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Forum › I Got a Girlfriend From a Shooting Star discussion

joined Jun 10, 2023

Awww this is cute, I hope to see more of it! Love to see a star girl/alien character. I wanna see how this develops. Thank you uploaders!

joined Jul 15, 2016

who was the one on here saying that "the panels-to-the-first-censored-kiss metric in manhua is getting shorter and shorter."? Because I think you're onto something lmao people love their early kisses

That would be me, and I stand by my assertion. :-) When there is a censored kiss on the cover/key art/whatever webcomics use to advertise themselves these days, we'll know that we've reached peak manhua.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Cute. ^_^

But dammit, China...

joined Jan 30, 2017

What's the deal with censoring kisses nowadays? I don't get it, and it's getting on my nerves.

They are afraid that seeing same-sex kisses will encourage the audience to engage in such activities

Well, it did work for me...

joined Jul 21, 2024

A girlfriend who comes from a shooting star and grants you small wishes every week. (I think if Qianxia asked for a somewhat large proportion of food the shooting star girlfriend would grant it.) This is where Qianxia bow's at a perfect 90 degrees and say, 'Thank you, Shooting Star! :D

joined Jul 29, 2017

Idiot Couple

joined Jun 11, 2021

damn the mc kinda sucks lmao.
also this series really puts into focus how insanely short these long-strip chapters tend to be. 2 chapters and we're still on the inciting incident. maybe its comparing apples to oranges but i feel like a traditional comic format would have this scene done withih like 4 pages and have 20-30 left in the chapter still.

joined Jul 15, 2016

There is something really adorable about Xingye, but I cannot quite put a finger on it.

joined Apr 11, 2019

star girl deserves better

joined Mar 27, 2018

eh, i wouldn't want to date some rando, no matter how attractive. if you're willing to date just about anyone you think is vaguely cute, then you have your own issues to work out before being in a relationship at all :P obviously this is fiction though so that hardly matters

Speak for yourself, I've been married to my wife longer than some posters here have probably been alive and I would totally date some rando cute girl if I was single.

joined Nov 7, 2022

eh, i wouldn't want to date some rando, no matter how attractive. if you're willing to date just about anyone you think is vaguely cute, then you have your own issues to work out before being in a relationship at all :P obviously this is fiction though so that hardly matters

I mean, fair, but also if a cute girl appeared magically after I made a wish to a shooting star and asked to be my girlfriend, I'd absolutely give it a chance to try to know her better and see if we're compatible !

joined Jul 31, 2019

also this series really puts into focus how insanely short these long-strip chapters tend to be. 2 chapters and we're still on the inciting incident. maybe its comparing apples to oranges but i feel like a traditional comic format would have this scene done withih like 4 pages and have 20-30 left in the chapter still.

It's basically a webcomic but vertical :P I think treating them as such makes sense as far as setting your expectations too, so far I've been disappointed by these more often than not.

last edited at Dec 29, 2024 12:22PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

damn the mc kinda sucks lmao.
also this series really puts into focus how insanely short these long-strip chapters tend to be. 2 chapters and we're still on the inciting incident. maybe its comparing apples to oranges but i feel like a traditional comic format would have this scene done withih like 4 pages and have 20-30 left in the chapter still.

This series is just short and not really dense. Other long strips aren't as quick as these. Like traditional comics, its always series dependent.

last edited at Dec 29, 2024 12:58PM

joined Mar 7, 2017

Poor Xingye is adorable but mc just can't see it.

joined Aug 11, 2022

A small wish every 2 weeks...MC is kind of dumb lol....If she could not tell the money is not fake at a first glance (counterfeit) then she just need to buy a wig then go to a big shop/corporation who exploits their workers and buys some stuff...Okay sure you people can argue about the horrible bad moral issues dealing with that but eh MC can still use the money technically if she wants to take that 1-3% risk of getting caught assuming the create money is identical to their currency XD

MC's new GF can make a small wish per 2 weeks...If she can make money appear out of thin air(Create material out of nothing which defy the very law of reality, assuming she is just not turning the molecules in the air into another form of matter...) then would it be possible for her to create silver, gold or gems? Even a tiny 1gram of gold is worth about at least 70-80 dollars...a small wish hmm, would it be possible to cure a person sickness or heal a small injury (Small cut or broken arm?). Though even without the star GF's wishing power she is a pretty decent catch (Good look and willing to love MC)... I bet they will get into all kind of hijinks during school life where MC will try to use her new GF's wishing powers to try to woo another girl before eventually discovering how awesome and wonder her star GF truly is in the end...

100% made in China huh...W-Wait a minute was she just born (Born in China from the wishing star)...that would mean MC is basically dating a 0 year old lol (Mentally teenager age or adult age mentally but physically just born) XD

joined Jan 30, 2017

MC is such a dumdum. She literally hit jackpot and now she's having second thoughts (to be fair, I think she meant to date the girl she already has a crush on, she didn't word her wish properly).

last edited at Dec 30, 2024 7:52AM

joined May 26, 2020

MC is such a dumdum. She literally hit jackpot and now she's having second thoughts (to be fair, I think she meant to date the girl she already has a crush on, she didn't word her wish properly).

We've all been young and horny teens, once upon a time. (Not me. I was an ANGEL at that age)

joined Mar 4, 2018

I would gladly take her. I'd wish for a huge plate of chicken-fried steak with sides like clockwork. Oh, and rut, too.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Xingye's got a point: MC was clearly told star girl can grant wishes for her significant other and immediately asked to test that out with a wish. She has accepted the contract.

Like girl, seriously, you just complained about your last wish getting answered how you worded it, not how you intended it. Use your one brain cell to think ahead eight seconds, please.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Use your one brain cell to think ahead eight seconds, please.

No thoughts, only gay.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Oh man I fucking hate Chinese Censorship

joined Apr 12, 2018

She was lowkey hoping she'd join her in bed, wasn't she?

Hope they don't live somewhere that gets snow in the winter. Unless she's just immune to cold, but even then I imagine sleeping outside in subzero temperatures wouldn't feel great.

joined Apr 25, 2020

This series really lost its charm in a second huh

joined Oct 9, 2016

I understand that not getting what you want can be annoying, the situation presented in the story probably would be surprising and that you don't necessarily want to date someone you just met. But. The protagonist seems to be a bit of a jerk...

joined Jul 9, 2020

...MC seriously made a half-hearted wish for love while her sister has a major illness? Wow. I thought she was an idiot protag (possibly on the way to idiot couple tag), but it turns out she's just a selfish asshole.

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