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joined Jun 3, 2014

i guess the Vice Prez is about to announce that the Prez is dead

joined Jun 8, 2020

this is not a yuri manga then?

joined Mar 11, 2020

this is not a yuri manga then?

It never was pulls trigger

She's come to make an announcement...

Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitchass motherfucker

joined Mar 4, 2018

this is not a yuri manga then?

It never was pulls trigger

Did it used to have the yuri tag, or am I imagining that?

joined Apr 10, 2023

It used to, yeah. And it used to really feel like it was going to have actual gay romance going on what with the scene from when Akari spent the night at Satsuki's house and how Satsuki kept blushing. But then I guess the author decided he'd rather pull a Lycoris Recoil on us lol rip.

joined Jun 3, 2014

They've needed to call the police like 5 chapters ago, there's just a dead body rotting in a classroom right now

joined Jun 3, 2014

chap 75 spoilers
When did Seo even have the time to research, plan, and set up all these kill traps????? And how did these get setup unnoticed?

joined Apr 10, 2023

chap 75 spoilers
When did Seo even have the time to research, plan, and set up all these kill traps????? And how did these get setup unnoticed?

This has been a pretty huge question for a while now, given she was, even as far as we saw of her own thoughts, trying to be nice right up until the Prez almost strangled her. It's like her choice to give up being good somehow magically retroactively made her evil the whole time, which makes zero sense unless they're gonna get into alternate dimensions or timelines or something.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I really hope this isnt gonna try to pull a "maybe they had a point all along, killing (or trying to) all those misbehaving kids" lmao

joined Jul 15, 2016

I really hope this isnt gonna try to pull a "maybe they had a point all along, killing (or trying to) all those misbehaving kids" lmao

Ditto. I can sympathize with the Vice Prez's grief, but regardless of her justifications of his actions, her boss was still a serial murderer. And Satsuki should really put some points into her social skills, so she at least have a retort ready in such a situation apart from "Killing is wrong!" or just glaring silently at her critics.

joined Oct 20, 2017

The comments saying Seo was playing nice right up until Prez attempted to strangle her are incorrect. She's been planning this a while. At least since her talk with Komachi. Seems she decided to kill the Prez during the second attempt on her life.

joined Aug 23, 2022

I'd say that Ryouko went too hard on making Seo a psycho to break Satsuki's ideals. I was fine with it when it was just her killing Kai since at that point it actually did seem like she tried to be a better person but wasn't left with any other choice because he kept on trying to kill her despite that. It's not as if Satsuki wouldn't be dealing with the moral dilemma of what if the person you saved went on to kill other people. Her turning the school into a death trap just to spite the one person that believed her is jumping the shark. It feels as if it's trying to say that Kai was right all along with he was just an asshole high on his own farts.

Right? Idk why the author want us to sympathize with the Prez and Vice Prez so much that you have to give Seo a dumb reason to attempt mass murdering.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Also agree with the other comments that this arc feels weird and a very forced attempt to make us sympathize with Prez despite there being no justification at all, in addition to Seo's turn being literally out of nowhere apparently just to give them a justification which was never present in the manga so far.

It's also completely ignoring the content of volume 6 and going in a completely different direction with no acknowledgement of it whatsoever.

Maybe the author is planning to pull a reversal of the recent events. Or they didn't know where to go in terms of content and wanted to change and spice things up, even though it made no sense with what had happened before. Anyway, this volume has been fairly disappointing. We'll see what the remaining chapters have to offer...

joined Aug 16, 2014

Miho coming in clutch once again

joined Mar 20, 2016

Glad to see I'm not the only one content with that dirtbag biting the dust. He's had no redeeming qualities until now, so I was glad to see Seo gut him.

joined Nov 21, 2017

yuri tag gone bc akira isnt here

joined Oct 14, 2014

akira is back and there was a panel focusing on hand touching.... that's mighty gay of you satsuki

joined Mar 19, 2022

akira is back and the yuri is back too

joined Sep 30, 2023

Came back to this series and I'm glad I did.

Satsuki looking super excited to die is the most relatable thing I've ever seen in a manga.

joined Jun 3, 2014

Come on dynasty you gotta put the yuri tag back now that Akira is here, she's gay as hell

joined Mar 19, 2022

Glad to see I'm not the only one content with that dirtbag biting the dust. He's had no redeeming qualities until now, so I was glad to see Seo gut him.

It's just a shame only one of them died.

joined May 27, 2019

I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Satsuki and the president got to the point of gouging their own eyes out just to avoid the burden of knowledge

joined Jul 15, 2016

Leave it to Akira to delete all of that suicidal ideation from Satsuki's silly little head.

That said, I am not sure how to feel about Miho pulling the trigger on Seo's own trap. On the one hand, Miho got a taste of her own medicine, will likely get all the criminal charges, and Miho was nice enough to let her off with a light concussion. On the other, Satsuki (and Akira, but Miho didn't know that) was still inside the gym, so Miho willingness to pull the trigger is a bit unnerving.

joined Nov 3, 2018

^ The explosion would've happened in a matter of seconds anyway once Seo got over the surprise of the remote device still being attached. Either Miho trusted Satsuki to get out of there alive or she didn't care.

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