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Forum › Boys Gilding the Lily Shall Die discussion

joined Apr 25, 2020

This manga feels like it has potential but at the same time feels so empty/rushed, with a lot of ideas but none of them actually developed or executed right, I don't know man

Well it's passed 100 chapters and going, so it's developing it's story with some purpose. What ideas feel undeveloped so far? I feel like their dynamic is pretty clear, there's a lot not said but what's not said seems intentional so far.

what?? this is over 100 chapters long?? and then you have a lot of great mangas with great premises axed in the 4th volume and even before smh
and btw if you're saying this is over a 100 chapters and I read before is kind of like a slow burn type of thing, I would say every idea is underdeveloped, first off, why does glasses girl care for short hair girl? (and the other way around too) they don't even know each other at all, it's only been 4 chapters, and even if you say several weeks or month have been portrayed then it's only even more rushed.
the world feels empty, like there's no other people appart from the 2 main girls, and there's nothing else than playing in that band they are. why is she with that guy, be it just to fool around or whatever, is weird too; even if you say there's no feelings involved at all, there's still gotta be something funny or thrilling about it for them; it looks like their lips are just touching and that's all lol
why is she being harassed (verbally) by the director (or was harassed, i don't know if that's supossed to be a flashback or not), wasn't she the first trumpet, like the best and chosen by the director himself? he just decided to hate her on a whim? why is she first trumpet too, we didn't even see why she won and glasses lost
there's a lot of ideas that are underdeveloped, but that's because of how rushed it is, like all of the things I talked about before have been introduced in only 4 chapters, yet none of them seem to be the main point of the story, i mean where's the focus. I just wish the author would take more time in developing their characters, that are awfully bland and empty and I can't help to not give a shit about them or any of their relationships, and then introduct the plot points
I hope this does not come across as a rant or anything, it's just the feeling I get from reading till now, I even said there's potential but, well

last edited at Jul 20, 2023 6:30PM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Oh, so you're the type that want to be spoonfed the motivations, background and story of the characters right off the bat.

I feel it's like when there was silence in some Japanese anime movie, just the wind blowing over some field, the American dubbers added some random background dialogue, because the American audience is mostly incapable of understanding what's NOT said.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I feel it's like when there was silence in some Japanese anime movie, just the wind blowing over some field, the American dubbers added some random background dialogue, because the American audience is mostly incapable of understanding what's NOT said.

Yeah that stuff was terrible. Lol. Agreed. What did Miyazaki call it, the "Mu," or "Ma."

Edit (quotes):

We have a word for that in Japanese. It's called ma. Emptiness. It's there intentionally. The time in between my clapping is ma. If you just have non-stop action with no breathing space at all, it's just busyness. but if you take a moment, then the tension building in the film can grow into a wider dimension. If you just have constant tension at 80 degrees all the time you just get numb....The people who make the movies are scared of silence, so they want to paper and plaster it over. They're worried that the audience will get bored. They might go up and get some popcorn. But just because it's 80 percent intense all the time doesn't mean the kids are going to bless you with their concentration. What really matters is the underlying emotions -- that you never let go of those.

last edited at Jul 21, 2023 8:34AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I don't think it's underdeveloped, I'm just not feeling the chemistry between them. Maybe that's what you're feeling? I suppose that's a given considering they haven't know each other for long, as you have said. I'm not particularly bothered by it yet, but I think the expectation of romance isn't too far fetched in a manga like this. Maybe this pair won't have romance at all and it'll just be subtext. Who knows? These two don't feel like a great pair, but they do seem like two people that have met each other to teach one another some different things.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

People are probably confused by the repeated use of flashbacks.

I you re-read calmly, the sequence of events is quite clear. And the flashbacks are clearly indicated by the black border and the change of font.

Aikawa transfered to this school and took first trumpet from Katagiri
Katagiri was feeling competitive at first, but seeing how Aikawa genuinely loves music as much as she does and she's better than her, she was not upset to lose her position, because Katagiri places music above pettiness.
Both had a very very good relationship for a while, with Katagiri being protective of Aikawa.
Then, at some point, Aikawa, for some reason, started to go out with a boy and skip practice.

Her reasons have not been explained yet and they will be in time.

last edited at Jul 21, 2023 9:53AM

joined Apr 25, 2020

Oh, so you're the type that want to be spoonfed the motivations, background and story of the characters right off the bat.

I feel it's like when there was silence in some Japanese anime movie, just the wind blowing over some field, the American dubbers added some random background dialogue, because the American audience is mostly incapable of understanding what's NOT said.

I don't know why you're getting personal but ok. I'm not even american btw. And no, that's exactly what I said I didn't wanted, everything right off the bat, and that's exactly what this manga is doing with every aspect except its characters and that's why it all feels so senseless.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, I'm on the side of the "wait and see" people. The author is currently setting the background and if you look at it fairly, the chapters are pretty short.

We have seen a bit more than 50 pages worth of manga yet. Which amounts to around two chapters in other manga. I'll give this one time to see how it goes.

I'm not bothered by the fact there's a boy. provided that in the end, Yuri wins

joined Oct 16, 2013

Kinda surprised by some of the complaints in here (aside from the het bc ofc there is...). I think the pacing so far is fine and everything makes sense. I like the story telling and really enjoyed the pov shift.

I'm surprised to hear there's over 100 chapters. That's great! Just means more to look forward to.

what?? this is over 100 chapters long?? and then you have a lot of great mangas with great premises axed in the 4th volume and even before smh

That's a pretty harsh to imply that this series doesnt have a great premise. I think messy band girls is always a great premise lol. We've only read 4 chapters and they are fairly short chapters too so let's just give it some more time before judging it so hard.

joined Apr 16, 2022

first off, why does glasses girl care for short hair girl? (and the other way around too)

Katagiri is extremely passionate about music, moreso than anyone else she knows; it's stated she's the only person who practiced in the mornings her entire time in high school, until Aikawa transfers. Aikawa is the first person she's ever met who cares about her passion as much as she does. Furthermore, though, Aikawa comes at it from a completely different direction. While Katagiri wanted to individually stand out as the first trumpet, Aikawa wants the orchestra as a whole to sound as good as possible -- her favorite part, recall, is when the first and second trumpets overlap. This idea deeply moved Katagiri. It's hardly outlandish to me that feelings would develop from these factors, it's honestly a much better reason than we see in most romance manga, where it tends to just be "they're hot" and/or "they're nice."

As for Aikawa's feelings, we still haven't gotten much from her PoV so it's hard to say for sure, but playing the same instrument together with someone and spending time in the mornings practicing with them is more than enough basis for friendship at least.

the world feels empty, like there's no other people appart from the 2 main girls, and there's nothing else than playing in that band they are.

It's been four relatively short chapters and we've already seen the guy, the band's conductor, Katagiri's kouhai who might have feelings for her, and the blonde glasses girl who seems to be the club's president or something.

The band is pretty much all Katagiri is but that's also the point of her character, what with how uptight and serious she is. On the other hand, the band is very much not all that Aikawa is, and that's precisely the point of conflict between them.

why is she with that guy, be it just to fool around or whatever, is weird too; even if you say there's no feelings involved at all, there's still gotta be something funny or thrilling about it for them; it looks like their lips are just touching and that's all lol

I don't see how it's weird. She's with him because it's fun for her. It's implied there are other possible reasons but like, what else do you need lol.

why is she being harassed (verbally) by the director (or was harassed, i don't know if that's supossed to be a flashback or not), wasn't she the first trumpet, like the best and chosen by the director himself? he just decided to hate her on a whim?

First, it was a flashback, you can tell because of the black border and also because it's a different conductor from the one in the present day (easy to tell because the present-day conductor is a woman). Second, I actually think this part is the weakest of the manga so far because what the guy is saying doesn't make much sense, but it appears that he's criticizing the tone/mood of her trumpet playing, saying that it's not appropriate for the segment that she really wants to play. The idea seems to be that, while Aikawa does love music, she feels stifled by all the restrictions and expectations placed upon her by others. I assume it'll be explored more in future chapters.

why is she first trumpet too, we didn't even see why she won and glasses lost

Because she's a better trumpet player. What other reason could there possibly be?

I think @Kirin-kun saying you just want to be spoonfed was an unnecessary insult, but all the questions you've asked do have relatively straightforward answers that you can figure out by reading the manga and drawing natural conclusions. My honest suggestion is that, if you're confused about something, spend some time thinking about what the reasons might be, don't just assume it's a problem with the manga.

joined Sep 10, 2022

My honest suggestion is that, if you're confused about something, spend some time thinking about what the reasons might be, don't just assume it's a problem with the manga.

That's great advice that would help in a lot of situations.

joined Jun 3, 2023

The Tags are kinda confusing is it a more of a yuri or het love triangle? or equal possibility? I'll find out on my own

joined Jun 3, 2023

I love passion driven series like this

joined Sep 21, 2019

0/10 no dead boys yet >:(

(This work is cute I dig it)

joined May 3, 2014

This manga feels like it has potential but at the same time feels so empty/rushed, with a lot of ideas but none of them actually developed or executed right, I don't know man

Well it's passed 100 chapters and going, so it's developing it's story with some purpose. What ideas feel undeveloped so far? I feel like their dynamic is pretty clear, there's a lot not said but what's not said seems intentional so far.

wait, a 100 CHAPTERS?? gee looks like i’m gonna be here for the comments only until it reaches 50 chapters to read the comments and see if it the manga was more interesting that the comments we will get XD because at only 5 chapters the comments are something to read.

joined Jun 21, 2021

idk where y'all are taking the 100+ chapters from. I can't access the raw webpage itself bc line manga is regionlocked but the mangaka posted on Xwitter that chapter 26 of the serialization became available to read just today

joined Sep 10, 2022

idk where y'all are taking the 100+ chapters from. I can't access the raw webpage itself bc line manga is regionlocked but the mangaka posted on Xwitter that chapter 26 of the serialization became available to read just today

It's at 110. Maybe you're confusing timed free episode releases with new releases. That same Twitter will have the actual new releases further down by just a few days. I could post the chapter covers with their respective chapter numbers but they'd be spoilers.

last edited at Sep 9, 2023 10:04PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

idk where y'all are taking the 100+ chapters from. I can't access the raw webpage itself bc line manga is regionlocked but the mangaka posted on Xwitter that chapter 26 of the serialization became available to read just today

It's at 110. Maybe you're confusing timed free episode releases with new releases. That same Twitter will have the actual new releases further down by just a few days.

Ah so there is, I stand corrected. I only looked for the most recent post mentioning a numbered episode so i didn't bother scrolling further down. Welp, i'm happy to be wrong xD

joined Apr 25, 2020

first off, why does glasses girl care for short hair girl? (and the other way around too)

Katagiri is extremely passionate about music, moreso than anyone else she knows; it's stated she's the only person who practiced in the mornings her entire time in high school, until Aikawa transfers. Aikawa is the first person she's ever met who cares about her passion as much as she does. Furthermore, though, Aikawa comes at it from a completely different direction. While Katagiri wanted to individually stand out as the first trumpet, Aikawa wants the orchestra as a whole to sound as good as possible -- her favorite part, recall, is when the first and second trumpets overlap. This idea deeply moved Katagiri. It's hardly outlandish to me that feelings would develop from these factors, it's honestly a much better reason than we see in most romance manga, where it tends to just be "they're hot" and/or "they're nice."

As for Aikawa's feelings, we still haven't gotten much from her PoV so it's hard to say for sure, but playing the same instrument together with someone and spending time in the mornings practicing with them is more than enough basis for friendship at least.

the world feels empty, like there's no other people appart from the 2 main girls, and there's nothing else than playing in that band they are.

It's been four relatively short chapters and we've already seen the guy, the band's conductor, Katagiri's kouhai who might have feelings for her, and the blonde glasses girl who seems to be the club's president or something.

The band is pretty much all Katagiri is but that's also the point of her character, what with how uptight and serious she is. On the other hand, the band is very much not all that Aikawa is, and that's precisely the point of conflict between them.

why is she with that guy, be it just to fool around or whatever, is weird too; even if you say there's no feelings involved at all, there's still gotta be something funny or thrilling about it for them; it looks like their lips are just touching and that's all lol

I don't see how it's weird. She's with him because it's fun for her. It's implied there are other possible reasons but like, what else do you need lol.

why is she being harassed (verbally) by the director (or was harassed, i don't know if that's supossed to be a flashback or not), wasn't she the first trumpet, like the best and chosen by the director himself? he just decided to hate her on a whim?

First, it was a flashback, you can tell because of the black border and also because it's a different conductor from the one in the present day (easy to tell because the present-day conductor is a woman). Second, I actually think this part is the weakest of the manga so far because what the guy is saying doesn't make much sense, but it appears that he's criticizing the tone/mood of her trumpet playing, saying that it's not appropriate for the segment that she really wants to play. The idea seems to be that, while Aikawa does love music, she feels stifled by all the restrictions and expectations placed upon her by others. I assume it'll be explored more in future chapters.

why is she first trumpet too, we didn't even see why she won and glasses lost

Because she's a better trumpet player. What other reason could there possibly be?

I think @Kirin-kun saying you just want to be spoonfed was an unnecessary insult, but all the questions you've asked do have relatively straightforward answers that you can figure out by reading the manga and drawing natural conclusions. My honest suggestion is that, if you're confused about something, spend some time thinking about what the reasons might be, don't just assume it's a problem with the manga.

I ain't readin allat

If I have to read all that to get what's going on with the manga and actually get interested in it, then the manga is not doing right

joined Apr 25, 2020

I don't think it's underdeveloped, I'm just not feeling the chemistry between them. Maybe that's what you're feeling? I suppose that's a given considering they haven't know each other for long, as you have said. I'm not particularly bothered by it yet, but I think the expectation of romance isn't too far fetched in a manga like this. Maybe this pair won't have romance at all and it'll just be subtext. Who knows? These two don't feel like a great pair, but they do seem like two people that have met each other to teach one another some different things.

Yeah it's probs that

joined Oct 25, 2014

The Tags are kinda confusing is it a more of a yuri or het love triangle? or equal possibility? I'll find out on my own

I would say it's more het since she makes out with the dude in almost every chapter. lol

Overall, what I feel about this manga is that it's interesting as a regular manga but somewhat disappointing as a yuri manga. I think when it comes to storytelling, the "journey" is as important as the "destination". If 80-90% of the "journey" is het stuff, I'd feel I wasted my time reading it regardless of how it ends.

joined Sep 10, 2022

The Tags are kinda confusing is it a more of a yuri or het love triangle? or equal possibility? I'll find out on my own

I would say it's more het since she makes out with the dude in almost every chapter. lol

Overall, what I feel about this manga is that it's interesting as a regular manga but somewhat disappointing as a yuri manga. I think when it comes to storytelling, the "journey" is as important as the "destination". If 80-90% of the "journey" is het stuff, I'd feel I wasted my time reading it regardless of how it ends.

80% is not het stuff. We're at chapter 5 out of 110 and still going strong. It's a story that has a point and is developing, and allowing it's characters to develop and deal with their complicated issues. That's all. We haven't even met the vast majority of it's characters yet or it's other couples. It just started. Your criticizing the "journey" when you just took one step out of the front door.

I'm just not feeling the chemistry between them. Maybe that's what you're feeling? I suppose that's a given considering they haven't know each other for long, as you have said. I'm not particularly bothered by it yet, but I think the expectation of romance isn't too far fetched in a manga like this. Maybe this pair won't have romance at all and it'll just be subtext. Who knows? These two don't feel like a great pair, but they do seem like two people that have met each other to teach one another some different things.

Chemistry definitely isn't always instant. Sometimes it has to be built up and progresses in ebbs and flows. As for the romance between these two, we already have implications and new information (such as the time limit). But again it's the beginning and their story is about more than just romance, as should be clear from what's already been presented. Their relationship is not one that's about instant gratification. It has a story arc.

Beyond them the general story is about more than just getting characters together and it has lots of characters and couples (all basically yuri). Didn't think I'd have to defend this one, considering it's critical reception otherwise (ignoring my own feelings on it) but everywhere is different I guess. Feel sorry for these author's sometimes who want to do more with the "genre" (though calling "Yuri" a genre is not correct either). Sometimes it feels like our version of "get in the robot," or "make them kiss." But I guess I shouldn't because they don't read these or my comments anyway.

Still some of the reactions just seem too knee jerk and surface level considering how early this is and how clearly it is setting up subtext and dramatic tension.

last edited at Sep 10, 2023 7:33AM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Even if she's making out with the guy, from the 5 chapters we've seen, she's ALWAYS thinking of the other girl. Like they're always thinking about each other (and music). Even in this chapter she's thinking of the other girl as she's kissing the guy...

I really don't get why people are so impatient with this series when imo this is very clearly yuri. Even people who have read ahead is assuring us it's yuri so I just don't understand the complaints. Seriously guys we're only 5 chapters out of over 100 and I know people have been far more patient with series that drag on slower than this one >_>

joined May 27, 2019

I’m loving this series so far, but I am worried about the pacing after hearing that there are over a hundred chapters

I hope they get together and the story continues on and that’s why there are so many chapters

joined Oct 25, 2014

The Tags are kinda confusing is it a more of a yuri or het love triangle? or equal possibility? I'll find out on my own

I would say it's more het since she makes out with the dude in almost every chapter. lol

Overall, what I feel about this manga is that it's interesting as a regular manga but somewhat disappointing as a yuri manga. I think when it comes to storytelling, the "journey" is as important as the "destination". If 80-90% of the "journey" is het stuff, I'd feel I wasted my time reading it regardless of how it ends.

80% is not het stuff. We're at chapter 5 out of 110 and still going strong. It's a story that has a point and is developing, and allowing it's characters to develop and deal with their complicated issues. That's all. We haven't even met the vast majority of it's characters yet or it's other couples. It just started. Your criticizing the "journey" when you just took one step out of the front door.

I actually read ahead up to around chapter 20 though, and my opinion is valid at least to that point.

Of course there are many more chapters but I think 20 chapters is more than enough to get a sense of what kind of story it is.

last edited at Sep 10, 2023 11:34AM

joined Oct 25, 2022

I’m loving this series so far, but I am worried about the pacing after hearing that there are over a hundred chapters

I hope they get together and the story continues on and that’s why there are so many chapters

Yeah, I'm kinda shocked to hear that there's over 100 chapters too. There aren't that many volumes out yet (two so far, with the third releasing soon) so I never would have thought there were so many chapters.

I'm kind of wondering if it will take a similar path as Kiss and White Lily for my Dearest Girl where there's a bunch of couples that take turns getting the spotlight. Because yeah, as much as I'm enjoying this so far, I'm not really sure how they'd keep things interesting over 100 chapters without some major developments.

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