Forum › Boyfriend Sometimes Girlfriend discussion

joined Jun 27, 2018

There's comments in threads on here going back years and years because this site has been around for ages, and if it's older than about 2018 casual transphobia isn't that rare. Thankfully though all of that is much more thoroughly policed now, and people in general are a lot less likely to have those kinds of ignorant beliefs :)

I don't think it was that common. I've been around since 2014/15 (this is my second account). There have always been transphobes on the internet (and there will always be), but dynasty had relatively few of those, and I never had to fight alone.

Of course we have a post in this very thread claiming "gender politics can't matter to this manga because Japan doesn't play by our rules"... Perfection is still off on the horizon lol.

Come on, that was really mild.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Honestly, any amount of apathy towards gender (including "turning into a girl is a huge pain but whatever, I love my girlfriend") is such an endearing character trait to me. It's kind of nice that we get to see some level of fluster, but I'm also looking forward to our main character being a "accidental girlification senpai" and showing the new victim the ropes.

joined Nov 4, 2023

Akira? Not enstars akira right? Right? ( kodama Naoko flashbacks )

joined Jun 27, 2017

Urgh, the direction implied in the bonus chapter sounds ... very meh.

joined Dec 23, 2018

I was for so long very reluctant to comment here openly as trans guy, because of all those circumstances in rl. I suppose additional pressures are make me feel like a snail.
It would be really pity if people here become hostile toward me.

Dynasty is ~generally~ very trans-positive. I can say that most people here will be welcoming to you. That said, if anyone tries to give you shit about being a trans guy (or asexual, or whatever), I and others will come to your aid.

Thank you! I'm glad to hear that I have your support. Anyway, I can handle and deal with people even if I'm alone.
I have "dead nerves" and it's hard to provoke me easily.
Usually when I see mean comments addressed to me (usually indirectly) I think: "Oh, another mosquito is buzzing around trying to bite me". That's all "damage" they can do.
I passed through a lot, and if death wasn't strong enough to get rid of me, surely some mean comments are completely ridiculous.
(If you continue to read, you'll see why)

I would like just to have some enough safe space to rest from my battles in reality (but I won't put my guard down even in my sleep until I turn the whole world into safe place for everyone oppressed now)

Whoa, calm down, you don't have to change the world by yourself! There's plenty of us out there, we're all working together to build a better society, locally and internationally. So if fighting ever becomes too much, take a moment, breathe, leave the fight to us for a while, until you recover. It will be all right.

After figuring out about myself, I contacted LGBT in my area (still 4 letters in that time) to ask for some directions. And received very transphobic and unhelpful answer from some guy who continued to use wrong pronounces after all I said clearly in my mail.
I felt terrible seeing that someone who should be my people closed the door to me. I thought: "OK, I'm on my own now. I'll go my way without any support of others!"

My "parents" also did not support me. Someone of them poisoned my food after seeing that I won't give up under their pressures.
After (some kind of) divorce I was living in my city one year with my kids, taking care of them alone, "parents" bought house in some village and allure me to come to live with them. Little did I know that it was a trap to suffocate my transition in perfidious ways.
After poisoning (7 years ago), I realized it would be smarter to keep it for myself, stay where I know my enemy, than go somewhere where my enemy could be anyone.
(especially when you are trans person, already marginalized and discarded by society, what can you do when your word already means nothing? To whom to speak and how to prove, being alive, that someone killed me? Anyone would take me as an insane person)

I moved in some two-rooms storage next door, in very bad condition.
There was no water for 2,5 years, damaged walls, only outer roof.
I had to leave every luxury to keep my life safe.
I was living in inhuman conditions, appalled for months, almost speechless. Probably with some terrible PTSD (my body passed through the most terrible distress of dying), and I passed through all it by myself.
After recovering, I started to work on that place, and turned it slowly in very comfortable place for living.
I fixed walls, made new door with my own hands, some window too, got water after 2,5 years, air con, etc.
All those handy works without previous experiences.
I worked on myself in same time, without having any friends or real supporters.

For me, the most important thing was taking my life in my own hands.
Yeah, I became poor, so what? Better poor and still alive than rich and dead. When I'm alive I can work on everything to change my situation.
I saw that I'm actually very capable to overcome anything what life throws in my face, and my self respect grew a lot.
It was like living in very much war-like conditions, but for me it all was connected with my personal growth. I was someone sheltered and maybe a little bit spoiled, constantly obstructed by others to grow.
New reality gave me a chance to discover real me, to see that I'm capable to do life-changing things while having just a little.
I don't just look like some trans man who is transforming by hormones, I'm becoming visible for who I am inside.

Now I think, if I'm still here after all, maybe there is some reason why I'm here now and not buried under the ground? Maybe some day I could do something to change the world?
I'm smart enough to find my own way and contribute.

I'm very thankful to you and all the others who are fighting in your own way for the same goal as me. I'm strong individual who finds my own ways, so, however strange I am, please let me do it my way.
We'll meet "somewhere in the middle"

I hope I will be forgiven talking this time not particularly about manga.
I just wanted to introduce myself to people on the forum, since I am complete outsider and not a member of any community and nobody knows me here.
I'm just someone who loves to read same things you love too, and sometimes to express my thoughts about it as everyone else.

I also hope that sharing my personal struggles and how I did overcome them can encourage other people who are struggling, not to give up from themselves even the situation is forcing them to hide for now. Trust me, just one moment is enough to change everything. At first it can look bad, but it always turns in something wonderful.
Believe in your moment. It always comes when you are ready.

I also have some correction to make to be more precise what I really said here:

I had a habit to buy beer cans, trying to drink as usually, but when I noticed that I'm throwing out almost full cans day by day, I just stopped to buy them to save my money

"Throwing out", I meant throwing away, throwing in garbage almost full cans of beer, not vomiting (because I could not drink them, it was just some habit of buying what I knew I needed before)

I don't think it was that common. I've been around since 2014/15 (this is my second account). There have always been transphobes on the internet (and there will always be), but dynasty had relatively few of those, and I never had to fight alone.

Yeah, I was also present years before subscribing here. It's not like I'm ignorant or that I don't know about people from our community, I just want sometimes to interact personally here with people.

edit: correction of some mistakes made by typing fast

last edited at Jan 22, 2024 1:20PM

joined Sep 11, 2020

I'm a big fan of the art in this manga. I'm not sure why but I just really like the way this sensei draws eyes and expressions.

joined Oct 10, 2014

Akizuki himself seems weird to me. What's up with him seemingly not remembering his past and not acknowledging how odd that is?

joined Apr 10, 2023

Honestly, with that preview.... Doesn't it feel kinda super early for that kind of drama to happen? We're only three chapters in and suddenly this romcom has an antagonist who wants to see the world burn lol. I expected the scene at the end of chapter 3 to be a preview of future drama, where he'd turn back relatively soon (in chapter 1 they says as early as a few hours, no later than overnight) and the culprit would only be hinted at for the future.
Also I really hope shark tooth doesn't fall in love with boymode MC. As much as people suggested he might be gay there really wasn't that much of anything there except maybe future potential, he said he had a crush on Shishizaki instead, and one of the absolute worst tropes in the gender bending genre is when changing sex changes a character's sexuality, going from straight guy to straight girl or vice versa. If shark tooth is gonna fall in love with the MC he'd better wait until it's good and gay first, one way or another.

joined Jun 27, 2018

After figuring out about myself, I contacted LGBT in my area (still 4 letters in that time) to ask for some directions. And received very transphobic and unhelpful answer from some guy who continued to use wrong pronounces after all I said clearly in my mail.
I felt terrible seeing that someone who should be my people closed the door to me. I thought: "OK, I'm on my own now. I'll go my way without any support of others!"

My "parents" also did not support me. Someone of them poisoned my food after seeing that I won't give up under their pressures.
After (some kind of) divorce I was living in my city one year with my kids, taking care of them alone, "parents" bought house in some village and allure me to come to live with them. Little did I know that it was a trap to suffocate my transition in perfidious ways.
After poisoning (7 years ago), I realized it would be smarter to keep it for myself, stay where I know my enemy, than go somewhere where my enemy could be anyone.
(especially when you are trans person, already marginalized and discarded by society, what can you do when your word already means nothing? To whom to speak and how to prove, being alive, that someone killed me? Anyone would take me as an insane person)

I moved in some two-rooms storage next door, in very bad condition.
There was no water for 2,5 years, damaged walls, only outer roof.
I had to leave every luxury to keep my life safe.
I was living in inhuman conditions, appalled for months, almost speechless. Probably with some terrible PTSD (my body passed through the most terrible distress of dying), and I passed through all it by myself.
After recovering, I started to work on that place, and turned it slowly in very comfortable place for living.
I fixed walls, made new door with my own hands, some window too, got water after 2,5 years, air con, etc.
All those handy works without previous experiences.
I worked on myself in same time, without having any friends or real supporters.

For me, the most important thing was taking my life in my own hands.
Yeah, I became poor, so what? Better poor and still alive than rich and dead. When I'm alive I can work on everything to change my situation.
I saw that I'm actually very capable to overcome anything what life throws in my face, and my self respect grew a lot.
It was like living in very much war-like conditions, but for me it all was connected with my personal growth. I was someone sheltered and maybe a little bit spoiled, constantly obstructed by others to grow.
New reality gave me a chance to discover real me, to see that I'm capable to do life-changing things while having just a little.
I don't just look like some trans man who is transforming by hormones, I'm becoming visible for who I am inside.

Now I think, if I'm still here after all, maybe there is some reason why I'm here now and not buried under the ground? Maybe some day I could do something to change the world?
I'm smart enough to find my own way and contribute.

I'm very thankful to you and all the others who are fighting in your own way for the same goal as me. I'm strong individual who finds my own ways, so, however strange I am, please let me do it my way.
We'll meet "somewhere in the middle"

I hate that all of this had to happen to you. Thank you for sharing your story.

I had a habit to buy beer cans, trying to drink as usually, but when I noticed that I'm throwing out almost full cans day by day, I just stopped to buy them to save my money

"Throwing out", I meant throwing away, throwing in garbage almost full cans of beer, not vomiting (because I could not drink them, it was just some habit of buying what I knew I needed before)

Oh, that was correct already. "throwing out" and "throwing away" are more or less the same thing. Vomiting is "throwing up". Phrasal verbs are a bit of a pain for people learning english as a second language, aren't they?

joined Jan 9, 2017

Sorry, I haven't read the entire topic, but I will say that the MC could be gender-fluid or even gender-apathetic. I know personally, I'd love to be able to flip between bodily configurations freely, based entirely on whim. The MC did express that he's not exactly comfortable with the situation, but his love for his GF outweighs that. At this point, it really is just "wait and see".

The awkwardness he has shown would indicate that he is neither

I think it's pretty clear that the story is about "pick your poison, get cursed or lose your love" and he is gonna do the boyish thing and cling on to his love with no clear plan about how he's gonna deal with it

She on the other hand seem to be bi as fuck, and if their family has carried that curse for generations then that might be an evolution, considering what will happen to all their partners

joined Dec 23, 2018

I hate that all of this had to happen to you. Thank you for sharing your story.

Don't worry, it was a part of my journey. It was not easy for me to share and talk about it, especially in public, but I wanted to give some "signal" to people that I exist, and here I am.
I still have to fight to get my real name. Sometimes we must find a way to make our own name and correct all misplaced things given to us by birth and heritage. We are our own persons.
I am actually very thankful to you for your kindness, and for talking with me.

I had a habit to buy beer cans, trying to drink as usually, but when I noticed that I'm throwing out almost full cans day by day, I just stopped to buy them to save my money

"Throwing out", I meant throwing away, throwing in garbage almost full cans of beer, not vomiting (because I could not drink them, it was just some habit of buying what I knew I needed before)

Oh, that was correct already. "throwing out" and "throwing away" are more or less the same thing. Vomiting is "throwing up". Phrasal verbs are a bit of a pain for people learning english as a second language, aren't they?

Uh, I really messed up, ha ha. Yeah, thanks for letting me know. It's so true what you say!

I can see now and imagine how hard could be to our translators here...

joined Aug 21, 2020

I am entertained by how great they always look when they get gender-bent lol

joined Feb 1, 2021

I understand the attitude, but there's only so much hell you can raise exclusively by kissing people to turn them into girls...

joined Jun 3, 2014

Mashiro's about to run an unlicensed gender clinic exclusively for trans women, gonna to have a line of girls kissing her everyday.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Mashiro's plan is weirdly evil.
I'm sickened but curious.

last edited at Mar 21, 2024 4:03PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

So edgy...


joined Dec 11, 2017

"Throwing out", I meant throwing away, throwing in garbage almost full cans of beer, not vomiting (because I could not drink them, it was just some habit of buying what I knew I needed before)

Somebody already pointed out this was already correct, but just because you seem to have the phrases a little mixed up, the term for vomiting is "throwing up" rather than "throwing out". Throwing out just means to get rid of something in general, either by garbage, recycling, or just giving it to charity.

I don't think it was that common. I've been around since 2014/15 (this is my second account). There have always been transphobes on the internet (and there will always be), but dynasty had relatively few of those, and I never had to fight alone.

Yeah, I was also present years before subscribing here. It's not like I'm ignorant or that I don't know about people from our community, I just want sometimes to interact personally here with people.

edit: correction of some mistakes made by typing fast

At the very least I'd say the mods are always going to be on your side. A number of us here are very opinionated and can be snarky assholes sometimes. Gods know I piss people off sometimes. But very few people here are prone to or remotely tolerant of outright bigotry or transphobia.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Yeah, stupid plot direction; stupid random edgy-ness. Maybe it was always planned that way all along, but it kinda gives "out of ideas by chapter 4" vibes ^^

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 3:55AM

joined Oct 14, 2014

I think the point is she's trying to out her family line as cursed and therefore end it. Nothing to do with society as a whole

joined Jan 30, 2017

If you ever get genderbent for shit n giggles, and you react like Tsubakida, congrats! You are not trans.

I think the point is she's trying to out her family line as cursed and therefore end it. Nothing to do with society as a whole

And how is revealing the curse gonna do anything about that? At worst, no one believes it, at best, they end up revolutionizing HRT.

joined Nov 14, 2022

Yeah, stupid plot direction; stupid random edgy-ness. Maybe it was always planned that way all along, but it kinda gives "out of ideas by chapter 4" vibes ^^

Yeah, feels like we’ve barely dealt with the actual issues raised in first chapters before we jumped on this forced drama.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I think the point is she's trying to out her family line as cursed and therefore end it. Nothing to do with society as a whole

And how is revealing the curse gonna do anything about that? At worst, no one believes it, at best, they end up revolutionizing HRT.

It's a genderbend romcom manga published in a shounen magazine that has already established the lengths to which the clan will go to conceal the curse. While it may seem stupid to you, with familiarity with gender issues, it is still internally consistent.

I wouldn't say this is forced drama so much as the catalyst to the family realizing "Oh hey it's not the Edo period anymore, cool!" and letting Hodaka and... I forgot her given name because it's not said enough LOL Akizuki go ahead with their relationship a bit more proactively.

After all, once the news is out, they won't have to hide that Hodaka just randomly becomes a busty babe sometimes, so he won't have to stress over having a skirt on hand when they kiss.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 9:13AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

If you ever get genderbent for shit n giggles, and you react like Tsubakida, congrats! You are not trans.

I think the point is she's trying to out her family line as cursed and therefore end it. Nothing to do with society as a whole

Lol yeah I was thinking this whole chapter about how strong of a contrast this provides vs the main characters' experience. The author clearly didn't run out of ideas, they just read this thread and other comments, saw the people arguing insistently this can't be a trans story, and decided to insert a plot divergence to spite them. :P

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 9:32AM

joined Jan 3, 2020

If you ever get genderbent for shit n giggles, and you react like Tsubakida, congrats! You are not trans.

I think the point is she's trying to out her family line as cursed and therefore end it. Nothing to do with society as a whole

Lol yeah I was thinking this whole chapter about how strong of a contrast this provides vs the main characters' experience. The author clearly didn't run out of ideas, they just read this thread and other comments, saw the people arguing insistently this can't be a trans story, and decided to insert a plot divergence to spite them. :P

Then clearly we need to organize a campaign to complain loudly about how this manga isn't Yuri and can't be about F/F couples, so the author can 'spite us' by making this manga exactly to my tastes.

(I actually like MtF trans stories too, so I'll keep reading.)

joined Feb 3, 2023

I'm surprised people here are saying "wow who cares if everyone finds out about the curse!"

Being shunned by everyone else isn't easy.

Imagine if people knew there is a family around turning men into women. The women would be seen as evil and the men as perverted freaks. Add in the religious supernatural part and its even worse.

I don't know how religious freaks are in Japan but this seems like the recipe to get harrassed NON STOP.

People just want to leave in peace, not be treated as a freak show.

Its obvious why they would keep this hidden. People are scary af when they see something they don't know or don't agree with.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 10:35AM

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