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joined Jan 10, 2022

The moment I realized what this chapter was going to be about, I got giddy for the wrong reasons. I didn't care much about the chapter, which was okay, but I knew people would put on their snob glasses and shit all over this.

joined Feb 24, 2023

Yuzu isn’t smart enough to realize that maybe a friggin elementary schooler wouldn’t understand the implication of being confessed to when they’re still a small child and maybe asking again when they’re both…..considerably more mature might not be a bad idea???

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yuzu isn’t smart enough to realize that maybe a friggin elementary schooler wouldn’t understand the implication of being confessed to when they’re still a small child and maybe asking again when they’re both…..considerably more mature might not be a bad idea???

This has turned into "Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream."

joined Apr 27, 2021

While I don't hate this, I kinda still prefer a scenario where Yuzu is just oblivious about her feelings for Minami and pretty much completely aloof/in denial until Kamiya comes along and forces her to face those feelings. Honestly, I was expecting that sort of thing even when reading the chapter up to the "confession". It would've just fit so well with Yuzu's character and behaviour so far, this, on the other hand, feels kind of artificial. It's not terrible and that trope is a trope for a reason, as it just integrates quite easily into almost any story frame, but it definitely downgrades this story for me, which is sad.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Hah, turns out we were right from the start! But of course there would be the classic "best friends" line keeping them apart again...

This has turned into "Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream."

Always has been. To the point that it has sometimes been hard to remember what happened in which.

joined Jun 25, 2022

This has turned into "Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream."

Always has been. To the point that it has sometimes been hard to remember what happened in which.

Ah yes, the classic mixup. I often get these two confused as well sometimes.

joined Jul 13, 2015

She was so close to get her and didn`t know

joined Apr 25, 2020

LAZY plot device tbh

joined Feb 17, 2018

[extra 3] that door does not open the right way to shut it in her face, she'd have had to shove her out of the doorway to do that lol

joined May 25, 2015

it went full circle AAAAAAA

joined Dec 20, 2018

Adorable. ^_^

joined Mar 11, 2020

The moment I realized what this chapter was going to be about, I got giddy for the wrong reasons. I didn't care much about the chapter, which was okay, but I knew people would put on their snob glasses and shit all over this.

ikr? first thing i thought after reading the chapter was "oh boy the forum posts are gonna hate this lol"

joined Nov 11, 2015

The girl used to be a brick, a wall and she's actually the one who fell first ??? they're both the most oblivious person ever then? good god.

I mean, well, not saying it's bad, it's really cute and I can see why Yuzu would "brush it off" everything that Minami did because she kind of already "accepted" that they're just friends, getting that info from past information, info that actually changed but, because of the status quo of her mind, she brushed it off.
Okm I can see that. But...idk, I think there were better plot lines to use but I'm excited to see what happens next nonetheless! like what the autor gonna do with that :] /genuine

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 10:18PM

joined Feb 12, 2015

I don't know guys, I love the chapter and the plot twist. Lazy? Maybe. Corny? For sure. Do I like it? Oh yes, give me more.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I mean, I wouldn't really call it a twist and definitely not lazy when the hints have been there all along, to the point that I've gone on the record in this very thread to declare that I had zero doubt this was the case by chapter 2.

joined Feb 1, 2021

The way I see it, I could gripe about the plotting, or I could look at the picture from the extras of Yuzu putting her chin in Minami's hand like a cat, and the latter is probably better for my blood pressure.

joined Feb 7, 2013

Between Yuzu has been completely oblivious this whole time and has no concept of a romantic feeling, or, she was in love all along but refused to pursue anything because of an interaction in ELEMENTARY school... im all for the latter. At least they both actually have feelings for eachother.

I cant do another 'a third party entered and made me realise I have feelings for her despite everything else up until now already telling me that' storyline.

last edited at Nov 16, 2023 10:09AM

joined Feb 2, 2021

I cant do another 'a third party entered and made me realise I have feelings for her despite everything else up until now already telling me that' storyline.

Those exist that often? The "both have been in love since much earlier, but something stopped progress" is much more common from what I've seen.

last edited at Nov 17, 2023 11:42AM

joined Aug 29, 2019

So more people thought the same as me, damm I hate to be right in this situation... The potencial and hope one had for this serie, and it fell into an overused MC realization moment, what a way to loose the big hook for readers... Well, at least it has the cute factor and humor, and some hope that the confesion is somewhat memorable.

joined Aug 29, 2019

I mean, the inicial plot of, as the title says, made it sound, at least in my head, that this will be like Impossible, and then we need to resort to team work and some clever and unique situation to try to reach to Yuzu in a way she gets the hints. But with the "lol she really meant back then that we HAVE to stay as friends, so let's do that if that is what Minami wants" (cheap) twist, now it's like "easy mission for Minami, but we need Yuzu to stop thinking like that and just go confess/dont ingore the hint", because if Minami is the one confessing, then good, but is less impactful as a resolution of the plot IMO.

At this point, if I (hopefully We) want this development to the confession to be more impactful and interesting, the author needs something a bit more dark and maybe depressing (since we got that "cheap/overused" dark twist about Yuzu's past) event. My idea is (It doesnt has to be exact, Im kind of oversimplyfing here): Minami goes on another date with Yuzu, but this one is a more thoughtful one so she is able to have more coraguoe to confess to Yuzu, Minami work hard for this special date, and she gets to confess ((maybe as best as she could)) but Yuzu forces her twisted "reality/TRAUMA" into the actions MInami takes to reach her heart, and again dismisses the signal of romance and plays dumb. MInami then gets fed-up and starts to cry, showing how tired is she from failing numeous times ((I feel like this fits well with her personality, since she also got emotional and twisted things a couple of times)), and Yuzu, still in her world, worries a lot for her from the sudden burst of tears of Minami. Minami runs away, Yuzu goes after her but failed to keep up with her and looses her.
Yuzu, confused and tired, wonders why this happened on the spot, and suddenly Kamiya confronts Yuzu, asking her: what is worng with you? You broke her heart by doing your thing again! explain yourself!
Yuzu goes again about how she heard from Minami when kids, " heard very loud and clear(cause trauma)", "Let's be BFF" from Minami to her. And Kamiya rages on Yuzu: And that's it?! you are constanlty living in the past, of course you will fear the posibility of ruinning the only most precious thing you have from then. BUT stop it! kids can be dumb, so your destiny is not set in stone for that, you can still change, people can change, so go fing her and tell her how you REALLY feel. Dont only think in the probabilities of failing, because while you have some probabilities of succeding, it is still worth to give your shot at big move like this... (something like that, can't think of something more epic/original)
Yuzu after some hours of looking for MInami, finds her, still crying, and Yuzu approaches her, making sure she hears her, proceeds to apologies for how she treated her and it was her fault, how I loved you so much that I tried so hard make your wish of being BFF to stay true, BUT I was the one who didn't want to grow up, I didn't want to change, I didn't want to be separated from you if something came between us. I never forgot all the things you did for me, you wanted me to be better and I just could thanks to you,Yes I love you and thanks for loving me back as you do... (details details).

If you, dear reader, have some opinions, I'm glad to read them! Have a nice day!

joined Aug 12, 2021

Alright this is definitely the funniest example of mutually unrequited shenanigans I've seen yet.

last edited at Jan 10, 2024 5:24PM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Always a good day when we get another chapter of two of my favorite idiots.

joined Apr 25, 2020

so how come yuzu didn't mind extreme skinship in the past and now that it's revealed that she was in love since ages ago she's so self-conscious? it's like her character has changed tremendously in only 2 chapters, no consistency at all

joined Sep 16, 2019

so how come yuzu didn't mind extreme skinship in the past and now that it's revealed that she was in love since ages ago she's so self-conscious? it's like her character has changed tremendously in only 2 chapters, no consistency at all

If you’re referring to what they did when they were little, that might just be an example of childhood innocence. If your referring to Yuzu’s actions earlier in the story, it seems like she had done a pretty good job suppressing her feelings until the cultural festival, so I would just assume that she’s becoming too conscious of it now that her feelings have welled back up. Either way, I wouldn’t call it completely inconsistent, just somewhat.

joined Apr 15, 2013

These cute idiots, man. These cute idiots.

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