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joined Sep 23, 2021

ngl this is getting a little silly for my taste

joined Aug 12, 2021

Incredibly funny that Yuni has this entire speech about how Nanase hasnt been there for her while being actively undressed by Fuuko, really going for the world championship in cheating with these dramatics haha.

last edited at May 18, 2023 9:27AM

joined May 13, 2018

I've thought about it for a bit, but I actually appreciate Fuuko for the last couple of chapters. She's kind of being an asshole about the whole thing to Nanase, but at the same time she's exposing just how cowardly Yuni really is for still blaming Nanase for her own cheating. At the end of the day, Yuni is actually the one I dislike the most.

joined May 11, 2023

I've thought about it for a bit, but I actually appreciate Fuuko for the last couple of chapters. She's kind of being an asshole about the whole thing to Nanase, but at the same time she's exposing just how cowardly Yuni really is for still blaming Nanase for her own cheating. At the end of the day, Yuni is actually the one I dislike the most.

I mean Yuni is actually the worst. She must really hate Nanase.

joined Nov 23, 2014

This story is a riot, it's heading towards an absolutely farcical direction. Nanase is oblivious, Yuni is a moron and Fuuko is a cartoon character. The fact that this, ehm, talk is happening while Yuni is getting actively groped and undressed is so bizarre and silly it's hard not to laugh.

ngl this is getting a little silly for my taste

Just gotta embrace it, it's the only way to stay sane... enough.

joined Sep 11, 2019

I'm glad I saw screenshots of ch 16 on the author's twitter and deciding to peek my head back into this after ditching it in ch 2/3. This is the real meat and potatoes coming in and I have to say I laughed when the chapter ended.

joined Dec 17, 2021

I hope Nanase gets to point out Fuuko has a cuck fetish before this whole thing ends.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Am loving how both of them are calling Nanase out on being completely insensitive & oblivious.

joined Nov 28, 2017

Beso de tres!! XD this is geting out of control

joined Oct 25, 2014

Morals? What morals? I root for Fuuko because she's hot as fuck. lol

joined Apr 27, 2014

HAHAHAHA, my dear fucking goodness!!! What on earth did I just read??? How, how on earth could such a conversation like that happen??? I mean, what? Then again, it is so nice that they are all being honest now, finally, maybe it's a bit over the top...and weird, yeah, but jesus duck (I did type duck), it was about time, more of this shitshow please!!!!

I just had to re-read and chuckle at Yuni putting all the responsibility and blame on Nanase, Fuuko being nice and stripping her because that's how you can be a supportive side chick, is Yuni getting off on this? I don't even understand why is Fuuko removing Yuni's clothes and why is she like so into it, please explain to this poor lady

last edited at May 18, 2023 10:33AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Well, well. The pressure had been building up and building up--I believe the top's done blowed off.

Armor-piercing questions while lewding at the internet café = big-time fun.

joined Jul 13, 2015

Poly end or nothing!

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

joined Jul 29, 2017

HAHAHAHA, my dear fucking goodness!!! What on earth did I just read??? How, how on earth could such a conversation like that happen??? I mean, what? Then again, it is so nice that they are all being honest now, finally, maybe it's a bit over the top...and weird, yeah, but jesus duck (I did type duck), it was about time, more of this shitshow please!!!!

I just had to re-read and chuckle at Yuni putting all the responsibility and blame on Nanase, Fuuko being nice and stripping her because that's how you can be a supportive side chick, is Yuni getting off on this? I don't even understand why is Fuuko removing Yuni's clothes and why is she like so into it, please explain to this poor lady

Not sure why we're spoilering--is this like us whispering in the back?--but I took it as Fuuko demonstrating her degree of sexual control over Yuni, like she's saying, "See, you've got this perfectly nice subby girlfriend, so why not give her some standard girlfriend attention, and I'll satisfy her need for light domination on the side? Win-win, amirite?"

last edited at May 18, 2023 10:42AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

joined Apr 27, 2014

HAHAHAHA, my dear fucking goodness!!! What on earth did I just read??? How, how on earth could such a conversation like that happen??? I mean, what? Then again, it is so nice that they are all being honest now, finally, maybe it's a bit over the top...and weird, yeah, but jesus duck (I did type duck), it was about time, more of this shitshow please!!!!

I just had to re-read and chuckle at Yuni putting all the responsibility and blame on Nanase, Fuuko being nice and stripping her because that's how you can be a supportive side chick, is Yuni getting off on this? I don't even understand why is Fuuko removing Yuni's clothes and why is she like so into it, please explain to this poor lady

Not sure why we're spoilering--is this like us whispering in the back?--but I took it as Fuuko demonstrating her degree of sexual control over Yuni, like she's saying, "See, you've got this perfectly nice subby girlfriend, so why not give her some standard girlfriend attention, and I'll satisfy her need for light domination on the side? Win-win, amirite?"

yes, we are whispering in the back and being sneaky, it suits the mood lol. OHHH, now that makes a lot of sense, I have always thought Yuni likes to be dominated at least a bit, well, I am gonna bet Nanase storms out and they have sex to celebrate or...well I don't think Nanase would join and I doubt she'd beat Fuuko... thanks for enlightening me!!!


joined Jan 27, 2021

Theatricalities of this chapter aside... the thing Yuni said at the end at least has a point.

Even if Nanase ended up lying about it, saying her GF was the most important thing to her would've felt reassuring to Yuni to some degree, but she didn't.

joined Mar 13, 2020

Boom! Roasted!!

bluraspberry Uploader
joined Jan 10, 2023

ngl this is getting a little silly for my taste

This was very weird, at first I was like Nanase is taking this like a champ, and she and Fukko are actually handling this like adults. Then Fukko kept trying to start shit, shoving her to the floor, and wrapping herself around Yuni like that. While Nanase barely reacted until hearing Fukko speak about Yuni’s ear weakness. And it was at that point things got so ridiculous, come on Nanase please, why are you allowing this to happen in front of you while having this conversation. And Yuni can you not just completely accept and seem to want Fukko just groping you in front of Nanase while pouring her heart out.

Also is it me or does it seem like she actively switches gears on Fukko when she mentions being the number two girl. Like up to that point she’s still a little hostile to her. After she continues to waver more and more to Fukko till she’s being groped while pouring her heart out at Nanase. She’s completely in the wrong but they are her authentic feeling.

Also holy heck Kirin-kun, AFK Thousand Lilies that was stupid fast turnaround. Thank you so much for the work.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Even Netsuzou Trap wasn't so silly.

joined May 11, 2023

Theatricalities of this chapter aside... the thing Yuni said at the end at least has a point.

Even if Nanase ended up lying about it, saying her GF was the most important thing to her would've felt reassuring to Yuni to some degree, but she didn't.

Are you serious? She just discovered that her girlfriend is cheating, and she is still cheating right in front of her and you expect her to reassure Yuni? That ship has sailed long ago.

last edited at May 18, 2023 11:41AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

I don't think reassuring is the right thing to do, but when all the blame for the cheating is being thrown at her, she doesn't even try to defend herself, she still defends the club. So yeah Nanase isn't the worst of the trio but she is pretty fucking stupid ngl

joined Aug 12, 2021

Poly end or nothing!

hell yeah let's go for the most toxic poly relationship imaginable. This author did already make Luminous Blue so it might be an option haha.

joined Aug 10, 2015

This was very weird, at first I was like Nanase is taking this like a champ, and she and Fukko are actually handling this like adults. Then Fukko kept trying to start shit, shoving her to the floor, and wrapping herself around Yuni like that. While Nanase barely reacted until hearing Fukko speak about Yuni’s ear weakness. And it was at that point things got so ridiculous, come on Nanase please, why are you allowing this to happen in front of you while having this conversation. And Yuni can you not just completely accept and seem to want Fukko just groping you in front of Nanase while pouring her heart out.

At this point it's clear that fuuko understands yuni and knows that she longs for big, intense displays of emotion, if nanase were to react in a over the top way and hit fuuko that'd probably reassure yuni about her love, but by reacting so tame she's proving her that the level of investment and passion in their relationship is not the same, heck even if yuni is clearly in the wrong here fuuko correctly points out that right now she's supposed to tell yuni that she's more important than her club to reassure her. By directly confronting and provoking nanase she's showing to yuni that she's willing to take a beating from someone stronger than her and also openly show how much she loves a desires her

I understand that yuni is a piece of shit and everything she spits are nothing but excuses but she's been really transparent on what she wanted from their relationship from the very beginning. And she's also been giving a lot of passes to nanase even after failing to step up to her needs time after time, I can't really side with anyone at this point, their relationship was clearly doomed from the beginning. Well I'm willing to side with fuuko because sheeesh she's so hot and she's been playing chess while everyone else plays checkers

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