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joined Dec 20, 2018

Well played, Shirakawa. Fuck you.

joined May 2, 2018

I'm spiritually Kayo x Satomi crew but in realpolitik terms I expect it all to end in a big crater where the company building used to be.

joined Aug 12, 2021


Junko played so hard and she got nothing! What an incredible way for it to blow up in her face, just nothing at all.

joined May 10, 2021

Wow finally a good decision on Junko's part!
Now the best ship can peacefully sail!

joined May 27, 2019

I know that Satomi would be a healthy and good partner for Kayo, but I bet that Kayo’s going to have a moment where she we won’t be able to pull out of Junko’s gravity and I can’t wait to see everything disintegrate as they crash back into each other

joined Feb 20, 2023

I'm really glad Junko didn't throw Hashimoto under the bus. Maybe there's hope for her yet

joined Sep 10, 2022

She put in the work and thought she was about to reap the rewards. Junko is funny. Completely frustrated that Kayo isn't biting anymore. She seems to miss their late-night rendezvous. It really is a story about surviving a crazy ex bullying her crush to get her attention---and office politics.

last edited at Dec 13, 2023 4:06PM

joined May 26, 2020

The opposite of love isn't hate. It's indifference. Junko got exactly what she deserved.

joined Aug 11, 2014 (bottom left panel)

These women work in private equity? No wonder they're all horrible people.

Also, kudos to the translators for making that line work.

joined Sep 15, 2020

OOO I wonder what she's gonna do now. SatoKayo is so cute tbh

joined Apr 18, 2023

it's junkover

joined Dec 5, 2016

Oh they're so over

joined Jan 30, 2017

I hope some bad-tempered woman doesn't take advantage of her.

Oof. Poor Hashimoto.

last edited at Dec 14, 2023 1:44AM

joined Oct 12, 2017

it's junkover

XD yes.

joined Dec 10, 2023

it's junkover


joined Mar 14, 2018

The two of them could probably benefit from seeing a therapist, but this is far more entertaining

joined Dec 20, 2018

That ending... She's actually a tsundere! :D

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

That ending... She's actually a tsundere! :D

Sort of a tsunyan. "I-it's not like I want to gush crazy all over you, or anything!"

joined Apr 10, 2023

Do they count as useless lesbians?

Only if you're judging their "usefulness" as providing you with some boring wholesome relationship to look at or something like that. That term was coined to describe women too insecure and awkward to make anything happen for themselves. They're useless for achieving their own desires, not for anyone else. It's basically a mean perjorative for bottoms lol. That's extremely not these main characters, who are fully actializing their desires on page two of the first chapter. These are some of the absolute most proactive and forward lesbians out of all the series on this website lmao.

joined Jan 2, 2022

I know everyone hates Junko now, but damn if she isn't entertaining. This is always such a fire read because of her.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, jealousy...

I know everyone hates Junko now

Less than two chapters ago, to be honest. Even if the only reason she doesn't want to throw Hashimoto under the bus is that it could lead back to her, the biggest worry we had after seeing her record that conversation is still off the table for now.

last edited at Dec 15, 2023 4:31PM

joined Oct 25, 2022

I'm reminded of the saying "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference".

Kayo seems to have moved on, and be trying to escape Junko, but is that real? Is her recent indifference towards Junko genuine, or a calculated maneuver to get under the other woman's skin? Is Junko really planning to burn everything down in her pursuit of Kayo, or are we building towards Junko being honest about her feelings towards Kayo and possibly becoming a better person? (that last one seems unlikely, IMO, especially given the cover arts)

I'm not sure exactly what Sal Jiang is cooking, and I'm both intrigued and afraid to find out.

joined May 26, 2020

That Deputy manager has been planning this for a LONG time. He hates that Sakakibara is in the position she is. And he HATES that Kayo is making moves. Junko is so set on on-upping Kayo, that she doesn't see that she is the pawn in someone else's game.

This is why i left the corporate world...

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm not sure exactly what Sal Jiang is cooking, and I'm both intrigued and afraid to find out.

She's cooking spice and she's delivering wonderfully.

joined Dec 4, 2022

shirakawa need a new hobby bruh

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