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joined Sep 10, 2022

... so the script writer somehow came up with a character just like Sakura from scratch (since she never really saw the real one), isn't that very convenient?
Well it leads to a very nice moment even here so I dont mind, I wonder what Sakura is going to think about that when she actually watches the play :P

It was a pretty general description that our girl Takamine then fills in with her crush, since she can't stop seeing her in everything but yeah. Really lovely chapter. I especially liked how the chapter touched on a loved ones' ability to influence an artists' passion for their work in a variety of ways. Since Sakura also has some writing background (and this girl is struggling to write an end), I also wonder if she'll become involved in some way.

last edited at Jul 11, 2024 8:25AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I needed some adorable this morning.

And yeah, a dreamy girl who likes to read isn’t exactly a rare personality type nor an imaginative stretch for a young writer to come up with.

The “varied facial expressions that will register with a theatre audience” may be a considerably heavier lift for Takamine than “relating to a dreamy reader,” though.

joined May 28, 2021

... so the script writer somehow came up with a character just like Sakura from scratch (since she never really saw the real one), isn't that very convenient?
Well it leads to a very nice moment even here so I dont mind, I wonder what Sakura is going to think about that when she actually watches the play :P

It was a pretty general description that our girl Takamine then fills in with her crush, since she can't stop seeing her in everything but yeah. Really lovely chapter. I especially liked how the chapter touched on a loved ones' ability to influence an artists' passion for their work in a variety of ways. Since Sakura also has some writing background (and this girl is struggling to write an end), I also wonder if she'll become involved in some way.

Feels like this is exactly where the plot is going. Sakura will get involved with writing the play and it's going to help her get her confidence back. Hopefully, this leads to a lot of cute moments with Takamine as a bonus ^_^

joined Nov 7, 2022

It was a pretty general description that our girl Takamine then fills in with her crush

And arguably it doesn't even fit that well, since the "puts everything in the things she loves" is exactly something Sakura can't do at the moment, to her own distress. But rose-tinted glasses and all. In the end, what matters is that Takamine could think of someone she could say those lines to.

joined Dec 9, 2023

Takamine is. So cute
Part of it is bc of Fukaumi Kon's art style
But pouting and the "try my best" hands panels are just. Too. Fucking. Good

Thank you for the chapter!! I've been fed

joined Jan 14, 2020

And yeah, a dreamy girl who likes to read isn’t exactly a rare personality type nor an imaginative stretch for a young writer to come up with.

Especially since a writer might well be a dreamy girl who likes to read.

'Bad books on writing tell you to "WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW", a solemn and totally false adage that is the reason there exist so many mediocre novels about English professors contemplating adultery.' - Joe Haldeman

joined Jan 2, 2022

Sakura blushing down to her feet is utterly adorable. But also, girl, your gay is showing.

I also love the theatre club commentary like "her face is just so's like a weapon...". Takamine out here attracting all the gays.

joined Oct 12, 2017

Oml that was so cute I think my heart exploded.

joined Jan 30, 2017

They're so cute my goshhh

joined Jun 1, 2020

...Since Sakura also has some writing background (and this girl is struggling to write an end), I also wonder if she'll become involved in some way.

Feels like this is exactly where the plot is going...

I kind of feel the same, with how Sakura is juxtaposed with/against the goings on. Please please please please let be the case. It'll be everything.

In any case, oh my god what a cute chapter. The blushes! The pout! Lots of funny bits as well. Loved Hinata just popping out after Takamine's story and the various reactions to Takamine.

Please let Sakura be get involved. Use it as a chance to relight her own fire and develop her character. Go big! Finish the play with an explicitly implicit confession, why the fuck not? God, I'm looking forward to the next chapter so much.

As an aside, I really, really like Fukaumi Kon's art style. I'm not sure what happened, but this chapter generally feels significantly prettier than the previous ones (which were not bad by any stretch). Like, there were a few paticulalry stunning frames, my favorite being dejected Sakura. No clue why, but very much a fan.

last edited at Jul 13, 2024 9:36PM

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