake yet and parents didn't come back home yet]
Star-GF muttering to herself about being almost immortal (Cannot die from old age but can die from serious injury like stab wound or car crash--MC didn't hear her/ no need to eat food as long as star light is provided but eating food would be nice.
MC need to make a wish to help her Star-GF make her chest size at least a few size bigger though the next few months that pass so the author can stop getting comments like that...RIP to flat or small chest women getting compared to a 7 year old by a random commentator XD