Sauzels posted:
"I clicked on the manga titled Gross Girl With Problems, and the girl it's about is kinda gross and has problems :/ Don't know why the author would have a character with problems, but guess I don't need to waste my time here."
I feel like I should at least offer some defense of the people reading the story and feeling disappointed; after all, this isn't the only story on the site dedicated to exploring taboo sexuality. Something like "is my hobby weird" is certainly focused on a character with a specific fetish but the main characters are, broadly, able to relate to each other even if some of their behavior would be regarded as creepy in the real world.
Usui Shio's other works are about people who are struggling to navigate through the ways in which they can't match or don't value societal expectations, and are focused on characters trying to establish a relationship between the two of themselves and developing an understanding of each other -- and basically always trying to understand each other. Characters may not always get along, but they do want to be with each other and work to maintain that.
This story is a bit different not because the subject matter requires a different approach -- I'd say that the other stories negotiate their relationship in basically the same way as kink requires. While it might seem odd to some people to think of such a relationship as "kink", while the term isn't particularly rigorous, it does suggest a sexuality outside of the mainstream, and you could make a case for it qualifying in that respect.
So I think it's easy to see the way in which these main characters are actually maladjusted rather than just possessing some kinks and be turned off. These characters aren't terribly likeable as they exist right now. Given the author's other works, I don't think they'll stay quite as closed-off and self-absorved as they are right now, but if they did there wouldn't be much room to tell a story anyway.
Still, I've absolutely been turned off from a story because I found the immaturity of the characters infuriating, and if I didn't expect the characters to develop then I probably wouldn't continue reading. I will grant the author the benefit of the doubt based on the strength of the previous works.