Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Jun 8, 2022

While I think Kanna would be well within her rights to tell Joe off, it seems to me like she's been waiting for him to take the initiative. Meanwhile Joe seems to have been stuck in the idea that he had to let her go back then, so he's got no right to reach out now. It would be nice to see two people who clearly still have those feelings for each other work it out somehow, even if either dropping their livelihood and crossing an ocean right away would be a tad one sided.

The ideal way it would work out, in my mind, is they have their big emotional conversation at the airport and Kanna still goes on her flight, but with the two of them actively planning for their future together (whichever side of the pacific they decide to have it in). I would also accept them hashing things out and agreeing it just wouldn't work, shaking hands and parting but with actual closure this time. However it turns out, Joe is providing Mitsuki a great example of how that attitude they share can lead to very sub-optimal outcomes.

joined Jan 4, 2023

Yes! Tell him gurl!!!!

joined Aug 12, 2019

You guys know that you don't have to read, right? You can forget about it for a few months and get back to it if you feel like it.

but they keep coming back no matter what. they just love to hate read.

joined Feb 18, 2013

I hope Mitsuki follows her own advice here, lol.

joined May 9, 2017

Saying Kanna would have to give up her life in LA to be with Joe is a bit of stretch. As far as I remember, we don't know much about her life there, if she truly enjoys it or if she would feel like giving up something if she was to go back to Japan. It is also entirely possible that she would like to be back, but doing so, while not being able to be with Joe would be too hard for her, so she prefers to be far away.

I do agree with others though, that if Joe finally confessing or having them talk at the airport is enough for them to be together and resolve the situation is also too much of a stretch. They clearly need time and proper discussions about it, but at the same time, we shouldn't assume what Kanna truly wants out of this.

joined Feb 20, 2024

You guys know that you don't have to read, right? You can forget about it for a few months and get back to it if you feel like it.

i've already done that. we can't express our feelings about the pace now? was there a rule about that?

joined Feb 16, 2020

I fucking creamed, mitsuki looks so good in that suit

Wow you guys are a little tense... lol

last edited at Dec 2, 2024 1:13AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

... I don't feel like as readers we were made to care enough about this particular drama :P I sure don't. I get that the author is potentially going for some sort of parallel with the main pair's relationship but I just don't think it works at all.

Completely hoping for Mitsuki to get the girl and Joe to fail at it in the same night, because it'll be funny if that happens

It would be pretty funny, that's why the author won't do it (but If they do, I'd have to reconsider my assesment of this author's writing abilities :P)

last edited at Dec 2, 2024 4:12AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

Having a prom wasn't enough, they had to copy the 'running to the airport' trope as well :-D

joined Jul 1, 2014

Love the green yuri.

joined Feb 28, 2013

YES!! Mitsuki said exactly what I was feeling.

joined Apr 25, 2020

This one is ticking all the cliches

joined Dec 1, 2024

I do wonder what will come off the whole Joe x Kanna thing. it seems the two of them have not really discussed their feelings and relationship at all, despite there being so much history - and Kanna might have been thinking about what it means that they have reconnected and she became part of their life again. the jokey comment about acting like Mitsuki's aunt must have really hurt her - because she did want to be exactly that. altough it is extremely unclear to me if she and Joe still have romantic feelings for each other, and whether Kanna had someone overseas (there seemed to be an older guy with her in the overseas montage, looking at her fondly). regardless if they are going to end up together or not, I just hope Joe finally clears the air with her

on the Mitsuki - Aya side I am super excited! it seems Mitsuki is going to skip the music party and head over to the prom! the bouquet HAS to be for Aya!! I really wish we knew just how aware she is of the fact that Aya still wants to date her but the way she immediately asked "didn't you want to go to the prom with me?" and how she literally wrote a love song about her it MUST mean she knows (and let's not even mention their "you only like me bc of onii-san" fight and how she became confident in showing up as her true self at school because of Aya!)

joined Apr 10, 2023

I seriously do not for a second believe that older person listening to her in that montage of her life in America is a romantic interest. I'll go so far as to predict that if the author does give Kanna another partner besides Joe, it'll be a woman. Kanna's had big bisexual energy from the start, with her immediately noticing Aya's feelings towards Mitsuki and teasing her for it, joking about her being Mitsuki's girlfriend.
Joe also had bisexual vibes to me from his style but I can't really cite any text for him, lol. But if Joe gets dumped by Kanna and dates a man, maybe one of the guys introduced as his record shop regulars, I would be very happy lmao

last edited at Dec 3, 2024 3:39PM

joined May 3, 2020

we all know one guy in this series who's actually constantly pointed out that he's not in the least not interested in (dating) girls…

joined Sep 27, 2017

we all know one guy in this series who's actually constantly pointed out that he's not in the least not interested in (dating) girls…

If Narita got a boyfriend and kissed him before the girls even confess to each other I'd laugh

Though it does feel like with the flowers that the confession coming...maybe...?

joined Jan 3, 2019

Uncle and Koga about to bond over girl trouble, and he's probably gonna tell her to not make the same mistakes he did.

I got the roles wrong/reversed, apparently. Lol.

joined Apr 1, 2015

As much as Kanna and Joe had chemistry in the past, I just don't see it in the present, other than them being old friends/exes. If they are bonding over anything it seems to me to be Mitsuki (and Aya). The family path might be a viable way forward, but am just not seeing much other than the lingering past and reflections on that between them.
I mean this is certainly an emotional moment, but is it enough?
The gantlet is clear - go and bring her back, proof is gonna be in the pudding

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