Forum › What Happened After the Flood discussion

joined Feb 25, 2013

That ending felt a little rushed. It seemed like a complete 180% without earning it? Like there's a part missing towards the end, almost. (Not talking about the scan job, but the story itself.)

joined Aug 12, 2021

Katsumata watching anno blow up the entire toilet room "hell yeah, no way a disturbance this big won't push our unreasonable deadlines back by at least a week"

joined Jun 12, 2015

Preaty weak.

joined Dec 9, 2023

Weaponized tears. Literally

joined Jul 26, 2016

...I'm lost. What caused the turnaround? Did the other woman have powers too?

joined Jun 21, 2021

This one prob could've used a few more pages at the end there, cute as it is

joined Feb 17, 2018

...I'm lost. What caused the turnaround? Did the other woman have powers too?

I think so. Or at least she knows how to deal with it. Katsmata seems to suspect Anno has powers, meanwhile Anno thinks her power is useless because she's only seen it manifest when she's anguished and it destroys things, but it can do other things and she never learned to channel it, which she learns from Katsumata once she stops hiding it (or rather she fails at hiding it I guess).

It is kind of vague
that's my read on it

last edited at Apr 29, 2024 2:32PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Tears represent emotion and sensitivity, and are associated with weakness and femininity. Katsumata-san exists as a woman in a patriarchal workforce, and adapts by showing anger, an emotion commonly associated with men rather than women.

However, the tears and sensitivity that the main character cannot fully hold back are also her power; when a person feels their vulnerable emotions and moreover shares those emotions productively with others, they create a community founded on authenticity. When we embrace authentic vulnerability, we access the power and strength of humans who are in alignment with themselves and their values.

I think it makes sense when you read the whole thing as a metaphor.

joined Jul 31, 2019

I guess the fact that this bitchy colleague of yours is starting to respect you because you can make stuff explode by crying is supposed to mean something? I can kinda see that this is the same author as "The Guy She Was interested in", it's also hard to follow but this is another level of incomprehensible :P

joined Jan 10, 2022

This was weak. And if it was some kind of deep meaningful symbolism, it should first be a good story and then try to smuggle any kind of symbolism or deeper meaning.

joined Dec 16, 2015

I think based on how Katsumata followed her into the bathroom and asked if she was ok, (she did notice the cut on her arm from the glass after all) it's likely she was honestly checking on her. After that however I dunno this went straight off the rails.

joined Jul 8, 2019

That ending felt a little rushed. It seemed like a complete 180% without earning it? Like there's a part missing towards the end, almost. (Not talking about the scan job, but the story itself.)

All that is there to say about this oneshot, right at first post.

joined Sep 28, 2014

...What? She destroys the bathroom, revealing that she has superpowers, and then uses it to finish her work on time? I don't understand.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Very cute

joined Jan 8, 2016

The art was fantastic

joined Feb 17, 2013

Good art but.. WHA??

joined May 9, 2017

That ending felt a little rushed. It seemed like a complete 180% without earning it? Like there's a part missing towards the end, almost. (Not talking about the scan job, but the story itself.)

All that is there to say about this oneshot, right at first post.

Indeed. Some people have been able to understand/read more into it than what I was able to, but whether they are right or not, this is bad story telling.

Most of the time, I'm quite impressed by how good those short stories are. I feel like it's a format that have been mastered by a lot of manga artists specialized in yuri (maybe out of necessity, as getting a serialized manga can be pretty difficult) but this one fails to deliver. Well, I guess not every one-shot can be a great one.

joined May 20, 2015

Bueno... me alegra no ser la unica que no entendio ni un carajo...pero pucha, que hermoso dibuja la artista.

joined Jul 22, 2014

What, huh?!
So they accept mutants?

last edited at Apr 30, 2024 7:12AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think it makes sense when you read the whole thing as a metaphor.

Metaphors are for cowards.

joined Jul 15, 2016

The story was pretty good right up until page 20, at which point it got completely incomprehensible. My interpretation is that the bathroom explosion killed Katsumata and fatally wounded Anno, who hallucinates the last six pages as she is bleeding out on the floor.

last edited at May 1, 2024 7:51AM

joined May 7, 2022

...I don't get it

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

This has been updated to fix a few minor typos

joined Jul 5, 2022

who cares about plot when we have GOAT drawings by Arai Sumiko

joined Oct 6, 2014

The art is great as always and I really liked the build up with the main girl's emotions. But I think this could have used at least five more pages or something to help flesh out the relationship or friendship with the other girl. As others have mentioned, it's really bad pacing.

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