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joined Jan 9, 2017


Since when did this become about the bad guys

Bad guy? Who? Surely not Itou-sensei?

It's a film

last edited at Mar 17, 2023 3:00AM

joined Mar 16, 2022

I noticed on mangadex that this title's got an award winning tag(???)
What kind of award did Makino win, tho(???)

joined Aug 11, 2022

Considering she was pregnant and had kids before hand too,there's at least one husband.

Might be a current boyfriend and the newest kid is from said boyfriend,with the other kids from a husband prior..

No real confirmation to speak of.

As for the guy who is butt hurt about mentions that the husband is generous and rich,it feels like jealously...

Yup we riding on no solid info and just stuff we can guess from after-notes (it can be anyone guess right now lol). Also I am hoping your not point at me and point at someone else about being butt-hurt [I assumed the husband was like a house-husband or just average guy], would feel bad unless you just misunderstand my post or felt my post was offense when it is just trying to be helpful/playful XD

I am genuinely curious about the commentator post like if it was just a joke or there is some Twitter page I am not aware of, Author seems to come from a decent/well off family or at least managed to stored up a decently amount of savings from previous years [those are my assumption instead of a rich husband but hey the rich husband could be true too which would be interesting]. So the joke might have came from how carefree author is about having a kid and info like traveling author does sometimes so they might made a joke about the husband being rich that supports the author lifestyle? Well I rumble on too much about the author and might have wrote too much...probably should stopped XD

About MC, yeah...she is going to need to get some more life experience and learn how to handle her new relationship with her waifu...I know she really like/loves her waifu but she got to slow down (control her horny) and enjoy the friendship building stage before going to the lover stage. Hopefully her new friend can give her some advice :)

joined Mar 27, 2021

"It's Rina-Rina! Long time no see-na!" my brain continues to insist a week later.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Yay it's back! Next chapter should be fun. Look at the scumbag actually trying to better herself... Sorta I mean she's trying to find an easy in to be lovers so they can do their lewd stuff.. But still she's trying! haha.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Yay it's back! Next chapter should be fun. Look at the scumbag actually trying to better herself... Sorta I mean she's trying to find an easy in to be lovers so they can do their lewd stuff.. But still she's trying! haha.

But Mashiro is still deeply hurt over Makino's insensitive words... sniff...

joined Jul 22, 2022

super relieved she didn't actually make a reservation....such a small move in the right direction but any progress is good progress I guess

joined Jul 15, 2016

super relieved she didn't actually make a reservation...

Our little scumbag is growing. :*) Still, Mashiro is not in a good headspace right now (nor has been for a long while).

joined Jul 16, 2013

Going to her sister for help is definitely the smartest thing she has done so far.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Keep at it,Ko Suzume,become the immortal mother author!

joined Oct 21, 2013

Going to her sister for help is definitely the smartest thing she has done so far.

Coming out to her sister is going to force her to return all that spent blackmail money.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Oh, so the reservation was made by someone else?

last edited at May 18, 2023 11:48AM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Going to her sister for help is definitely the smartest thing she has done so far.

Coming out to her sister is going to force her to return all that spent blackmail money.

"With all due respect, you are the same little bitch that extorted money from me, your own big sister, so you wouldn't tell the family I was gay, just so you could blow it on gay hookers, right? My advice is to grow a soul!"

It looks like her sister turned out better than she did, though, so I think she'll forgive her and give good advice.

last edited at May 18, 2023 2:42PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

"With all due respect, you are the same little bitch that extorted money from me, your own big sister, so you wouldn't tell the family I was gay, just so you could blow it on gay hookers, right? My advice is to grow a soul!"

IIRC onee-chan volunteered the money, rather than Makino making threats.

last edited at May 21, 2023 8:30PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

"With all due respect, you are the same little bitch that extorted money from me, your own big sister, so you wouldn't tell the family I was gay, just so you could blow it on gay hookers, right? My advice is to grow a soul!"

IIRC onee-chan volunteered the money, rather than Mashiro making threats.

The first few times yes, the last time however Makino was being a jackass.

Sister is still the one who unprompted opened that Pandora's box

joined Jul 15, 2016

Oh, so the reservation was made by someone else?

Yes, the last chapter's cliffhanger was a classic bait-and-switch.

joined Feb 6, 2023

Going to her sister for help is definitely the smartest thing she has done so far.

Coming out to her sister is going to force her to return all that spent blackmail money.

You see, Makino's probably either
1.Dumb enough to not care.
2.Scummy enough to not care.
3.Sister's too kind to care.
4.All of the above.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Why is it titIed "The scumbag's friend," though? Why not Sister or oIder sister?

IIRC onee-chan volunteered the money, rather than Mashiro making threats.

The first few times yes, the last time however Makino was being a jackass.

Sister is still the one who unprompted opened that Pandora's box

These are good points

She shouId stiII apoIogize and return at Ieast the Iast time's money

last edited at May 19, 2023 4:33PM

joined Jun 17, 2021

"With all due respect, you are the same little bitch that extorted money from me, your own big sister, so you wouldn't tell the family I was gay, just so you could blow it on gay hookers, right? My advice is to grow a soul!"

IIRC onee-chan volunteered the money, rather than Mashiro making threats.

The first few times yes, the last time however Makino was being a jackass.

Sister is still the one who unprompted opened that Pandora's box

Realistically, the sister kind of brought this on herself by not trusting Makino in the first place, she just went straight to the idea that she'd need some kind of "compensation" to keep her mouth shut.

I'm sure if Makino wasn't a scumbag with ulterior motives, she might have been offended at the implication she'd just betray her sister and nto support her.

joined Apr 28, 2022

God damnit Mashiro just when I thought you were trying to get away from your scummy ways you pulls us all back into them. SHAME SHAME SHAME.

joined Jan 24, 2022

Pretty sure Makino is not old enough to drink yet since drinking age is 20 in Japan and she just graduated high school recently so she's 19 at most. But then again she's a scumbag so maybe she doesn't care.

joined Aug 4, 2016

What an appropriate chapter title lmao.

joined Oct 21, 2013

I'm sure if Makino wasn't a scumbag with ulterior motives, she might have been offended at the implication she'd just betray her sister and nto support her.

I'm sure her sister is well aware she's a scumbag and wouldn't have offered money if she wasn't one.

joined Oct 14, 2014

why is she so stupid LOL

joined Aug 4, 2018

The bill...
Oh, Makino, never change.

And a drinking party is a great plan... usually. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Humans have been using it for at least ten thousand years to make themselves do the things they wouldn't dare to do otherwise. But, oh Makino, darling... this particular problem does NOT call for liquid courage!!!

And even if it did, let's face it: you probably have zero resistance to liquor and you'll get plastered much faster than Maron.

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