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joined Nov 25, 2023

I enjoy the anime so I'm definitely interested, I just worry how they'll handle the 3 year gap with the game. As an FGO player I'm pretty exhausted by server gaps at this point, that one is 2 years lol

this also concerns me a little. one of my top favorite girls doesn't get added til months after 2nd anniversary, so unless they change the pacing that will be brutal for a lot of people. i hope the quality balances it out, at least. especially in cases like tamamo cross (another fav of mine) where she speaks in osakaben, because there are so many ways that can go wrong...

joined Nov 25, 2023

new official site:

as a longtime player of jp now, i'm super hyped. for anyone who hasn't played, you can make the protagonist female and the romantic subtext (or text in many cases) remains or gets stronger. it's attracted a big following of yumejoshi for that reason, all for the girls! not to mention horse girls are a female only species and we've gotten bits and pieces of lore re: that, like there's a specific gesture that's romantic and pretty intimate and can only be done between them. it's extremely yuri friendly.

the translation seems to be in-house by cygames as well, and i'm hoping it's solid. it'd be really nice to see it be successful in the west too, now that people will be able to appreciate the story :)

joined Nov 25, 2023

binged this today and now i've GOTTA read the raws! i love the complex messy human relationships on display. also, i disagree with framing eri as a bad person. i'm going to gather my thoughts more clearly after reading the jp dialogue, but as things stand, she kind of reads as vaguely autistic? at least to me. she can't understand the people around her, and her efforts just lead to further cruelty and she can't figure out why or where she went wrong. yes, she's emotionally immature, but i think there's a lot to empathize with.

it's clear by now she loves fuyuki, and i don't think it's denial so much as a lack of understanding of what love is. she dates boys because that's what's normal, and she's gotten better at social acting over the years. "don't stand out or you'll get hurt" + no grasp on social cues or nuance = not being able to correctly identify how you feel. i do think fuyuki getting a gf is a good development, for both her and eri, and i'm curious if it'll lead to eri getting clarity, fuyuki moving on, or both (bittersweet!). and as for kyou, he's a typical teenage boy and kind of not interesting to me, except for his role in their drama as a mirror. the art and subtle visual symbolism is awesome too. every panel is so purposeful! nothing is just fluff!! in awe honestly

last edited at May 18, 2024 3:28PM

joined Nov 25, 2023

everybody's talking about abuse here, but i think it's symbolic if anything. if wings -> freedom, she can't bear the thought of losing her and becomes possessive. but she only fell to that because, the whole time, she was denying her feelings for her. "i'm normal, i'm not like her." in other words, she was too afraid to be vulnerable, and her panic won out and hurt the other girl in the process. so, if anything, isn't it an allegory for being closeted? the selfish insecurity turning toxic and hurting them both. comfortable ordinary vs the alluring extraordinary you can't unsee. i'm glad i read it. it was a really beautiful manga, i think i'm a fan of this artist honestly

joined Nov 25, 2023

every so often i remember lesmo and come back and reread the entire manga. it's just so ridiculous and over the top that, despite not finding it even remotely sexy, i keep coming back. it's entertaining! unapologetic! we need more art in the world like lesmo, i think. also i'll never be able to look at dengeki pikachu the same way ever again, thanks previous commenters

joined Nov 25, 2023

I'm more confused why this 10 year old has anxieties about the crushing reality of society and not being good enough

growing up too fast under the stress of poverty, an unhealthy/unsafe home, etc is a thing, and imo it's a really refreshing angle. a lot of fiction (being fiction) has this idealistic, rosy lens on youth, which isn't a bad thing, but for me personally i do connect quicker this way. there's a certain wish fulfillment in giving a child like that a safe place to live and thrive so they can learn to let their walls down

joined Nov 25, 2023

Oneeloli gods thank you for this meal

agreed. you can never have too much oneeloli

joined Nov 25, 2023

this is so sweet! i like the difference in perspective between them, and ellen's hang up about how productive and capable she is honestly makes a lot of sense with her background. her teacher had the means and luxury to take her time, but even though she gives that to ellen as well, it's a difficult thing to adapt to. i'm looking forward to seeing how stuff develops from here.

the little bit of worldbuilding is also fun. it's just enough to give a foundation but leave you wondering and waiting for more. nicely done imo!

joined Nov 25, 2023

Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.

Sometimes the childhood friend character wins...

I concur. Look at the list under the Childhood Friends tag to find heaps of stories with childhood friends who turn into lovers.

Only when there isn't a love triangle. In that case, they always lose.

you should read kashimashi girl meets girl. though it disappointed me because i wanted the other girl to win, if a childhood friend ending is what you want, that's got it. and in general, within yuri, childhood friends get a fair shot. i would even say they often win over the initial crush/object of admiration, it can be a little frustrating!

as for this manga, the art is gorgeous. i'll read it for that alone. time to look up raws and binge!