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joined Apr 14, 2021

wtf just happened

valence Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

joined Aug 6, 2021

Nice LaTeX on the credits page.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

Oooh that's fucked up. Give me more, please.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Nah if my parents could read my mind I would jump

joined Oct 9, 2016

Thank you for explaining. Or rather for confirmation, I assumed something like that.

This is interesting and cute. I think I might know how this story will go. But it does not matter. And I can be wrong too.

joined Jan 5, 2024

The series seems promising so far, but really... these credits are the best.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

Oooh that's fucked up. Give me more, please.

It is definitely fucked up. I don't think I'm interested any more.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Thank you for explaining. Or rather for confirmation, I assumed something like that.

This is interesting and cute. I think I might know how this story will go. But it does not matter. And I can be wrong too.

I also feel like I can tell where this is going, well a part of it, at least. I'm interested in seeing whether the weird and invasive mind reading will be addressed.

joined Jul 10, 2016

It's fucked up, for sure, but since when have high school girls been great decision makers? Not to mention high school girls with magic at their disposal? I think it's an entirely understandable choice, whether or not it's the right one.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

Oooh that's fucked up. Give me more, please.

It is definitely fucked up. I don't think I'm interested any more.

To each their own, as they say.

I, for one, live for the fluff, but die for the fucked up drama.

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

Chapter 4 has been updated with some minor edits and grammar fixes

joined Jul 4, 2024

no dubious consent tag?

joined Oct 25, 2023

I think it's too early for the dubious consent tag. But I guess if we interpret the word literally, it is "dubious" that Kana is loving her of her own volition.

At this point it's not clear to me that magic is causing Kana to love her. The tag makes me think I'm getting spoilers from someone who knows something about future developments.

My guess is "the twist" is that magic isn't the reason Kana loves her, despite the foreshadowing from her dad's worries and the thoughts of the MC and theater senpai.

joined Apr 25, 2020

I don't really understand many of the stuff that's going on in this manga

joined Sep 10, 2022

I think it's too early for the dubious consent tag. But I guess if we interpret the word literally, it is "dubious" that Kana is loving her of her own volition.

At this point it's not clear to me that magic is causing Kana to love her. The tag makes me think I'm getting spoilers from someone who knows something about future developments.

My guess is "the twist" is that magic isn't the reason Kana loves her, despite the foreshadowing from her dad's worries and the thoughts of the MC and theater senpai.

Does that matter if the character thinks they've mind controlled the person in the moment?

last edited at Jul 7, 2024 11:56PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Does what matter? If it's about consent, see my first sentence. By literal definition, it is dubious regardless of whether I like the tag here or not.

If you're referring to Kana not being in love because of magic, it matters insofar as this is now the primary conflict of this manga. It remains to be seen whether the author is able to conceive a way to realistically convince the MC that her thinking is wrong. Or of course whether this development happens at all.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I think it's too early for the dubious consent tag. But I guess if we interpret the word literally, it is "dubious" that Kana is loving her of her own volition.

At this point it's not clear to me that magic is causing Kana to love her. The tag makes me think I'm getting spoilers from someone who knows something about future developments.

My guess is "the twist" is that magic isn't the reason Kana loves her, despite the foreshadowing from her dad's worries and the thoughts of the MC and theater senpai.

Does that matter if the character thinks they've mind controlled the person in the moment?


^Does what matter? If it's about consent, see my first sentence. By literal definition, it is dubious regardless of whether I like the tag here or not.

If you're referring to Kana not being in love because of magic, it matters insofar as this is now the primary conflict of this manga. It remains to be seen whether the author is able to conceive a way to realistically convince the MC that her thinking is wrong. Or of course whether this development happens at all.

I could be wrong, how I'm seeing things though is that SrNevik is asking if it matters if there's actual magic or not.

Which I think regardless of there being real magic or not, this girl is having sex with someone that she believes can not consent to her. She is by her own definition and logic a rapist. I think the whole chapter and situation is really creepy and gross, it's deeply uncomfortable.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Ah I somehow missed that. Yeah that makes the consent extra dubious.

joined Apr 27, 2021

Somehow. the way this story is drawn and narrated makes it almost impossible for me to follow along what is actually happening, so I'm just sitting here being confused and concerned

joined Sep 10, 2022

Which I think regardless of there being real magic or not, this girl is having sex with someone that she believes can not consent to her. She is by her own definition and logic a rapist. I think the whole chapter and situation is really creepy and gross, it's deeply uncomfortable.

Yes, that is what I meant. Sometimes these stories gloss over what intent means and how a magical "oh I wasn't actually under mind control, so it's ok!?" doesn't absolve the original intent of the characters. She's very aware of what she thinks she's doing and did. That's more than enough.

last edited at Jul 8, 2024 9:09AM

joined Jun 11, 2021

Somehow. the way this story is drawn and narrated makes it almost impossible for me to follow along what is actually happening, so I'm just sitting here being confused and concerned

glad i'm not the only one, i've re-read it a few times and i still find it hard to follow. its a shame because i think the plot is really interesting. just goes to show how important execution is

joined Jun 11, 2021

one of the main problems this series has is how little gravity it gives to really extreme stuff, like this girl literally using mind control to rape another girl. like she's pretty distraught over it sure but also not .. really? it all feels kind of glossed over. there"s a lot you can do with visual presentation to depict how awful the situation is, with panel layouts, shading, perspective, etc but none of that is used effectively. anyway it'll be interesting to see how this all gets wrapped up

last edited at Jul 8, 2024 10:01AM

joined Aug 13, 2023

I can't follow what's going on here at all.

joined Oct 25, 2023

I think it's mainly a pacing problem. The manga is constantly rushing through the plot instead of letting things breathe.

Take this chapter where so much happened that I think it could've been split into 3 chapters:

  1. The MC learning her senpai was in love with her and then the senpai beginning to learn magic.
  2. The LN length conversation with MC's mom then the scene with Kana.
  3. Little Mermaid practice, MC talking about it being her last play, and senpai's realization about the love spell leading to her meeting up with Kana

last edited at Jul 8, 2024 10:45AM

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