Forum › Married Life Simulation discussion

joined Oct 21, 2017

Cute and wholesome.

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

good shit as always

joined Oct 1, 2022

more works like this would not be bad

joined Feb 16, 2023

I am looking respectfully, yep

joined Mar 13, 2023

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

joined Aug 12, 2021

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

not exactly, the bar on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional by a district judge but it's already the second time this happend. So it's not legalized as much as at least two judges have now said "you can't use the constitution to argue against legalizing gay marriage" which does put pressure on lawmakers but it hasn't actually changed the law.

last edited at Jun 5, 2023 1:59PM

joined Apr 27, 2021

Japan is weird in that roughly two thirds of the population support gay marriage but the third that doesn't is vastly over-represented in politics, so nothing actually changes. Still just a matter of time though, I wouldn't be surprised to see Japan legalise gay marriage this decade

joined Sep 16, 2019

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

I don’t think so. I think there’s one district in Tokyo that issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but those don’t really have any binding effect outside of that district.

There was also apparently a court in Japan last week which ruled that Japan’s policy on the matter was unconstitutional but it was only a district court (and there are 2 other district courts that said it was constitutional in the last couple years). Reuters said the decision could be appealed to the Supreme Court, but I don’t know if courts can bind the legislature in Civil Law countries like Japan in the same way they can in Common Law countries, such as the US. So, even if the Supreme Court did agree with the district court and find the policy unconstitutional, I don’t know if that would amount to a legalization of same-sex marriage in Japan.

joined Mar 13, 2023

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

I don’t think so. I think there’s one district in Tokyo that issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but those don’t really have any binding effect outside of that district.

There was also apparently a court in Japan last week which ruled that Japan’s policy on the matter was unconstitutional but it was only a district court (and there are 2 other district courts that said it was constitutional in the last couple years). Reuters said the decision could be appealed to the Supreme Court, but I don’t know if courts can bind the legislature in Civil Law countries like Japan in the same way they can in Common Law countries, such as the US. So, even if the Supreme Court did agree with the district court and find the policy unconstitutional, I don’t know if that would amount to a legalization of same-sex marriage in Japan.

Just Gotta Wait Then

afkeroge Uploader
Noca Scans
joined May 29, 2015

Uhh, to give y'all some context here, this work was originally released back in 2018.

joined Jun 8, 2020


joined May 28, 2021

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

not exactly, the bar on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional by a district judge but it's already the second time this happend. So it's not legalized as much as at least two judges have now said "you can't use the constitution to argue against legalizing gay marriage" which does put pressure on lawmakers but it hasn't actually changed the law.

The main opposition party is officially backing gay marriage legislation now, which adds a bit more momentum behind it as well. It does feel like Japan will get there at some point in the near-ish future.

joined Mar 8, 2022

I remember seeing a doujin from this person on nhentai. Hope it gets translated

joined Feb 11, 2018

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

What happened just recently was a court ruling that said the same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional. Just year before, other court said the ban is constitutional.

That opens the door to discuss the matter in political sphere seriously. But you still need to modify the Constitution to remove the bit "one man and one woman" from it, or find some kind of workaround.

Which is hard, because main party is quite conservative and tries to do all the same delays that were done in many western countries as well. Right now Japan is in the phase where it teeters between allowing "civil partnerships" across the country or not. Many locations have their own rules of that kind already, but there's no countrywide ruling.

joined Apr 16, 2020

This is nice. :3

joined Jul 23, 2013

Even the Afterword is super wholesome.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

not exactly, the bar on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional by a district judge but it's already the second time this happend. So it's not legalized as much as at least two judges have now said "you can't use the constitution to argue against legalizing gay marriage" which does put pressure on lawmakers but it hasn't actually changed the law.

The main opposition party is officially backing gay marriage legislation now, which adds a bit more momentum behind it as well. It does feel like Japan will get there at some point in the near-ish future.

Yeahhh . . . how often does the governing party ever change in Japan again?

joined May 28, 2021

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

not exactly, the bar on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional by a district judge but it's already the second time this happend. So it's not legalized as much as at least two judges have now said "you can't use the constitution to argue against legalizing gay marriage" which does put pressure on lawmakers but it hasn't actually changed the law.

The main opposition party is officially backing gay marriage legislation now, which adds a bit more momentum behind it as well. It does feel like Japan will get there at some point in the near-ish future.

Yeahhh . . . how often does the governing party ever change in Japan again?

Oh I know, but it's still a pretty big deal that one of the major party officially endorses it now. It's a step in the right direction. Not that long ago the most you would get out of the main opposition was a vague ''we're not against it ''.

last edited at Jun 5, 2023 7:10PM

joined Mar 13, 2023

Uhh, to give y'all some context here, this work was originally released back in 2018.

I Know, I Know, I Know

joined Oct 14, 2014

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

not exactly, the bar on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional by a district judge but it's already the second time this happend. So it's not legalized as much as at least two judges have now said "you can't use the constitution to argue against legalizing gay marriage" which does put pressure on lawmakers but it hasn't actually changed the law.

The main opposition party is officially backing gay marriage legislation now, which adds a bit more momentum behind it as well. It does feel like Japan will get there at some point in the near-ish future.

Yeahhh . . . how often does the governing party ever change in Japan again?

I like how the answer is "basically never" and yet this raises far less eyebrows than it should

joined Jun 9, 2022

Isn't Gay Marriage Legalized In Japan Now?

not exactly, the bar on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional by a district judge but it's already the second time this happend. So it's not legalized as much as at least two judges have now said "you can't use the constitution to argue against legalizing gay marriage" which does put pressure on lawmakers but it hasn't actually changed the law.

The main opposition party is officially backing gay marriage legislation now, which adds a bit more momentum behind it as well. It does feel like Japan will get there at some point in the near-ish future.

Japan is basically a single party democracy with only the LDP being viable. Or has that changed in the last few years?

joined Jan 13, 2019

More than anything I wanna know what this mangaka's voice sounds like

joined May 7, 2022

Besides the amazing sex this one shot has a beautiful message about the pressure around the whole idea of marriage, and even non-LGBT people might get the frustration of that "need" to put that shinny label on your relationship that society pushes onto you. It's still utter bullshit that same-sex couples can't get married in Japan of all places, but maybe it's not even that: it's terribly painful that they don't even have the option to not get officially married if they don't want to. And Hinata's point kinda made me think of that, y'know? Things don't change much after you get married if you've already been living with your partner in a stable relationship for a long time. So does it really represent such a necessity for them deep down if they are just changing what they call it? No, it does not. But the right to realize that after at least getting your union legally recognized is not something LGBT people have in many many places, which sucks. Lovers are lovers, the abstract idea is the same no matter who you refer to. So why does in practice some couples are treated differently?

I'm sorry, I'm really trying to make an argument here but I also want to keep staring at the Nipples on page 11. Priorities.

joined Apr 30, 2016

Woooooh! This artist is awesome, glad to finally see a translated work from them since they tend to delete stuff on their pixiv

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was lovely, thanks for the translation! <3

Japan is weird in that roughly two thirds of the population support gay marriage but the third that doesn't is vastly over-represented in politics, so nothing actually changes. Still just a matter of time though, I wouldn't be surprised to see Japan legalise gay marriage this decade

Sounds similar to issues in other countries, like the USA. Not to get super into's just all a frustrating mess, and I think it often is in so many different places unfortunately.

last edited at Jun 5, 2023 11:59PM

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