Forum › Alcohol and Ogre-girls discussion

joined Mar 14, 2016

I'll have what she's having

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Quite liked the last few chapters.

joined Jul 10, 2015

it's becoming increasingly ridiculous that "oni" is being localized as "ogre". they're two very distinct creature types.

joined Sep 16, 2019

it's becoming increasingly ridiculous that "oni" is being localized as "ogre". they're two very distinct creature types.

Why? Both are hulking, supernaturally strong, human-like monsters with a penchant for cannibalism. There’re differences, of course, but not enough to detract from the story. Plus, “ogre,” or “demon” tend to be the two most common translations for “oni” in English, and the former fits better here than the latter.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Time for fun times at the festival. Each of our girls looks like they'll be on their own semi-adventure. Although with the "threat" of free flowing alcohol, Hinata will have to watch her back. We also got to see some of the prejudice against oni, with Hinata's friends. Unfortunate.

Then our new guy is here, Tsukasa. Another friend to add to the pile and this one seems to know Hinata and likely Aju, since he was introduced sitting in front of an Aju poster. I wonder what his relationship with Aju is like. Hinata seemed surprised to be seeing him at all ("long time no see"). Plus he knows about and seems ok with oni.

last edited at Dec 31, 2023 8:46AM

joined Aug 21, 2017

I genuinely forgot that they were in college.

joined Mar 10, 2018

So is there a reason why every member of this club has glasses?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Huh. I have a feeling those girls aren't supernatural at all! They just heard somehow that she's a good mixologist.

joined Aug 1, 2011

So is there a reason why every member of this club has glasses?

The exact same glasses too.

On that note, is anyone else getting Otherside Picnic vibes from them?

joined May 26, 2020

So is there a reason why every member of this club has glasses?

The exact same glasses too.

On that note, is anyone else getting Otherside Picnic vibes from them?

Maybe they all twigged to how cute Naori is and formed a fan club...

joined Sep 16, 2014

New fun character arrived.

joined Apr 4, 2022

Duty bound ogre slayer descendants who cant change their position and outlook
Ogres who were locked away far too long to even go back to the days of old
and Monsters who never change
All the supernatural in this manga are still playing their old roles even in modern day
and then we have Naori who can probably see the complete picture if she calms down more

mystery bartender i hope you help this girl

joined Sep 16, 2014

Ill intentioned? Now you're just talking like a twitter user, she was just ignorant, you shouldn't be angry but educate her instead.

joined Sep 10, 2022

All the friends around Hinata and Naori are great and we just got a bunch of new ones. Hinata called her there, so she's introducing Naori to her old friend. Plus he also serves alcohol to oni, and Naori mentioned wanting someone else to confide in about her situation.

It's lovely seeing Naori continue trying to defend Hinata and the oni but it's also sad that she's still viewing herself as ill quipped or lacking. She's always wishing she did more for Hinata and friends, even when she's already doing so much and Hinata clearly appreciates her enough.

last edited at Jan 6, 2024 12:34PM

joined Dec 16, 2021

That count as het cheating, tag it , xd :0

joined Apr 27, 2021

So is this the moment where Naori realises that being just a bartender for Hinata isn't quite what she wants? I hope for that sort of outcome, while I really enjoyed the last couple of chapters, I wouldn't mind a bit more romantic progress happening

joined May 27, 2019

I really have to thank FGO for familiarizing me with all of these historical figures lol

joined Jul 6, 2020

bigoted JK exorcist and surprise male rival bartender, things are heating up
joined Jun 6, 2020

I really have to thank FGO for familiarizing me with all of these historical figures lol

mood that and samurai maiden

joined Aug 4, 2021

So is this the moment where Naori realises that being just a bartender for Hinata isn't quite what she wants? I hope for that sort of outcome, while I really enjoyed the last couple of chapters, I wouldn't mind a bit more romantic progress happening

I kind of want their relationship to progress while they continue to see each other as friends

like some chapter opens with hinata passed out underneath naori in bed and naori just thinks "wow taking care of ogres is hard work"

joined Jan 30, 2017

I liked the new girl at first, but seeing her talk about Hinata like an animal really soured the mood...

joined Jun 12, 2014

I liked the new girl at first, but seeing her talk about Hinata like an animal really soured the mood...

From the looks of things, she may not have ever actually personally seen or met an ogre before and is just going off old fairy tales. She seems pretty naive and prone to making assumptions

joined Jul 10, 2016

The Yuri of Vermeille

I can only assume, by the name and the poster, that this is some kind of steampunk parody of the Rose of Versailles. Which sounds awesome.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

The Yuri of Vermeille

I can only assume, by the name and the poster, that this is some kind of steampunk parody of the Rose of Versailles. Which sounds awesome.

The lily version we always needed

joined Aug 12, 2021

Hinata is thankfully not a cheat! Though to be fair if we took bartending as the relationship it is analogous for it does paint a very fun picture wherein Hinata is exclusive to Naori but Naori is open to pretty much all female ogres. Lmao

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