Forum › What Is Normal Love? discussion

joined Sep 21, 2019

Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more

joined Aug 11, 2019

Silly question. The girls are in normal with each other, and that's normal and great.

joined Apr 16, 2022

I liked this chapter, it was nice and low-key. I'll be curious to see if the short-haired girl ends up as anything more than a third wheel.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Childhood friends never win.... Why would I read this If the endgame is so painfully obvious?

joined Feb 17, 2013

Looks good!

joined Jan 21, 2019

unless it ends in polyamory my tomboy girl is so cooked ( ; ω ; )

joined Oct 1, 2022

As long as the friend doesn't get in her way, everything is fine. You already know that that expression is love haha, please don't be an obstacle for your friend, if you consider her that way. Because you lost without having started. So it is a love of a couple and one to spare.

joined Feb 10, 2020

A romance doomed from the beginning. Damn poor childhood friend

joined Jul 23, 2013

Sees Love Triangle tag
Sees 2 of the 3 characters on the cover art practically cuddling with each other
First POV is talking about her normal life, as she's talking with the third character
Second POV is the new girl flat out talking about love at first sight and saying the first character is extraordinary, as the other character has her face blurred out
Both POVs end at the same moment, looking at each other, with both characters being equally infatuated with each other
Third POV opens up with her talking about being the childhood friend.

Nah you're done. The pairing is already decided. At least she has sports, I guess. The funny thing is that the new girl is talking about how everybody else looks the same in their uniforms and she falls in love with like the least different looking Japanese girl ever.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Strapped in for the impending childhood friend L

joined Nov 13, 2022
  1. I really like it when they do those subtle sparkles near the eyes.
  2. The character designs are really appealing in this one, and the art is just gorgeous.
  3. They all seem like nice enough people to me? I hope they can all be close and friendly with each other. Polyamory route (though undoubtedly rare) would work really well here, I think
  4. Dang this makes me want to be a high schooler again... but not in the U.S. or in reality. In Japan... in a manga...
joined Apr 25, 2020

love triangle? more like love third wheeled

joined Feb 2, 2023

Thank you for translating and uploading this! These kind of tropes really get me lol! Love it~

joined Jan 19, 2014

Can't believe they are playing for the weakly weak volleyball team.

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.

Sometimes the childhood friend character wins... but I don't think it will be the case here because tomboy girl bombed it. Any chance she could have had was destroyed the moment she firmly stuck herself into the other girl's friendzone.

She could have done, oh, so many many things. But she did squat zilch. Even worse, when the other girl said she wanted to fall in love with someone else, tb girl was like: "All right, I'll support you!" Ten seconds later, that's exactly what happens: the other girl falls for someone else at first sight... and tb girl is like: "Oh no, my life is ruined!" Wtf, dude?

last edited at Feb 11, 2024 11:50PM

joined Jan 21, 2023

Can't believe they are playing for the weakly weak volleyball team.

?? Why do you call them weak?

joined Oct 19, 2022

Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.

Sometimes the childhood friend character wins...

I concur. Look at the list under the Childhood Friends tag to find heaps of stories with childhood friends who turn into lovers.

joined Feb 9, 2015

This dynamic is not triangle. It is a couple with one third wheel. Poor childhood friend.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Everybody already assumed the childhood friend is doomed. I would like to see a twist the friend winning for once.

Sometimes the childhood friend character wins...

I concur. Look at the list under the Childhood Friends tag to find heaps of stories with childhood friends who turn into lovers.

Only when there isn't a love triangle. In that case, they always lose.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Childhood friends never win.... Why would I read this If the endgame is so painfully obvious?

The endgame is almost always obvious . . . why would that make it uniquely unreadable in this particular case?
It's obvious from pretty early on that Elizabeth Bennett is going to end up with Mr. Darcy, but it's still a fun read.

joined Jan 22, 2017

Oh, the main couple(?) is really cute. Childhood friend too, but she feels already friendzoned. I guess this will be painful.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

There's an odd numbering on this manga. On the web release, chapter 1 is this, but in the volume, it's separated in 3 short chapters, each with a title (see table of content).

I think I'll reupload this as chapter 1, 2 and 3, each with their respective title.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Oh, the main couple(?) is really cute. Childhood friend too, but she feels already friendzoned. I guess this will be painful.

It's likely, but not certain.

And there's always the poly route :3

joined Aug 4, 2016

How many chapters will it take to get to the conclusion we all know is coming?

(We'll read it anyway)

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