Forum › How I Lose Bets With My Sadistic Gifted Childhood Friend and She Steals All of My Firsts discussion

joined Apr 25, 2020

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

It's an overcomplicated wattpad story turned manga, that's what it is

joined Jan 6, 2017

this manga is straight up HOT GARBAGE :fire-emoji:

HOT GARBAGE (affectionate)

joined Aug 28, 2019

Right, so Umezono spelled it out for her and Wakaba failed to read.

Considering the shitty things Umezono said and done to her, saying "I like you" really is just a slap to the face so it makes sense she doesn't believe it. Wakaba does enable her though. Like girl, just say no but Umezono knows she won't so...'*popcorn*'

last edited at May 22, 2024 12:09AM

joined Mar 9, 2013


Wakaba is gonna judgement cut Komaki out of her life. These two are made for each other but I need Wakaba to ek out a win just to absolutely annihilate Komaki from orbit before they get together.

I need it.

joined Mar 27, 2024

The way this manga has been escalating I'm genuinely unsure if Komaki will try and get Wakaba to have sex with her at the sleepover or consider that a step to far.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Is Wakaba just completely stupid? I don't understand why she doesn't get it, when Umezono basically spelled out her feelings to her in this chapter. Whether she should accept those feelings is another story, but acknowledging them shouldn't be that difficult. Umezono already gave her answer as to why she treats Wakaba like this, so Wakaba still thinking that she must hate her seems incredibly stupid to me.

I thought this line was a bit funny. Like an arm is absurd, but your dignity is a completely normal boundary XD

joined Apr 3, 2016

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

Well, the person she wants to go out with appears to be straight (if the tennis club incident is any indication), has told her- directly to her face- that she hates her, only hangs around her because of a weird bet they made, and has said that she wouldn’t believe Komaki if she did confess to having feelings for her. Granted, Wakaba clearly does have something akin to feelings for Komaki boiling beneath the surface, but unless she can read the subconscious mind, I’d say it’s fair for Komaki to assume that she wouldn’t have a shot trying to properly go out with Wakaba.

Appreciate you making sense of it. It’s so frustrating <3

joined Apr 3, 2016

I’m so confused by this chapter. Komaki said how she feels and then believes she can’t go out with wakaba? Wtf is this bs?

It's an overcomplicated wattpad story turned manga, that's what it is

Pretty much how I feel about it too

joined Jun 17, 2021

If the confession was something like teasing, I could understand it still going this way, but Komaki has given her a deep look into her mind and how she sees love, and Wakaba is just like "you do not".

Like, girl, you know she's messed up, and she straight-up told you she has messed up feelings for you, so I'm just sitting here reading like, ???

joined Aug 13, 2021

This manga's narrative is amazing but weirdly told. "I love you but because your own love is so much like hate I want to destroy this relationship" is genius but something's wrong with the narration...

joined Feb 17, 2022

I just want to appreciate that the friend they ended the last chapter on was not a love triangle target but someone with more emotional intelligence than Umezono and Wakaba combined.

joined Apr 10, 2023

"Komaki do you love me?"
"What if I told you I do?"
"I don't believe it?"

Why even ask then, Wakaba? Wonder how spicy this sleepover will get...

Toxic yuri fans been eating good these past couple days. This manga, Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell, and My Girlfriend's Not Here Today have all released new chapters.

Because Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love. She asked that question so she could denounce those toxic feelings out loud. I thought it was pretty straightforward tbh? Like, Wakaba knows what Komaki wants, but thinks that the form of relationship she wants would be bad and unpleasant and self destructive. And she's probably right. Wakaba wants fluffy romance between equals, not toxic yuri. That's why she wants to pull Komaki down from above her so much.

last edited at May 22, 2024 1:26PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

"Komaki do you love me?"
"What if I told you I do?"
"I don't believe it?"

Why even ask then, Wakaba? Wonder how spicy this sleepover will get...

Toxic yuri fans been eating good these past couple days. This manga, Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell, and My Girlfriend's Not Here Today have all released new chapters.

Because Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love. She asked that question so she could denounce those toxic feelings out loud. I thought it was pretty straightforward tbh? Like, Wakaba knows what Komaki wants, but thinks that the form of relationship she wants would be bad and unpleasant and self destructive. And she's probably right. Wakaba wants fluffy romance between equals, not toxic yuri. That's why she wants to pull Komaki down from above her so much.

While you may find things straightforward, I find this manga sometimes difficult to an "obviously adapted from a WN/LN" type of way.

For instance this part from the last chapter:
Komaki walks away from Wakaba in the stairway, then we transition to a flashback of Komaki explaining to Wakaba about why she went after that senpai.
And then we have Wakaba's thoughts on Komaki(not clear if those are current thoughts or thoughts she had at the time of flashback).
And then we immediately transition to the tennis scene, making it clear that she was distracted by those thoughts in the present.
I had to read that section multiple times to figure out what was happening.

And I disagree that " Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love".
Hell, earlier in the chapter we have Wakaba thinking about how much she's hated and asking Komaki to admit her hatred for her.
Wakaba is either still confused or just in denial about how Komaki feels.

joined May 3, 2014

Is Wakaba just completely stupid? I don't understand why she doesn't get it, when Umezono basically spelled out her feelings to her in this chapter. Whether she should accept those feelings is another story, but acknowledging them shouldn't be that difficult. Umezono already gave her answer as to why she treats Wakaba like this, so Wakaba still thinking that she must hate her seems incredibly stupid to me.

I thought this line was a bit funny. Like an arm is absurd, but your dignity is a completely normal boundary XD

just because you are AOK with garbage behavior from others as a form of “love” cuz that’s what Ume did to wakaba, that DOES NOT translate to actually LOVE for fuck sakes! THAT is way Wakaba SAYS that ain’t “love” it’s like you LOT chose TO IGNORE what Wakaba said she doesn’t believe Ume is actually in love with her cuz who in hell DOES THAT TO THEIR LOVED ONE!!!

Wakaba doesn’t consider this garbage toxic and twisted form of obsession as “love” as any sane human being should DO!

do you get it now? just because YOU and others accepted this type of toxic behavior as “love” doesn’t mean is actualy valid for Wakaba!

joined May 3, 2014

"Komaki do you love me?"
"What if I told you I do?"
"I don't believe it?"

Why even ask then, Wakaba? Wonder how spicy this sleepover will get...

Toxic yuri fans been eating good these past couple days. This manga, Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell, and My Girlfriend's Not Here Today have all released new chapters.

Because Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love. She asked that question so she could denounce those toxic feelings out loud. I thought it was pretty straightforward tbh? Like, Wakaba knows what Komaki wants, but thinks that the form of relationship she wants would be bad and unpleasant and self destructive. And she's probably right. Wakaba wants fluffy romance between equals, not toxic yuri. That's why she wants to pull Komaki down from above her so much.

While you may find things straightforward, I find this manga sometimes difficult to an "obviously adapted from a WN/LN" type of way.

For instance this part from the last chapter:
Komaki walks away from Wakaba in the stairway, then we transition to a flashback of Komaki explaining to Wakaba about why she went after that senpai.
And then we have Wakaba's thoughts on Komaki(not clear if those are current thoughts or thoughts she had at the time of flashback).
And then we immediately transition to the tennis scene, making it clear that she was distracted by those thoughts in the present.
I had to read that section multiple times to figure out what was happening.

And I disagree that " Wakaba knows Komaki thinks she's in love with Wakaba, but Wakaba doesn't think Komaki's love is real love".
Hell, earlier in the chapter we have Wakaba thinking about how much she's hated and asking Komaki to admit her hatred for her.
Wakaba is either still confused or just in denial about how Komaki feels.

Komaki doesn’t get to decide her feelings are of love for christ sake! cuz otherwise we should take abusers side now cuz they think their WAY of showing love is Valid as Komaki does the same garbage toxic crap and you lot, for some reason think Wakaba needs to admit Komaki has feelings? NAH BRO! that ain’t actual FEELINGS OF LOVE that is akin to hatred that’s way she wants Komaki to god damn admit you don’t do this garbage shite to your supposed “loved one”

like give me a break not every breathing mouth on earth definition of ”love” is valid so ain’t Komaki definition either! that’s way Wakaba says that’s actually hate cuz ain’t no god damn way that’s “love” it’s an twisted possessiveness and Wakaba even SAYS SO!

joined Mar 6, 2021

Is Wakaba just completely stupid? I don't understand why she doesn't get it, when Umezono basically spelled out her feelings to her in this chapter. Whether she should accept those feelings is another story, but acknowledging them shouldn't be that difficult. Umezono already gave her answer as to why she treats Wakaba like this, so Wakaba still thinking that she must hate her seems incredibly stupid to me.

I thought this line was a bit funny. Like an arm is absurd, but your dignity is a completely normal boundary XD

just because you are AOK with garbage behavior from others as a form of “love” cuz that’s what Ume did to wakaba, that DOES NOT translate to actually LOVE for fuck sakes! THAT is way Wakaba SAYS that ain’t “love” it’s like you LOT chose TO IGNORE what Wakaba said she doesn’t believe Ume is actually in love with her cuz who in hell DOES THAT TO THEIR LOVED ONE!!!

Wakaba doesn’t consider this garbage toxic and twisted form of obsession as “love” as any sane human being should DO!

do you get it now? just because YOU and others accepted this type of toxic behavior as “love” doesn’t mean is actualy valid for Wakaba!

Wow okay, this sure is a passionate response, certainly not what I was expecting when I wrote this.

I never said that Umezono loves her, did I? I said that she made her feelings clear and "whether Wakaba should accept those feelings is another story". I think you should try to focus on what people are actually saying and not what you think they're saying, before aggressively responding to them like this. And maybe don't start accusing people of being okay with abusive behaviour just because of a comment on a silly manga?

(To clarify: I would call Umezono's feelings an obsession rather than love. That being said, I can understand why people may use the word "love", and there is no reason to attack commenters either way.)

last edited at May 22, 2024 3:18PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Komaki doesn’t get to decide her feelings are of love for christ sake! cuz otherwise we should take abusers side now cuz they think their WAY of showing love is Valid as Komaki does the same garbage toxic crap and you lot, for some reason think Wakaba needs to admit Komaki has feelings? NAH BRO! that ain’t actual FEELINGS OF LOVE that is akin to hatred that’s way she wants Komaki to god damn admit you don’t do this garbage shite to your supposed “loved one”

like give me a break not every breathing mouth on earth definition of ”love” is valid so ain’t Komaki definition either! that’s way Wakaba says that’s actually hate cuz ain’t no god damn way that’s “love” it’s an twisted possessiveness and Wakaba even SAYS SO!

Whoa now. How about you take a breath and calm down a bit?
Maybe take a break from the toxic yuri and enjoy some cute fluff? Perhaps A Love Yet To Bloom or Hana ni Arashi?

And to address your mild concern about people mislabeling Komaki's feelings as love: I'm using the term "love" for clarity's sake, not because I think what she feels is "love".
I agree with RAO that what Komaki feels is much closer to "obsession" than "love". But there is also still something akin to "love" at the root of her obsession.

Edit: I find yuri with characters who feel strong, obsessive versions of "love" to be compelling. Take for example the character in my avatar who did nothing wrong.

last edited at May 22, 2024 3:39PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

"But there is also still something akin to "love" at the root of her obsession.

Edit: I find yuri with characters who feel strong, obsessive versions of "love" to be compelling. Take for example the character in my avatar who did nothing wrong.

Also, (im)patiently waiting for this movie.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Komaki doesn’t get to decide her feelings are of love

Actually, yes she does. Because they're her feelings.

Wakaba is equally free to decide that Komaki's behavior is unacceptable, though she has not in fact done so.

joined Oct 24, 2023

How do you say "enmeshment" in Japanese?

joined Feb 18, 2022

As with any new series I wanted to like this and tried to give it a chance, but the writing seems lazy... it goes too far in asking for suspension of disbelief...

Unless it's based on knowledge of what is to come, or the translation doesn't properly frame the characters perspectives, you guys are giving it way too much credit. At least from what we've gotten so far.

joined Aug 13, 2023

In the past, Komaki broke Wakaba's trust so thoroughly that Wakaba now can't see Komaki's extremely transparent attempt at closing the distance as anything but an endavour to clown on her further (and that, in turn, as a cry for help). I'm actually liking this so far, 'm looking forward to seeing how this resolves

last edited at May 23, 2024 3:39AM

joined Feb 18, 2013

Honestly, I feel like this can only realistically end in one of them stabbing the other and I'm not even sure who would be holding the knife at this point. Wakaba should just fucking walk, tbh.

joined May 26, 2020

Girl, RUN! Get out now! Take a train, take a bus, take an Uber, take a taxi, take an alpaca! JUST GET OUT!!!!!

joined Feb 14, 2016

Honestly, I feel like this can only realistically end in one of them stabbing the other and I'm not even sure who would be holding the knife at this point. Wakaba should just fucking walk, tbh.

I'd be up for that. Not nearly enough knife play stories on here

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