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joined Sep 10, 2022

Um. Where did you find this? I've reread Lass at least 5 times and I don't recall that plot point. I'm not going as far to say it's not true, but point me to your source please.

Mentioned in an earlier chapter and again in this chapter. It's not a major moment. It's mentioned in passing and is part of Yunduo's early motivations for "protecting" Xiaoen.

Found it again, if you want it: chapter 32.

And to the first point. I say read my previous post. The title "little brother" is given for any male in the same generation and younger than the speaker. It has nothing to do with actually being related in asian languages.

That and the names aren't enough to rule out their being related, especially considering what's being shown, discussed in chapter and her adoption.

last edited at Jul 10, 2024 7:02AM

joined Mar 18, 2016

Um. Where did you find this? I've reread Lass at least 5 times and I don't recall that plot point. I'm not going as far to say it's not true, but point me to your source please.

Mentioned in an earlier chapter and again in this chapter. It's not a major moment. It's mentioned in passing and is part of Yunduo's early motivations for "protecting" Xiaoen.

Found it again, if you want it: chapter 32.

And to the first point. I say read my previous post. The title "little brother" is given for any male in the same generation and younger than the speaker. It has nothing to do with actually being related in asian languages.

That and the names aren't enough to rule out their being related, especially considering what's being shown, discussed in chapter and her adoption.

Thanks for finding it! I get what you're saying, and it totally is possible they are related, I'm just saying it's also possible they aren't (as in the honorifics ised aren't evidence to blood ties either).

Honestly I don't tend to think too hard when reading pretty things. Whichever way it goes I'm hoping for more pretty panels and fluffy gays from Tracy Lu.

joined Sep 6, 2015

Well this makes everything much more clear through implication. And I'm starting to get an image of why Mu Xiaoen has such unhappy feelings associated with her little brother, since it seems very likely now that he's her bio brother, grew up with their bio parents, and likely suffered in the way she would have had her real parents not adopted her away from that family. This would also explain why he's clingy and desperate for affection to both her and her parents.
Dunno yet what sort of darkness exists in Xiaoyang's parents that led to this situation. They seem to have money, so it's unlikely to be severe poverty or something individually debilitating. There's a number of very dark turns the author could take in this arc but hopefully we focus more on Xiaoyang and Xiaoen reconciling instead of detailing his suffering too much. That kid feels like he needs it.

We do not yet know enough about his family, or even whether he and Xiaoen are biologically related (as Kat pointed out, the form of address itself does not necessarily mean familial relation). However, as pure speculation, if Xiaoyang's parents were the ones to give Xiaoen up for adoption, it could be because of the one-child policy, specifically because they wanted a son (this would also raise interesting questions pertaining to previous speculation about Xiaoyang's gender). Both Xiaoen and Xiaoyang would fall under the policy's provisions, based on their age.

The policy was never as restrictive as commonly depicted in western media, in fact, only around a third of the population was actually subject to having a single child. Two thirds of the population, mostly the rural segments, had the right to have two children in case the first one was a daughter and numerous other exemptions were granted.

If Xiaoen's biological parents were urban dwellers, however, they had a fair chance of falling under that third of the populace that was restricted to only a single child.

Mentioned in an earlier chapter and again in this chapter. It's not a major moment. It's mentioned in passing and is part of Yunduo's early motivations for "protecting" Xiaoen.

Found it again, if you want it: chapter 32.

This could be the reason why Xiaoen's parents are not glad to have Xiaoyang coming over and why Yunduo thinks he is making life difficult for them. Mrs Tao wanted her daughter to not be aware she was adopted. "She was more than eager for Xiaoen to be unable to remember that she was adopted..."

Of course, this is just pure speculation. Xiaoen and Xiaoyang might turn out to not even be related at all. That said, I personally lean towards them being related; otherwise it makes little narrative sense to include the flashback of Xiaoen discovering that letter right now, in the middle of the "Xiaoyang Arc". Plus, she explicitly confirms she was adopted, something that was only ever mentioned once before. I doubt it is just a coincidence it is being brought up now.

It could even potentially explain her animosity towards Xiaoyang. She knows that her adoptive family did not want her to know about her origins, which could lead to her perceiving Xiaoyang's visits as something that is hurting her adoptive parents (Yunduo's conversation with Xiaoyang implies that this is indeed the case).

last edited at Jul 13, 2024 3:01PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

We do not yet know enough about his family, or even whether he and Xiaoen are biologically related (as Kat pointed out, the form of address itself does not necessarily mean familial relation). However, as pure speculation, if Xiaoyang's parents were the ones to give Xiaoen up for adoption, it could be because of the one-child policy, specifically because they wanted a son (this would also raise interesting questions pertaining to previous speculation about Xiaoyang's gender). Both Xiaoen and Xiaoyang would fall under the policy's provisions, based on their age.

The policy was never as restrictive as commonly depicted in western media, in fact, only around a third of the population was actually subject to having a single child. Two thirds of the population, mostly the rural segments, had the right to have two children in case the first one was a daughter and numerous other exemptions were granted.

If Xiaoen's biological parents were urban dwellers, however, they had a fair chance of falling under that third of the populace that was restricted to only a single child.

The way the coffee shop owner specified that Xiaoyang is Xiaoen's little brother and the talk about what little brothers are allowed to do felt pretty clear to me that was more than just honorifics but an actual familial relation, but I suppose it's possible that was just the result of a loose translation or something.

joined Aug 1, 2020

Well this makes everything much more clear through implication. And I'm starting to get an image of why Mu Xiaoen has such unhappy feelings associated with her little brother, since it seems very likely now that he's her bio brother, grew up with their bio parents, and likely suffered in the way she would have had her real parents not adopted her away from that family. This would also explain why he's clingy and desperate for affection to both her and her parents.
Dunno yet what sort of darkness exists in Xiaoyang's parents that led to this situation. They seem to have money, so it's unlikely to be severe poverty or something individually debilitating. There's a number of very dark turns the author could take in this arc but hopefully we focus more on Xiaoyang and Xiaoen reconciling instead of detailing his suffering too much. That kid feels like he needs it.

Similar-ish to a situation from A Joyful Life. One kid "gets out" against their will and receives what they suspect is a better life...the other, not so much; then there's all the complicated interpersonal feelings that come from that.

Yeah, I'm convinced Xiaoen and Xiaoyang are biological siblings. At first I thought may be Xiaoen was adopted because her parents died in an accident but her brother is 18, so that gives them a 9-year age gap. She was adopted at 2, so the parents are probably alive. And after reading that letter from this chapter, I think their biological parents are rich elitists who gave up their daughter for adoption because they wanted a son instead. Or what if one parent died and the other remarried into a rich elitist family? So many possibilities but the bottomline is, they all have some sort of trauma.

Anyway, I wish I can reach into my phone and give these kids a hug. I hope Xiaoen succeeds in her grand plan of developing Peach Town into an inclusive and healthy environment (disguised as her youth program) for everyone. So far, it's going great and I don't remember seeing any despicable bastard in town.

joined Dec 20, 2018


Just have to call her her "wife" to win her over. :D

joined Sep 10, 2022

Any chapter with Xiaoyang's antics is a good chapter. And good idea to soften up the "wife." We also got more confirmation of Xiaoyang's being Xiaoen's biological brother and about the adoption, especially the adoption timeline.

last edited at Aug 17, 2024 11:25AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Wow bribery already?

joined Jul 6, 2020

sibling approval obtained

joined Apr 10, 2023

I'm confused about the "I thought I'd only have to compete with you with men..." line, since I didn't even realize those two characters know each other, let alone be close enough to know lil bro's gay. Unless I'm mistaking the speaker for someone else? I thought she was the ex-friend of Xingyuan, but maybe I'm mistaking her for someone else.

joined Jan 30, 2017

I'm confused about the "I thought I'd only have to compete with you with men..." line, since I didn't even realize those two characters know each other, let alone be close enough to know lil bro's gay. Unless I'm mistaking the speaker for someone else? I thought she was the ex-friend of Xingyuan, but maybe I'm mistaking her for someone else.

It confused me at first because the faces look similar, but they're different characters. The girls is just a random person from Peach village that happes to know lil bro (and got clamjammed by him at some point).

joined Aug 1, 2020

I'm confused about the "I thought I'd only have to compete with you with men..." line, since I didn't even realize those two characters know each other, let alone be close enough to know lil bro's gay. Unless I'm mistaking the speaker for someone else? I thought she was the ex-friend of Xingyuan, but maybe I'm mistaking her for someone else.

It confused me at first because the faces look similar, but they're different characters. The girls is just a random person from Peach village that happes to know lil bro (and got clamjammed by him at some point).

And it seems like that village girl bi?? I love this no homophobia athmospehere going around Peachtown. Is this Xiaoen's influence or is it just the people close to Xiaoen? I wonder how the village elders think about queer people. Boss Wang from the bakery and Xiaoen's farm colleagues seem to be okay with it at least, while the others (i.e. Sixi, and boss Wang's lil bro) just seems too straight/oblivious to notice the gae.
Pretty sure the art teacher is also implied gay.
I like how this town is so different from Shingyuan's overly strict and homophobic family. Just what she needs to break down all that trauma and overcome it.

joined Dec 20, 2018

These silly, adorable idiots. ^_^

joined Jan 2, 2022

The flirting is so good between them. Makes me grin like an idiot reading it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The flirting is so good between them. Makes me grin like an idiot reading it.

Same. The MCs are cute, of course, but there’s something about the combination of the characterization and the art that makes this especially tasty fluff (when it’s being fluffy).

So does anyone know if the “X and Y / Sitting in a tree” teasing rhyme is also used in China, or is that a localization of something else?

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

So does anyone know if the “X and Y / Sitting in a tree” teasing rhyme is also used in China, or is that a localization of something else?

Neither. The raw used the English phrase.

joined Jul 29, 2017

So does anyone know if the “X and Y / Sitting in a tree” teasing rhyme is also used in China, or is that a localization of something else?

Neither. The raw used the English phrase.


joined Apr 19, 2024

I love how the illustrator is using more range of shapes for these, it was already beautiful and now the additional types of form used really compliment the more juvenile scenes.

joined Dec 3, 2010

Damn that's a beautiful scene right there

You're absolutely right!
It's like coming out from a movie scene!
It's exactly a movie scene I believe!!

Sorry, I just started this manga today but
When I see this page, I just felt the urge to stop by and say it's a beautiful artwork only to have seen someone else's doing so.
And I'm not the only one apparently,haha!

Oh and the ch03 page where the two stares at each other with a mirror door shop in between them...
Oh my goodness! I feel like I have found an mazing gold here hahahahaha

p.s. ..oh no, not the PTSD thing again

last edited at Sep 4, 2024 8:36AM

joined Mar 4, 2018

Let's get back to the petulant peach yuri. Enough family drama llama.

joined May 26, 2020

Welcome back to "Your Parents SUCK!" The Series.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Thanks for ruining the day, aunt mom...

joined Dec 5, 2019

Oh so her "parents" gave her away and then had a boy, and now we are seeing a flashback of when Xioen went to meet them, it's gonna be rough.

I like how this series tackels this generational rift between older and young Chinese queer people with both main characters, hopefully now they have each other's back I'm still worried our taller friend will follow whatever her father says and leaves.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm reminded of "She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat", with the phone conversation and family acting like you owe them. Very manipulative bullshit.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Asking a lesbian who's famous for marching exclusively by the beat of her own drum to try to force cisheteronormativity on a child. Yeah this "mom" sure knows Xiaoen, huh. Not only did they give her away but clearly those bio parents don't even check in with her real parents, or they'd know this is like the exact opposite of the kind of thing Xiaoen would go along with. After this flashback we're gonna see her encouraging Xiaoyang to be even more queer lol

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