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joined Nov 13, 2022

wow~ all that previous stuff hahaha Not really to add something relevant, mostly because my japanese is really basic to mediocre but one of the interviews I read in which the author indeed said she didn't want to call this manga "yuri" (or she didn't think of it with this label) was because it didn't "fit" her experience in romance. Was something like this:

The yuri she read was already with the person knowing they liked girls or "knew" that their love was indeed romantic love, or if the protagonist didn't accept it, she still had that inner thoughts of "why I like her so much". But in her case she never knew what separes friends to lovers with girls love (talking in a young age), and that was the story she wanted to write, because she tried writing/drawing "yuri" a good few times but she didn't feel them like "her"

Again, this is not the absolute truth, but they are little parts I read some time ago; and is always good to search the interview yourself or better a person with good japanese. And if not~ just enjoy this manga, I think that is the real important thing here haha

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 8:49PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I think it makes perfect sense that high school yuri especially doesn't ever really fit my experience actually being a teenage sapphic. Especially since I didn't go to a private super high class all girls Catholic school like apparently 90% of kids in Japan go to, if yuri manga is telling me the truth :P

There's a few different adult "yuri" manga that has this feel like "This is not inspired by other yuri manga it's inspired by real life". Stuff like how Run Away With Me Girl spends a lot of time on the emotional battle of the pull of personal gay desires and the pull of your whole entire world telling you to be straight instead (much to the consternation of the comment section lol), or Ohana Holoholo's portrayal of bisexuality (much to the consternation of the comment section lol).

The Guy I Liked is the first time I've seen this kind of approach used for a teenage story. I honestly think the biggest obstacle a lot of angry posters have is that this isn't a story about a gay romance. It's a story about being gay. And a whole lot of gays spend their whole teenage years without any romance because we're all so anxious and isolated and frequently soaking in the self-denial society demands from all queers of all stripes. The fact that these girls have gotten as far as they have in how long they've known each other? Well above the curve when we compare them to real gay kids instead of yuri manga.

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 9:06PM

joined Aug 12, 2022

I never meant to imply that Yuri = smut, I just explained how the tag is used by many (In France too), same goes for Yaoi vs Shonen ai. I myself just call them all "romance" lol. By the way, I took into account how Sumiko lived abroad and considers Japanese half of her identity, so maybe it's safe to say that she sees how both the Japanese and Western depicts "Yuri". All in all, the way she describes her fav shows + her own story, there is an emphasis on how she likes the natural progression of romance.

I hope we won't have to deal with this "bait" conversation every chapter. This is getting old and vicious, first they get angry at Narita, now the idea that Sumiko is getting paid is all of a sudden a crime... at the very least, you can see that the backing she has (and deserves) is wonderful news if you're hoping for an anime adaptation.

Anyway, change of subject. I can't wait for the drama CD's release, I wonder what the setting will be.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 1:21AM

joined Oct 3, 2018

It’s an online forum if you want a private convo take it to dms

You're right, this is an online forum, and that means there are rules.
This is your only warning to stop being an asshole to others, especially over semantics.
If you do not like this work, then move on and let others who want to enjoy it do so.

Who is being an asshole? Not me. I responded as an ass to 2 people who were assholes to me/didn't agree with me in a rude way(see were not strawmanning, were ignoring cuz ur opinions are worthless - and you didnt warn them) But I can see that you don't like my opinion and so just want me to shut up. I am not "being rude to people about the semantics of yuri" I had an opinion on the quality of the yuri in the manga, and so wanted to warn other people. I very much enjoyed volume 1, read volume 2, started getting a bit weirded out by the sudden injection of new cast members and the push of the couple into the background, and then i took a break. Reread the whole series a few days ago, and came to inform others like me(who read yuri for yuri) that it isn't exactly yuri, but more sapphic tinged rock manga.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 8:41AM

joined May 5, 2020

Can you nerds stop nerd-raging at each other over dumb nerd shit and either enjoy the manga or GTFO? No need to announce your departure either, this ain't an airport.

Anyway, Aya is scared of bugs but surprisingly Mitsuki's no good with them either? That's... what's it called? Gap moe? You'd think the smooth rocker girl would be able to handle bugs, but nope! Also, those two are sharing a tent? I know it'll probably jump to the next day or after the rock fes, but a chapter with them settling in for the night would be really cute.

joined Aug 12, 2022

Imagine if Mitsuki has that Beck dream too lol.

I know it'll probably jump to the next day or after the rock fes, but a chapter with them settling in for the night would be really cute.

It'll for sure be the next day, but I don't think we're done with the festival.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 9:34AM

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It’s an online forum if you want a private convo take it to dms

You're right, this is an online forum, and that means there are rules.
This is your only warning to stop being an asshole to others, especially over semantics.
If you do not like this work, then move on and let others who want to enjoy it do so.

Who is being an asshole? Not me. I responded as an ass to 2 people who were assholes to me/didn't agree with me in a rude way(see were not strawmanning, were ignoring cuz ur opinions are worthless - and you didnt warn them) But I can see that you don't like my opinion and so just want me to shut up. I am not "being rude to people about the semantics of yuri" I had an opinion on the quality of the yuri in the manga, and so wanted to warn other people. I very much enjoyed volume 1, read volume 2, started getting a bit weirded out by the sudden injection of new cast members and the push of the couple into the background, and then i took a break. Reread the whole series a few days ago, and came to inform others like me(who read yuri for yuri) that it isn't exactly yuri, but more sapphic tinged rock manga.

Trying to hide behind "it was my opinion" isn't going to work when you were framing it as personal insults.
That was your only warning, you can sit out for a month.

joined Mar 21, 2013

Narita-kun the bisexual king we all deserve!

joined Jun 17, 2021

"If you ask me, I'm more into..."
Watching, right? Please say it's watching, haha.

joined Sep 6, 2018

manifesting gay narita (praying hands emoji)

also I know the exact vibe the manga is communicating, of the campsight at night with people you really love to hang out with and it does it so perfectly, the convos about Real Shit (even if it's silly) while u brush your teeth by flash light in a campsite bathroom... i think that's where the human spirit is meant to live.

joined Sep 6, 2022

I think it makes perfect sense that high school yuri especially doesn't ever really fit my experience actually being a teenage sapphic. Especially since I didn't go to a private super high class all girls Catholic school like apparently 90% of kids in Japan go to, if yuri manga is telling me the truth :P

There's a few different adult "yuri" manga that has this feel like "This is not inspired by other yuri manga it's inspired by real life". Stuff like how Run Away With Me Girl spends a lot of time on the emotional battle of the pull of personal gay desires and the pull of your whole entire world telling you to be straight instead (much to the consternation of the comment section lol), or Ohana Holoholo's portrayal of bisexuality (much to the consternation of the comment section lol).

The Guy I Liked is the first time I've seen this kind of approach used for a teenage story. I honestly think the biggest obstacle a lot of angry posters have is that this isn't a story about a gay romance. It's a story about being gay. And a whole lot of gays spend their whole teenage years without any romance because we're all so anxious and isolated and frequently soaking in the self-denial society demands from all queers of all stripes. The fact that these girls have gotten as far as they have in how long they've known each other? Well above the curve when we compare them to real gay kids instead of yuri manga.

This is precisely it. I think a lot of people, subconsciously, want the proverbial U-haul romance where two people throw themselves at each other in a heat of passion and desire. In many cases though, things take time? Slow burn romances are real? Being a teen with a billion feelings to manage and also trying to figure out dating, let alone dating in a non-cis-het frame takes time and energy and isn't always front of mind. Also, queer relationships often exist in messy gray spaces for significant periods of time, as do really many relationships. Hell, we invented the word 'situationship' in the 00s for this sort of kind-of-but-not-quite-a-thing-but-maybe-getting-there. It's fascinating because in this case, Joe and Kanna are an obvious parallel/secondary couple who are also dealing with a lot of complicated emotions and a lot is going unsaid though there's obviously a lot of affection between them.

Idk, it's nice to see romances that are situated in stories about life generally vs. being wholly about falling in love hard and fast. Everyone here has stuff they're working through - their relationship to music, what they want in life, past choices, making friends and being open about themselves even just on the level of interests. And they've all made so much progress. Aya actually has music community and a pseudo-second family with Joe, Kanna, and Mitsuki. Mitsuki is slowly realizing that she doesn't have to live like she's some forever outsider who has to hide her true self from the world. Joe and Kanna are doing the messy business of patching up an old relationship (maybe?) that ended not because of incompatible personalities or a lack of desire, but life calling them in different directions which is the hardest sort of break-up because its not really anyone's 'fault'.

That's such a rich portrait of life, esp. in this punk slice of the world that exists on the social fringes, that you almost never get to see in media.

joined Mar 5, 2022

I don't want to quote everything but I agree with you Aevangeline, lots of romance anime (not only Yuri) feels like an escapist bubble of just two people, maybe one or two supporting characters. It's unrealistic and imo unhealthy to portray romance in such a way especially when being gay can already be so isolating for young people

manifesting gay narita (praying hands emoji)

also I know the exact vibe the manga is communicating, of the campsight at night with people you really love to hang out with and it does it so perfectly, the convos about Real Shit (even if it's silly) while u brush your teeth by flash light in a campsite bathroom... i think that's where the human spirit is meant to live.

This is the best type of romance, where people fall not only for each other but for the loved ones in each other's lives. She's not just finding a best friend and potential lover but a tribe to belong in

joined Apr 10, 2023

I think it makes perfect sense that high school yuri especially doesn't ever really fit my experience actually being a teenage sapphic. Especially since I didn't go to a private super high class all girls Catholic school like apparently 90% of kids in Japan go to, if yuri manga is telling me the truth :P

There's a few different adult "yuri" manga that has this feel like "This is not inspired by other yuri manga it's inspired by real life". Stuff like how Run Away With Me Girl spends a lot of time on the emotional battle of the pull of personal gay desires and the pull of your whole entire world telling you to be straight instead (much to the consternation of the comment section lol), or Ohana Holoholo's portrayal of bisexuality (much to the consternation of the comment section lol).

The Guy I Liked is the first time I've seen this kind of approach used for a teenage story. I honestly think the biggest obstacle a lot of angry posters have is that this isn't a story about a gay romance. It's a story about being gay. And a whole lot of gays spend their whole teenage years without any romance because we're all so anxious and isolated and frequently soaking in the self-denial society demands from all queers of all stripes. The fact that these girls have gotten as far as they have in how long they've known each other? Well above the curve when we compare them to real gay kids instead of yuri manga.

This is precisely it. I think a lot of people, subconsciously, want the proverbial U-haul romance where two people throw themselves at each other in a heat of passion and desire. In many cases though, things take time? Slow burn romances are real? Being a teen with a billion feelings to manage and also trying to figure out dating, let alone dating in a non-cis-het frame takes time and energy and isn't always front of mind. Also, queer relationships often exist in messy gray spaces for significant periods of time, as do really many relationships. Hell, we invented the word 'situationship' in the 00s for this sort of kind-of-but-not-quite-a-thing-but-maybe-getting-there. It's fascinating because in this case, Joe and Kanna are an obvious parallel/secondary couple who are also dealing with a lot of complicated emotions and a lot is going unsaid though there's obviously a lot of affection between them.

Idk, it's nice to see romances that are situated in stories about life generally vs. being wholly about falling in love hard and fast. Everyone here has stuff they're working through - their relationship to music, what they want in life, past choices, making friends and being open about themselves even just on the level of interests. And they've all made so much progress. Aya actually has music community and a pseudo-second family with Joe, Kanna, and Mitsuki. Mitsuki is slowly realizing that she doesn't have to live like she's some forever outsider who has to hide her true self from the world. Joe and Kanna are doing the messy business of patching up an old relationship (maybe?) that ended not because of incompatible personalities or a lack of desire, but life calling them in different directions which is the hardest sort of break-up because its not really anyone's 'fault'.

That's such a rich portrait of life, esp. in this punk slice of the world that exists on the social fringes, that you almost never get to see in media.

This is such a good post and the fact that it's starting with adding onto mine makes me feel all warm and fuzzy ^_^

joined Apr 2, 2023

Yen Press picked up the rights. Nice.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I think this series is good and it's valid for how it does things. I think other series are also good and valid for doing what they do, including escapism, which can be a pleasant kind of comfort food that's not unhealthy in my opinion. That's all I can really say.

joined Apr 6, 2013

Narita in heaven, being the spectator to two awkward couples

joined Apr 10, 2023

No new chapter this week, but we're blessed with this hilarious "introduction" instead:

joined Jan 14, 2020

totally not yuri

joined Aug 12, 2022

totally not yuri

I know right? Even the MCs decided to run after they were warned by the Yuri Guardians about the nature of the story.

joined Jun 10, 2023

No new chapter this week, but we're blessed with this hilarious "introduction" instead:

reposted on Instagram in video form! (and is literally tagged #wlw lol)

last edited at Apr 28, 2024 6:46PM

joined Aug 1, 2011

No new chapter this week, but we're blessed with this hilarious "introduction" instead:

reposted on Instagram in video form! (and is literally tagged #wlw lol)

Is there anywhere you can see the video version that's not Instagram?

joined Apr 2, 2023

No new chapter this week, but we're blessed with this hilarious "introduction" instead:

reposted on Instagram in video form! (and is literally tagged #wlw lol)

Is there anywhere you can see the video version that's not Instagram?

It's been reposted as a video by a fan update account on tw/x.

It's mimicking a tiktok trend going around. In case it's confusing. She's done that before on IG like the one where they swap clothes.

last edited at Apr 29, 2024 12:07AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Is the Blue Monday song choice part of the meme she's using, or is that an original twist

joined Jun 10, 2023

Is the Blue Monday song choice part of the meme she's using, or is that an original twist

It's part of the meme, the trend is this song + the fighting game style moves in time + dialogue. Idk lots of couples have done it that I've seen

joined Mar 28, 2017

Breaking News!
The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn’t a Guy at All is licensed by Yen Press! Coming October 2024!

Synopsis from Yen Press:
Fashionable and upbeat high schooler Aya falls head over heels for an employee at a local CD shop. He’s got an air of mystery about him, great style, and an impeccable music taste. Little does she know—this supposedly male employee is actually her female classmate Mitsuki! Mitsuki generally keeps to herself, but since her seat is right next to Aya’s, she can’t help but be extremely aware of the other’s crush. Revealing the truth is out of the question for Mitsuki—but perhaps getting closer to Aya wouldn’t be so bad...

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