Forum › Pinky Candy Kiss discussion

joined Aug 29, 2016

This is the best manga being uploaded in this page (I say that about literally every manga. This manga is absolutely great regardless)

This manga reminds me of Useless Princess without the exaggerated drama and hard boil style. I love how both have their drama and makes the emotions feel so raw and powerful. I remember being a manic lesbian in love once. All the unrequited crushes where I had to keep swallowing my emotions. For some reason hoping they could be gay but no they’re just the straight female friend and feeling so crushed but also so kiddy back and forth it’s so uncontrollable and amazes me how strong these emotions can be. How much confessing takes a light off your shoulder.

joined Aug 29, 2016

That book was a clever way to give a hint. ^_^

I wonder if she wanted Takara to keep it because she doesn’t want her husband to know she reads lewd lesbian fiction. And that she feels safe having it kept under her “best friend’s” protection. Because at this point Ema knows that Takara didn’t read the book or even know what the title is. So I think the meaning of “keeping it” without Takara being fully aware (like for example if she never even read the book later) wouldn’t be a used as a sign for Ema to tell if Takara was gay.

joined Dec 20, 2018

So I think the meaning of “keeping it” without Takara being fully aware (like for example if she never even read the book later) wouldn’t be a used as a sign for Ema to tell if Takara was gay.

Obviously. It was used as a sign telling Takara that Ema loved her too. At the very least back then, considering all the parallels between their relationship and the book.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Oh shit—“Her eyelashes are so long.” That’s it—game over. The Yuri Express is now barreling down the track, brakes gone and the throttle wide open.

I don't know what it is about Japanese lesbians and eyelashes, but this line shows up in every story at some point.

joined Aug 25, 2023

Oh shit—“Her eyelashes are so long.” That’s it—game over. The Yuri Express is now barreling down the track, brakes gone and the throttle wide open.

I don't know what it is about Japanese lesbians and eyelashes, but this line shows up in every story at some point.

Yeah, those zany Japanese, why can't they say “Her boobs are so big” like everyone else, right?

joined Aug 23, 2022

Oh shit—“Her eyelashes are so long.” That’s it—game over. The Yuri Express is now barreling down the track, brakes gone and the throttle wide open.

I don't know what it is about Japanese lesbians and eyelashes, but this line shows up in every story at some point.

Hardly unique to Japanese lesbians. This is an extremely common observation in English language lesbian fiction and also just real life

joined Jul 29, 2017

Oh shit—“Her eyelashes are so long.” That’s it—game over. The Yuri Express is now barreling down the track, brakes gone and the throttle wide open.

I don't know what it is about Japanese lesbians and eyelashes, but this line shows up in every story at some point.

Hardly unique to Japanese lesbians. This is an extremely common observation in English language lesbian fiction and also just real life

Well, in yuri manga my impression is that it seems to function less as a general “lesbian observation” and more specifically as a “gateway to lesbian realization” trope—when a character first responds to the physical presence/beauty of another woman (sometimes paired with “her skin is so soft/white/pretty,” etc.).

In any case, I always like this particular yuri situation: when the MCs are totally gone on each other but one or both of them don’t quite know it yet.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I don't understand why people always comment on the "her eyelashes are so long" line. Well, I do, because it is literally in every yuri manga out there... but there is a reason it is. Who doesn't like beautiful eyelashes?

I wish there would be mentions of eyebrows as well, though. In all the lesbian media I've consumed, Japanese and western, I may have come across a comment on eyebrows once. People don't appreciate eyebrows as much as they should, honestly —my real life friends included.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't understand why people always comment on the "her eyelashes are so long" line. Well, I do, because it is literally in every yuri manga out there... but there is a reason it is. Who doesn't like beautiful eyelashes?

Again, it’s not that people noticing eyelashes in real life is weird or anything. Quite the contrary—that’s obviously the purpose of things like mascara and false eyelashes.

But in the context of yuri manga, though, the trope is often an early flag that the character is embarking on the yuri route, so of course it has more narrative significance than a character thinking “She has pretty hair” or “I like her dress,” especially since it almost always entails a sudden physical closeness.

joined Jun 21, 2021

So this has been licensed, under Viz's shojobeat imprint of all things. Yay for official english release

last edited at May 31, 2024 5:19PM

Daremo from Parts Unknown
joined May 6, 2022

And likely not related, but: Pinky was a Japanese fruit-mint candy brand until 2018. They mixed a rare pink heart-shaped piece into some containers (shown here, near the bottom; according to a former employee, the production limit was no more than one heart piece per 300 normal ones) and high school girls supposedly attached superstitions to it like giving it to your crush would make the love mutual.

When Takara says that Ema found a rare pink yolk in an egg and became super happy, it's clearly a reference to this Pinky candy gimmick... right?

Lol at Takara who didn't understand why Ema was happy, btw.

joined Apr 25, 2020


joined Apr 25, 2020

Omg, chapter 9 is such a masterpiece

joined Aug 9, 2022

Not sure why I never realized this was uploaded here, I LOVE this manga, I'm so sad it doesn't update any faster ;-;

joined Aug 13, 2023

Ooooohh the continuation yesss

joined Dec 29, 2021

I bought the JP version to read ahead, I love the series so much!! And I'm super new to translating, so it's fun to check my translation against someone who has been doing it longer :)

Also, the translator skipped a page in Chapter 8. There should be another page between 22 and 23 lol. Not a lot happens, just Takara realizing she's getting a bit carried away, briefly angsting about her feelings, and trying (with mixed success) to smoothly change the topic. The last line of the page is Takara asking Ema what she thinks about the kitchen, and then we pick up on page 23 with Ema spacing out and then frantically saying anything she can think of about the kitchen

joined Dec 3, 2010

Am I .. the only one who doesn't get the mentality when someone said "let's break up because you don't get jealous?"
Oh Ema.. why are you crying?
takes out tissue paper
There there.. it's ok, no need to cry

Oh wow, even after 20 years not meeting each other, Ema san still remembers Takara san and her likes and dislikes?

.. Do you think this series will end up having a 'cheating' tag to it?

Oh wait, the whole "I could kiss you and have a more "intimate" act with you reminds me of Takemiya Jin san's work o.o

What a complicated world of adult on feelings...
Oh, but oden is nice :D
I miss oden now hahaha...

But you know, after reading the author's afterword..

I am more about "let people be who they want to be", instead of trying to mold all of them as het in order to fit into the society.
But, I am not against people who wanted to be straight, that they find this feeling uncomfortable and want to get rid of it, but there are some people who really don't feel so and proudly accept for being who they are.

Just.. don't force it onto people. Let them be who they want to be and be with the one they want to be -- is what I mostly feel as of now due to my past experiences that I wish people in the now and future could avoid.

p.s. the artwork is really good. I like the drawings.
And mustard tastes great. Though I have yet to experience eating a whole lot of mustard and made my eyes red.

Ah yes, the tragedy of comphet...

joined Dec 20, 2018

It would be so much easier for them if Hario was a bad husband, indeed... And they're both so dangerously close to their feelings just exploding, the way they both keep holding them in.

joined Jun 27, 2018

So this has been licensed, under Viz's shojobeat imprint of all things. Yay for official english release

X is banned in my country. Can anyone tell me what it says?

joined Nov 13, 2022

I don't know if it's just that Ema's my type, but I think this mangaka is really good at expressing that delicate, shivering feeling of love and tenderness, of being overwhelmed by how cute someone is, completely taken over by love. And then the explicit LGBTQ rep is just the cherry on top. This is definitely one I'm going to buy the whole set of.

joined Jan 14, 2020

So this has been licensed, under Viz's shojobeat imprint of all things. Yay for official english release

X is banned in my country. Can anyone tell me what it says?

Nothing much, just an announcement.

joined Apr 25, 2020

I don't know if it's just that Ema's my type, but I think this mangaka is really good at expressing that delicate, shivering feeling of love and tenderness, of being overwhelmed by how cute someone is, completely taken over by love. And then the explicit LGBTQ rep is just the cherry on top. This is definitely one I'm going to buy the whole set of.

ohhh yeah, definitely, this portrayal of love is amazing, Takara really acts like a teenager falling in love for the first time, her constant state of cheerfulness and peace but restlessness at the same time when she's with Ema is so realistic, it feels so pure and overwhelmingly true

joined Dec 5, 2019

It would be so much easier for them if Hario was a bad husband, indeed... And they're both so dangerously close to their feelings just exploding, the way they both keep holding them in.

I like that he is not a bad husband because it goes to show that no matter how good the man is it just doesn't work if you are gay, he can be more tolerable, even lovable to the point you confuse friendship with romance but in the end what the girls have here is something different entirely. It shows it's really not a choice or a matter of finding one that's ok, because if it were Hario would be it.

It's shown very clearly when Ema says: "I chose well" finding a husband was simply a choice for her because in the End she tough she needed it and chose the option that she would think best, like someone chosing a new dress

last edited at Sep 20, 2024 8:42AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

It would be so much easier for them if Hario was a bad husband, indeed... And they're both so dangerously close to their feelings just exploding, the way they both keep holding them in.

I like that he is not a bad husband because it goes to show that no matter how good the man is it just doesn't work if you are gay, he can be more tolerable, even lovable to the point you confuse friendship with romance but in the end what the girls have here is something different entirely. It shows it's really not a choice or a matter of finding one that's ok, because if it were Hario would be it.

It's shown very clearly when Ema says: "I chose well" finding a husband was simply a choice for her because in the Ed she tough she needed it and chose the option that she would think best, like someone chosing a new dress

Very well said, yes.

joined Apr 22, 2024

I really love this manga. Such complicated situation. Takara came to realization that she's in love with Ema but chose to put Ema's happiness and well being above her own desire. Ema is definitely a closeted one. Everything she does screams that she's also (still) in love with Takara. Ema seems to be traumatized with her mom and her childhood. I hope this progress nicely without too much drama with the husband.

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