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joined Apr 16, 2022

Also, trying to analyse Eri's character at this point is not a good idea because there's still a big reveal about Eri coming in chapter 5 that will re-contextualize her relationship with Fuyuki. Without that important piece of information you're bound to misread Eri's characterization.

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

I think chapter 5 makes it pretty clear you're interpretation is wrong though.

Guess we'll talk about it once the translation reaches that point

joined May 1, 2019

Something interesting I noticed about this chapter is Fuyuki and Eri's differing opinions on keeping secrets. Fuyuki has secrets she wants to keep, so she says it's okay for Eri to keep secrets as well. Eri doesn't like keeping secrets, so she says she doesn't want Fuyuki keeping secrets from her, either. They both hold each other to the same standards they hold themselves to, but those standards aren't the same.

joined Feb 3, 2021

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

joined Oct 25, 2014

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

I can do that for you if I don't mind.

First thing first, keep in mind that Eri is one year older than Fuyuki, as they said in chapter 3. That means they never went to school together. Also back when they were kids, Eri was Fuyuki's older sister figure. She was more mature and always looked after Fuyuki who was a bit of a crybaby. This is a stark contrast to their current relationship. Now Eri is sort of immature and childish in her behavior while Fuyuki is the seemingly more mature one. There's a reason for this....

Eri was a bit of a selfish kid that liked to do things at her own pace and wasn't that good at reading the room. As a result, she had problems making friends in elementary school. And this problem only escalated as she grew up. On top of that, Eri was kind of a badass back then, so when another kid threw her shoes to the garbage bin in an stupid attempt to bully her, Eri went and outright beat her up. Quite badass indeed, but this kind of situations just isolated her more from all the kids in class. Meanwhile, Fuyuki who was even younger and only met with Eri occasionally didn't know Eri was going through all this crap.

By the time Eri started junior high, she was all alone, so she ended up clinging to the first person that talked to her. She was so happy she finally made a friend, but it all came crashing down when that friend confessed to her. Eri rejected her, and after that, everyone else in her class accused her of being cruel and telling the other girl she was disgusting and whatnot.

Eri was all alone all over again, and then one day when she and Fuyuki were hanging out, Eri finally broke down and spilled all this to Fuyuki while crying her heart out. In desperation she made Fuyuki promise she will never abandon her, that she would be her friend forever. And ever since then, their relationship changed. Originally, Eri was the older sister figure, since she was the older one, but after this Eri became more childish and started clinging to Fuyuki and depending on her. Fuyuki became her emotional crutch.

Eri is way more messed up than we all thought. The hints were all there though, like the way she clings to Fuyuki and seemed dependant on her, or the fact she doesn't have any friends besides Fuyuki and Kyou, and even her relationship with Kyou is mostly superficial and empty.

Fuyuki was telling all this to her sempai, and she seems to have some sort of plan and wants her senpai to help her. But to be honest, no matter what kind of plan Fuyuki has, I think the main problem here is that Eri is deeply damaged, emotionally speaking, and I don't think she needs a girlfriend. I think she needs to fix her life first. She can't keep depending on Fuyuki and using her as her emotional crutch. That's just not healthy. And if they did get together, it would just make the problem worse, imo.

last edited at May 30, 2023 4:04PM

joined Apr 16, 2022

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

Chapter 5 is...sort of a pseudo flashback chapter? It's framed around Fuyuki talking to the blonde senpai about Eri. According to Fuyuki, Eri is a little "selfish" and bad at "reading the mood" (basically means she has bad social manners) and so had trouble making friends. This came to a head in middle school, when Eri was confessed to by a female friend she finally managed to make; Eri turned her down, and apparently a (false, according to Fuyuki) rumor spread that Eri said something homophobic in the process, leading to her getting bullied. Later, in high school, Eri had a breakdown, asked if Fuyuki "likes" her (as you may know, "suki" in Japanese can mean both "like" and "love"), then begged Fuyuki not to betray her and to "always be my friend." Fuyuki says that she used to rely on Eri when they were kids, but now Eri is the one who relies on her.

So the major issue in using this chapter to draw conclusions about Eri is that it's all from Fuyuki's point of view, cobbled together from stuff Eri told her years later and Fuyuki's own speculations (which are almost certainly colored by the pride she feels at being Eri's only friend whom she relies on). While we do get to see certain scenes from Eri's past visualized, several key moments are not shown -- most notably, we don't actually see Eri rejecting her friend, so we don't actually know if Eri really did (inadvertently?) say something homophobic or not. We never once see inside Eri's head. The major upshot of the chapter, to me, is actually about Fuyuki; the lesson she took from Eri's past is that if she confesses her feelings, she'd destroy their friendship. But we don't know if that's how Eri sees things. That's why I think the chapter is consistent with a number of different interpretations of Eri's character.

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

last edited at May 30, 2023 4:00PM

joined Jun 27, 2022

This whole manga starts to remind of "bloom into you" but more mature

joined Oct 25, 2014

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

I think we can mostly trust Fuyuki's accounts of this situation because it's consistent with Eri's current behavior. She does behave childish despite being the older one, and she indeed has no friends other than Fuyuki (and Kyou). I get the feeling Kyou invited her to the film club in an attempt to help her make friends but it doesn't help. Eri still only interacts with Fuyuki. That's just not healthy no matter how you slice it.

joined Sep 10, 2022

The major upshot of the chapter, to me, is actually about Fuyuki; the lesson she took from Eri's past is that if she confesses her feelings, she'd destroy their friendship. But we don't know if that's how Eri sees things. That's why I think the chapter is consistent with a number of different interpretations of Eri's character.

That's my impression as well. More of a Fuyuki chapter than anything. Much is still possible either way.

last edited at May 30, 2023 4:18PM

joined Nov 28, 2017

This bring back hishools feelings, so Ouch!!

joined Apr 16, 2022

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

I think we can mostly trust Fuyuki's accounts of this situation because it's consistent with Eri's current behavior. She does behave childish despite being the older one, and she indeed has no friends other than Fuyuki (and Kyou). I get the feeling Kyou invited her to the film club in an attempt to help her make friends but it doesn't help. Eri still only interacts with Fuyuki. That's just not healthy no matter how you slice it.

I don't really think Eri is that childish, honestly. She is very clingy with Fuyuki but that's not the same thing. She acts very differently when she's alone with Kyou in chapter 1, which suggests to me that how Eri is with Fuyuki may partly be an act she puts on for (what she thinks is) Fuyuki's sake. And only having a few friends is not necessarily unhealthy either. I admit I haven't read chapter 4 though so that may change my opinions.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't really think Eri is that childish, honestly. She is very clingy with Fuyuki but that's not the same thing. She acts very differently when she's alone with Kyou in chapter 1, which suggests to me that how Eri is with Fuyuki may partly be an act she puts on for (what she thinks is) Fuyuki's sake. And only having a few friends is not necessarily unhealthy either. I admit I haven't read chapter 4 though so that may change my opinions.

If anything chapter 4 is more in your favor since the unease she shows about her relationship with Kyou (and the idea of it's continuing) doesn't make as much sense if it's just about a friendship with Fuyuki, who by that point has mostly been fine with their relationship at least pubclicly. Unless I'm just confused about what issue we're debating about when it comes to Eri. But who knows. We'll hopefully find out next chapter.

last edited at May 30, 2023 4:43PM

joined Oct 25, 2014

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

I think we can mostly trust Fuyuki's accounts of this situation because it's consistent with Eri's current behavior. She does behave childish despite being the older one, and she indeed has no friends other than Fuyuki (and Kyou). I get the feeling Kyou invited her to the film club in an attempt to help her make friends but it doesn't help. Eri still only interacts with Fuyuki. That's just not healthy no matter how you slice it.

I don't really think Eri is that childish, honestly. She is very clingy with Fuyuki but that's not the same thing. She acts very differently when she's alone with Kyou in chapter 1, which suggests to me that how Eri is with Fuyuki may partly be an act she puts on for (what she thinks is) Fuyuki's sake. And only having a few friends is not necessarily unhealthy either. I admit I haven't read chapter 4 though so that may change my opinions.

Eri doesn't have a "few friends." She has no friends other than Fuyuki. Kyou, I don't think she really considers him a friend. If she did, she wouldn't have been so desperate back then when she made Fuyuki promise to be her friend forever. That tells me Eri never saw Kyou as someone she could count on, so no real friend material there.

As for Eri putting on a facade, of course she is. But it's not for Fuyuki's sake. It's for Eri's own sake. Eri does this because she's afraid she's gonna scare Fuyuki away if she shows her real self. Eri is clearly traumatized due to everything she went through in school. This isn't even my interpretation. Eri literally tells Fuyuki that she will change everything bad about her personality so that Fuyuki will never leave her.

With Kyou she has no issues showing the bad side of her personality because she doesn't care about him. But this doesn't mean she loves Fuyuki in a romantic way, and even if she did, she still has a whole lot of emotional issue she needs to deal with before she can even think about getting into a relationship.

joined Apr 16, 2022

I think I've reached my limit on arguing over untranslated chapters. If you want we can pick up this conversation again after 4 and 5 get translated. Especially since it seems like 4 will provide important context for Eri as well (again I haven't read it).
joined May 28, 2015

I don't understand why Japanese mangaka like to tell this kind of story in yuri.
Another unrequited love with a straight girl who get jealous when her best friend has another friend who actually understand her struggle with falling in love with a girl who is so dense that she can't even see when their BEST FRIEND is stupidly in love to her when they are literally in front of them ! I HATE THIS KIND OF CHARACTER SO MUNCH. They are so fucking stupid ! Or stupidly awful when you know that they actually knew how their BEST FRIEND loved them but prefer to dodge the subject and choose to sleep with the maximum of guys and report all of her adventure to show her how normal and natural it's to be with a man.
They are so unlovable.... This is the last chapter I'm reading from this... thing.
If she wants to be in the closet for the rest of her life, good for her ! But she shouldn't monopolize her BEST FRIEND from getting close with other people and trying to move on from their stupid unrequited love ! You have a f*cking boyfriend girl, let her go !
This is why I call this kind of character selfish straight girl.

joined Apr 28, 2019

on my knees for Fuyuki to be with Kurokawa or someone better... Free my girl!!

last edited at May 30, 2023 5:52PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

Chapter 5 is...sort of a pseudo flashback chapter? It's framed around Fuyuki talking to the blonde senpai about Eri. According to Fuyuki, Eri is a little "selfish" and bad at "reading the mood" (basically means she has bad social manners) and so had trouble making friends. This came to a head in middle school, when Eri was confessed to by a female friend she finally managed to make; Eri turned her down, and apparently a (false, according to Fuyuki) rumor spread that Eri said something homophobic in the process, leading to her getting bullied. Later, in high school, Eri had a breakdown, asked if Fuyuki "likes" her (as you may know, "suki" in Japanese can mean both "like" and "love"), then begged Fuyuki not to betray her and to "always be my friend." Fuyuki says that she used to rely on Eri when they were kids, but now Eri is the one who relies on her.

So the major issue in using this chapter to draw conclusions about Eri is that it's all from Fuyuki's point of view, cobbled together from stuff Eri told her years later and Fuyuki's own speculations (which are almost certainly colored by the pride she feels at being Eri's only friend whom she relies on). While we do get to see certain scenes from Eri's past visualized, several key moments are not shown -- most notably, we don't actually see Eri rejecting her friend, so we don't actually know if Eri really did (inadvertently?) say something homophobic or not. We never once see inside Eri's head. The major upshot of the chapter, to me, is actually about Fuyuki; the lesson she took from Eri's past is that if she confesses her feelings, she'd destroy their friendship. But we don't know if that's how Eri sees things. That's why I think the chapter is consistent with a number of different interpretations of Eri's character.

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

Thank you for spoiling this lol. Up until this chapter, I was a little ambivalent about this series. Now seeing the reaction to the senpai, I'm like, MUST KNOW MORE

joined Aug 21, 2017

Love Square

joined Aug 24, 2021

I want Fuyuki to end up with maybe senpai or someone better , I don't want her to end up with Eri at all

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'll just thank the translators for bringing this to us. More, please!

joined Aug 15, 2021

I love Murasakino's works cause usually it manages to make me so emotionally invested (despite I hate the process) but usually I love the outcome so I'm praying the final outcome is good.

eri doesnt deserve fuyuki and thats a fact

joined Feb 3, 2021

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

I can do that for you if I don't mind.

First thing first, keep in mind that Eri is one year older than Fuyuki, as they said in chapter 3. That means they never went to school together. Also back when they were kids, Eri was Fuyuki's older sister figure. She was more mature and always looked after Fuyuki who was a bit of a crybaby. This is a stark contrast to their current relationship. Now Eri is sort of immature and childish in her behavior while Fuyuki is the seemingly more mature one. There's a reason for this....

Eri was a bit of a selfish kid that liked to do things at her own pace and wasn't that good at reading the room. As a result, she had problems making friends in elementary school. And this problem only escalated as she grew up. On top of that, Eri was kind of a badass back then, so when another kid threw her shoes to the garbage bin in an stupid attempt to bully her, Eri went and outright beat her up. Quite badass indeed, but this kind of situations just isolated her more from all the kids in class. Meanwhile, Fuyuki who was even younger and only met with Eri occasionally didn't know Eri was going through all this crap.

By the time Eri started junior high, she was all alone, so she ended up clinging to the first person that talked to her. She was so happy she finally made a friend, but it all came crashing down when that friend confessed to her. Eri rejected her, and after that, everyone else in her class accused her of being cruel and telling the other girl she was disgusting and whatnot.

Eri was all alone all over again, and then one day when she and Fuyuki were hanging out, Eri finally broke down and spilled all this to Fuyuki while crying her heart out. In desperation she made Fuyuki promise she will never abandon her, that she would be her friend forever. And ever since then, their relationship changed. Originally, Eri was the older sister figure, since she was the older one, but after this Eri became more childish and started clinging to Fuyuki and depending on her. Fuyuki became her emotional crutch.

Eri is way more messed up than we all thought. The hints were all there though, like the way she clings to Fuyuki and seemed dependant on her, or the fact she doesn't have any friends besides Fuyuki and Kyou, and even her relationship with Kyou is mostly superficial and empty.

Fuyuki was telling all this to her sempai, and she seems to have some sort of plan and wants her senpai to help her. But to be honest, no matter what kind of plan Fuyuki has, I think the main problem here is that Eri is deeply damaged, emotionally speaking, and I don't think she needs a girlfriend. I think she needs to fix her life first. She can't keep depending on Fuyuki and using her as her emotional crutch. That's just not healthy. And if they did get together, it would just make the problem worse, imo.

thank youuuuuu. definitely sticking with this more

joined Feb 3, 2021

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Could you please spoil it for me, if possible? (with spoiler tags ofc)

Chapter 5 is...sort of a pseudo flashback chapter? It's framed around Fuyuki talking to the blonde senpai about Eri. According to Fuyuki, Eri is a little "selfish" and bad at "reading the mood" (basically means she has bad social manners) and so had trouble making friends. This came to a head in middle school, when Eri was confessed to by a female friend she finally managed to make; Eri turned her down, and apparently a (false, according to Fuyuki) rumor spread that Eri said something homophobic in the process, leading to her getting bullied. Later, in high school, Eri had a breakdown, asked if Fuyuki "likes" her (as you may know, "suki" in Japanese can mean both "like" and "love"), then begged Fuyuki not to betray her and to "always be my friend." Fuyuki says that she used to rely on Eri when they were kids, but now Eri is the one who relies on her.

So the major issue in using this chapter to draw conclusions about Eri is that it's all from Fuyuki's point of view, cobbled together from stuff Eri told her years later and Fuyuki's own speculations (which are almost certainly colored by the pride she feels at being Eri's only friend whom she relies on). While we do get to see certain scenes from Eri's past visualized, several key moments are not shown -- most notably, we don't actually see Eri rejecting her friend, so we don't actually know if Eri really did (inadvertently?) say something homophobic or not. We never once see inside Eri's head. The major upshot of the chapter, to me, is actually about Fuyuki; the lesson she took from Eri's past is that if she confesses her feelings, she'd destroy their friendship. But we don't know if that's how Eri sees things. That's why I think the chapter is consistent with a number of different interpretations of Eri's character.

Edit: I wrote this before I saw Kazu-kun's post. My only disagreement with their post is I don't necessarily think that Eri is using Fuyuki as an "emotional crutch." There's probably some codependency there for sure, but we can't completely trust Fuyuki's view of the situation because she clearly takes a lot of pride in viewing Eri as relying on her; in other words, she has a bias toward viewing Eri as this sort of weak damsel who needs protection and coddling. We can't know the full story until we get a chapter from Eri's point of view.

i appreciate both your perspectives on this. it fuels my curiosity even further because WHAT IS ERI THINKING I NEED TO KNOW

joined Feb 27, 2023

I don't understand why Japanese mangaka like to tell this kind of story in yuri.
Another unrequited love with a straight girl who get jealous when her best friend has another friend who actually understand her struggle with falling in love with a girl who is so dense that she can't even see when their BEST FRIEND is stupidly in love to her when they are literally in front of them ! I HATE THIS KIND OF CHARACTER SO MUNCH. They are so fucking stupid ! Or stupidly awful when you know that they actually knew how their BEST FRIEND loved them but prefer to dodge the subject and choose to sleep with the maximum of guys and report all of her adventure to show her how normal and natural it's to be with a man.
They are so unlovable.... This is the last chapter I'm reading from this... thing.
If she wants to be in the closet for the rest of her life, good for her ! But she shouldn't monopolize her BEST FRIEND from getting close with other people and trying to move on from their stupid unrequited love ! You have a f*cking boyfriend girl, let her go !
This is why I call this kind of character selfish straight girl.

Gigachad response.
I’m with everyone saying eri stinks.. complete unlikeable character with no redeeming scenes so far

joined Feb 16, 2021

I’d like for fuyuki to be with this senpai instead

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