Forum › Posts by geniuslvlbrainwoman

joined Dec 29, 2021

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but recently I haven't been able to use my right arrow key to navigate forward through a chapter in Firefox. The issue only seems to happen with my right arrow key; left arrow still takes me back a page, and up and down still scroll the page I'm currently on, but right arrow does not take me forward a page like it used to. Only seems to be happening in Firefox, it works just fine in Edge and Chrome. I'm not 100% sure when this started happening, but I believe it was within the last two weeks.

Using Firefox 126.0.1 (64 bit), in case that matters, thanks in advance for the help!

Disregard this, I think it's a my computer issue, not a site issue. My partner can navigate just fine in Firefox. No idea what is up with my machine, though :/

joined Dec 29, 2021

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but recently I haven't been able to use my right arrow key to navigate forward through a chapter in Firefox. The issue only seems to happen with my right arrow key; left arrow still takes me back a page, and up and down still scroll the page I'm currently on, but right arrow does not take me forward a page like it used to. Only seems to be happening in Firefox, it works just fine in Edge and Chrome. I'm not 100% sure when this started happening, but I believe it was within the last two weeks.

Using Firefox 126.0.1 (64 bit), in case that matters, thanks in advance for the help!

joined Dec 29, 2021

Yay, I'm glad this is back!