Forum › Unaware His Majesty Is a Girl discussion

joined Oct 3, 2016

You know. You could put a stop to her suspicion with kisses and some spectacular tongue action. I'm just saying

joined Oct 3, 2016

You know. You could put a stop to her suspicion with kisses and some spectacular tongue action. I'm just saying

joined May 25, 2023

omg, she basicly just sent her viagra. this is far too funny

joined Jul 4, 2021

I sort of love the empress? Usually the "clueless" character is clueless because they're just dumb, but she's clearly quite clever, just good at hiding it. Concluding that the emperor might be impotent, and so trying to help by ordering special food is really subtle and actually kinda sweet.

I also like that she's secretly an author. I wonder if the work, like its reference, is also yuri? Could be nice foreshadowing that she's into that sort of thing, along with not batting an eye at the scroll.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Alright, so she's not quite figured it out yet. But she's not entirely off base, either.

And I wholly expect this to culminate in the emperor dramatically revealing to her that she's not a man... only to be met with "Oh, is that all? Pants off."

joined Feb 16, 2013

I sort of love the empress? Usually the "clueless" character is clueless because they're just dumb, but she's clearly quite clever, just good at hiding it. Concluding that the emperor might be impotent, and so trying to help by ordering special food is really subtle and actually kinda sweet.

I also like that she's secretly an author. I wonder if the work, like its reference, is also yuri? Could be nice foreshadowing that she's into that sort of thing, along with not batting an eye at the scroll.

In case the T/N is too small to read, the reference is to this one:

joined Jul 4, 2021

I sort of love the empress? Usually the "clueless" character is clueless because they're just dumb, but she's clearly quite clever, just good at hiding it. Concluding that the emperor might be impotent, and so trying to help by ordering special food is really subtle and actually kinda sweet.

I also like that she's secretly an author. I wonder if the work, like its reference, is also yuri? Could be nice foreshadowing that she's into that sort of thing, along with not batting an eye at the scroll.

In case the T/N is too small to read, the reference is to this one:

Thank you! I actually did know that one, but it's good in case other people want to check it out.

joined Feb 18, 2013

So not only is she crafty and sly, she's a successful GL novelist. What a catch!

joined Nov 7, 2022

TIL that the author is the same as for Childhood Sweetheart Liaoliao. I should pay more attention.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Clever girl.

joined Aug 29, 2023

Alright, so she's not quite figured it out yet. But she's not entirely off base, either.

And I wholly expect this to culminate in the emperor dramatically revealing to her that she's not a man... only to be met with "Oh, is that all? Pants off."


"Oh, is that all? Crimson mandarin duck-patterned dudou off."

last edited at Dec 12, 2023 3:44PM

joined May 29, 2022

Girl is down bad

joined Jul 9, 2020

I know the mom is supposed to be the antagonist in all of this, but... That bird did not deserve that. That's irredeemable villain behavior. Now boarding the Draw And Quarter train. >:(

joined Jul 15, 2016

Yeah, Empress Dowager is definitely a villain. Catching and snapping a birds neck with one hand is much harder than it looks. The fact that she then uses the same hand to hold Ming Wei's wrist is a power move all in itself. The implications of that scene are... painful to imagine.

last edited at Dec 18, 2023 2:54PM

joined Nov 19, 2022

I don't think impotency is gonna stop the empress.

joined Nov 7, 2022

That was a surprisingly smart move. Since this won't discourage Yu Dingdang, I'm curious what she will do now that she has an "explanation".

Ming Wei's eyes look so dead in the presence of the empress dowager, oof. Who's a lot more evil that she looked at first mostly because she doesn't recognize that the current pairings are best.

P.S.: that blush from the "emperor" is adorable. One more victory for her wife.

last edited at Dec 18, 2023 7:48AM

joined Aug 2, 2023

I think it is now official that "Not thinking plans through" runs in the family. What's the empress dowager gonna do once Ming Wei also proofs unable to bear a heir?

joined Aug 4, 2018

So the empress dowager knows the emperor is a girl?!?

I was half convinced that her baby had been taken from her at birth and that the courtiers (who followed the orders of the former emperor) had told her that the child was a boy...

As it turns out, it now looks more likely that she's the one who bamboozled the former emperor into believing he had a heir.

I think it is now official that "Not thinking plans through" runs in the family. What's the empress dowager gonna do once Ming Wei also proofs unable to bear a heir?


I doubt this is really a problem for a vile villainess like the empress dowager. I'm sure she has a few male clan members all ready to sire the children of Ming Wei.

And then the future emperors will be 100% of her bloodline!

last edited at Dec 19, 2023 1:14PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I doubt this is really a problem for a vile villainess like the empress dowager. I'm sure she has a few male clan members all ready to sire the children of Ming Wei.

And then the future emperors will be 100% of her bloodline!

That... would certainly make sense for her plans.

joined Feb 18, 2013

I'm waiting for Yu Dingdang to either befriend or entrap Ming Wei and find out the truth about honoured mother-in-law (which she probably suspects already, because she's a bit genre savvy).

Still wonder how long the emperor's secret will stay hidden from her wife, though. It's not quite tedious yet, but it's fast approaching.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Yeah, I agree with Nene. Sounds like a plausible trajectory for the villain plan.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Chibi Yu Dingdang is heckin' adorable.

joined Oct 19, 2021

"Uuuuh yeah I'm impotent"

Bestie, this girl has a libido taller than you - you really think that's gonna 100% stop her?

last edited at Dec 18, 2023 2:52PM

joined Jul 6, 2020

For all that this is marketed as a comedy, this series is actually is shaping up to be pretty interesting palace intrigue. The Empress Dowager as the obvious villain, but I have to wonder about Yu Dingdang's family. Her habit of hiding her smarts and playing the emperor could mean either she developed the skills to survive in her family, or more interestingly could mean that her own family has some shadowy plans which she may be a willing part of.

joined Mar 14, 2018

Qi Nina should just fortify herself and have sex with her wife in the dark as many GNC ppl throughout history have.

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