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joined Nov 14, 2022

I wonder if the thing keeping Aizawa tethered is that she never had her first kiss or something?

joined Apr 16, 2020

I was surprised Aizawa really wants Michi that badly. And again, it's only getting more interesting with every chapter now that the black-haired senpai has appeared for the second time.

joined May 7, 2022

I wonder if the thing keeping Aizawa tethered is that she never had her first kiss or something?

Could be that she never managed to fall in love and date like any normal high school girl would (could). Y'know, since idols can't be in relationships and stuff, this might be some deep wish of hers, even if she didn't die thinking or because of it.

But I doubt this is all there is to whatever unfinished business she has.

last edited at Apr 13, 2023 5:58PM

joined May 7, 2022

Side note: I am starting to think the child Michi we saw during the Ch.6 dream and now is from when something really bad happened (she got attacked, note how she says "And if that happens again").
I mean, her saying "Go to the other side!" could be a memory of Michi manifesting itself, and she herself not remembering due to trauma. It might not have specifically happen with that creepy all eyes inside iris ghost, but another, and the reason that when spirituality stuff involved Michi is a child is because of whatever happened back then.

Also, the fact the ghost has a bunch of eyes inside his eyes could mean something. Mark my words.

last edited at Apr 13, 2023 7:57PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

That was a lot to take in, but it only makes me all the more curious. And excited, shit's getting good, I feel. I think the senpai seemingly seeing and touching Aizawa is going to be something of a bait and switch, similar to how it was played with the dude whose name I cannot remember right now. Another likely route would be that she is able to see Aizawa, or spirits in general, but her ability will be less potent than Michi's. Also I do not know how Michi's gonna save herself from what she's gotten into, but I wish her luck.

The same senpai spotted Aizawa from a distance at the end of ch 5, but it's possible that she doesn't know she's a ghost.

joined Mar 31, 2021

I like the idea that Aizawa can't talk even while possessing somebody, adds some depth to how she can possibly communicate with the living

joined Jan 10, 2022

I like the idea that Aizawa can't talk even while possessing somebody, adds some depth to how she can possibly communicate with the living

By making out with them

joined Jan 11, 2014

This is probably my favorite series out right now...Strong progression, strong comedy, strong main characters, and a compelling mystery? Plus seeing Aizawa going possessive over Kurotori is so satisfying and cute. AND the art is good. BARK BARK BARK BARK

joined Dec 13, 2020

I feel like I need someone to explain the whole chapter to me, with so much stuff happening at full speed.

But I'm happy if you just explain one thing: what happened in the shed?? Multi-eyed ghost attacks Michi, small kid intervenes, it's useless and SK gets beaten up, then MEG moves to possess Michi... but doesn't possess her at all? Coz when Michi wakes up, she's ok? Or is the MEG carefully hiding inside Michi (yikes)? And Aizawa didn't notice the other spirits in the shed, nor the MEG who may or may be not inside Michi? Could it be that Aizawa is a ghost who cannot perceive other ghosts?

By the way this is completely unrelated but... Honda Reona (took me a while to recall her name) is a horny little thing, isn't she? First she pervs on Michi coz she looks cool during soccer, then she's super turned on when she thinks Kasumi is dragging her into a dark shed to make out...
joined Jun 6, 2020

Basically scary ghost attac. GF ghost attac back. Past Michi protec. Then the comedy of 'wait I can do that?' and cool senpai like 'bonk' at ghost GF

joined Mar 25, 2020

funny thing is, michi doesnt know it's aizawa in kasumi's body so she just thinks kasumi is freakin the heck out xd

joined Nov 12, 2020

That was A LOT of plot development all at once,holy crap.

And a lot of future avenues of fun times.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Ngl, this part is where it hit me that it’s not all fun and games. Was almost like a jumpscare when I was reading the extras and laughing.

Like, yeah, we know she’s dead, we see the picture, the table where people pay their respects for the deceased classmate w/ flowers and candies, there is the weird pentagram, but damn, the way it is shown in that page reminded me the real grim undertones of what seems to be a fruity little comedy about ghosts at first glance.

I am replying to my own comment because I just noticed the previous image is also pretty unsettling. Is that... blood?

dw she just had her period

joined Dec 18, 2021

Must've been the wind

joined May 7, 2022

funny thing is, michi doesnt know it's aizawa in kasumi's body so she just thinks kasumi is freakin the heck out xd

It will probably be brushed off with something like “Kasumi-chan was too tired so she fell unconscious on top of Michi while trying to hug her”. And Michi herself will believe that and be oblivious about the Yuri ghost.
Until something like this happens a second time, maybe with another person, and/or Aizawa’s ghost herself goes straight for the mouth when “touching” her (despite not being able to feel anything, that’s as good as it gets for a sign)

joined Apr 19, 2018

Is that Dorothy-sensei's self insert in chapter 8, last page?

joined Jun 14, 2022

Is that Dorothy-sensei's self insert in chapter 8, last page?

No, that's Kasumi. If she were an idol, I guess

joined Apr 10, 2023

I keep thinking about the concept of a ghost turning into an "evil spirit" that's in lots of manga and ghosts, typically tied to refusing to pass on long enough and/or harming the living. Aizawa is doing both, although only on a minor scale did far. But she's escalating over time, seemingly without any conscious ill intent: she's gone from ripping up that script and making Michi bleed to slamming Michi in the head with a soccer ball to even possessing someone, even if that last one could be justified. She seems to be going down a bad road for a ghost to go.

Also, we seem to have seen two manifestations of Michi having power in this chapter. She projects her child self to yell at freaky eye ghost, but also she seems to possibly have pushed Aizawa out of her possession, as she pops out of Kasumi right after Michi shoves her back and yells "What the heck are you doing!?"

Edit: actually, I find it super strange how, when Michi first sees that ghost waiting in the storage shed, her response is to make an excuse to get Kasumi away and then go in alone. Why did she do that? There's been no indication that ghosts are more dangerous to those ignorant of their presence, the opposite actually. Michi doesn't think much on it either, was it some kind of unconscious instinct? A subtle command from an external influence? Hard to imagine it was a deliberate action when Michi immediately acts normal after Kasumi leaves, entering the shed to put stuff away.

last edited at Apr 14, 2023 5:38PM

BLAMEY Uploader
joined Oct 9, 2021

And Aizawa didn't notice the other spirits in the shed, nor the MEG who may or may be not inside Michi? Could it be that Aizawa is a ghost who cannot perceive other ghosts?

It wouldn't shock me if it has to do with her nature. It's been made a point several times Aizawa is rapidly evolving and different from normal ghosts, and even if Michi isn't experienced enough to make that call it would still be an odd move narratively to contradict that. Either Aizawa can't see ghosts herself or somehow drives them off through sheer bubbly gay energy. It is weird that action scene just dissolves the moment she shows up. Maybe we'll get some kind of explanation next time.

It will probably be brushed off with something like “Kasumi-chan was too tired so she fell unconscious on top of Michi while trying to hug her”. And Michi herself will believe that and be oblivious about the Yuri ghost.
Until something like this happens a second time, maybe with another person, and/or Aizawa’s ghost herself goes straight for the mouth when “touching” her (despite not being able to feel anything, that’s as good as it gets for a sign)

I don't know if density can survive a situation this far gone. Aizawa knows what she did, Senpai might realize her girlfriend(?) got possessed and at least knows there's some horny ghost chasing this girl around, and Michi will notice Aizawa freaking out around Senpai. It all depends on if Senpai levels with Michi about her haunting but I don't see much reason to prolong it with the mark being a serious issue. The story easily has enough legs at this point to grow beyond Michi ignoring Aizawa.

Plus I really want to see that relationship triangle of Senpai forgiving Michi and giving her some guidance, Michi still being terrified of Senpai, and Senpai losing it at the dumb ghost that keeps running to Michi for safety.

Also I'm not sure how much stock to put in this, but Aizawa is the cover manga of next month's issue of Comic Valkyrie so it might be a big deal chapter.

Edit: actually, I find it super strange how, when Michi first sees that ghost waiting in the storage shed, her response is to make an excuse to get Kasumi away and then go in alone. Why did she do that?

She did mention she had a weird feeling about this one and probably figured she's better off alone since she can see and avoid it just in case. It'd be hard to talk Kasumi through that.

Michi already has a case of a ghost "attacking" her without acknowledging it, Aizawa herself, but she still naively assumes the situation won't get too bad so long as she ignores them. Which is why she thought she tripped instead of getting grabbed. Though I'm speculating that's not because this ghost is particularly unique but because of the mark's influence.

Tangentially, I like the little theme of protectiveness in this chapter. Aizawa helping Michi and crying a little when she knows she's safe, Michi going out of her way to keep Kasumi away from the slightest chance of trouble, Reona immediately getting serious when Kasumi's hurting and taking charge with Michi, and Senpai hastily jumping to conclusions in Kasumi's defense.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Edit: actually, I find it super strange how, when Michi first sees that ghost waiting in the storage shed, her response is to make an excuse to get Kasumi away and then go in alone. Why did she do that?

Michi was trying to prevent Kasumi from walking into the possible danger she was unaware of but they still needed to put the PE equipment away. Michi then noticed that the ghost appeared to have vanished and even commented on it in her thoughts before taking the cones in to put them away. The ghost then reappeared and basically jumped her when she turned away to leave. It's also good to keep in mind that up until this incident she hasn't had any truly dangerous encounters with ghosts. They have all been relatively harmless so all she really had to go on was the bad feeling she got.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 12:47AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I keep thinking about the concept of a ghost turning into an "evil spirit" that's in lots of manga and ghosts, typically tied to refusing to pass on long enough and/or harming the living. Aizawa is doing both, although only on a minor scale did far. But she's escalating over time, seemingly without any conscious ill intent: she's gone from ripping up that script and making Michi bleed to slamming Michi in the head with a soccer ball to even possessing someone, even if that last one could be justified. She seems to be going down a bad road for a ghost to go.

I kind of like that Aizawa acts on impulses (or instinct?) so much. I imagine impulse control is more difficult when a person is so isolated. (That is, if we can even talk about impulse control when someone doesn't have a physical brain, much less a frontal lobe.)

It's like being strapped in a simulation pod Matrix style, but in the simulation you're confined to one location, can't speak to anyone, and your only way to interact with the world is weak telekinesis or possession.

So for Aizawa, seeing Michi and the others continue to treasure her memory must have been key to maintaining her sanity. Learning that Michi and the senpai know that she's present could make a huge difference for her, so I really hope this happens soon.

last edited at Apr 16, 2023 10:02AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

Though also, if she finds out Michi has been aware of and ignoring her this whole time, that might make for some initial hurt until they can sort stuff out.

If this goes a route of Aizawa staying a ghost, (IE not passing on while Michi ends up with Kasumi or someone, and no coma fakeout; resurrection seems unlikely with how officially established her death was, so popping back out of the ground and resuming her regular life would be hard) I wonder if her muteness will also remain? Part of me feels like the pointed lack of dialogue from her is building up to her speaking at a big moment, but part of me would really love to see the communication challenges of that having to be actively overcome.

joined Jan 2, 2022

i hope this remains a pure comedy mainly because comedys that become dramas usually are dissapointing or i just skip the drama

joined Nov 12, 2020


Now how to fix it in the most ghastly of ways?...

BLAMEY Uploader
joined Oct 9, 2021
  • Expectation: Senpai will finally shine some light on what's happening and help steer Michi in the right direction.
  • Reality: Senpai is clueless and there's no brakes on this train.

Didn't see that coming but I love it. From a girl who sees ghosts and refuses to acknowledge them, to a girl who doesn't understand ghosts and always calls them out. The status quo won't survive a single normal conversation between Sayaka and Michi if Aizawa's present. And if I were Aizawa, Sayaka would be the first person I'd try to get to help untangling this mess.

I guess this confirms Kasumi's hairclip was hidden on the locker because of bullying. Sayaka's line about lots of creepy people at school lately either means she only got these powers recently or something's drawing all the ghosts here. And while she is dense as a handsome brick, Sayaka's not a complete idiot. She came up with a clear excuse about club to get Kasumi out of talking to that guy and is extremely wary of Michi. Not without reason since Kasumi might have a crush on both girls.

There's also a bit of weirdness in Kasumi saying chapter 3 was the 2nd time she and Michi spoke, while Michi did say she'd never spoken to anyone since school started. Could be important.

Though it's understated (it'll be hard to beat this chapter's lack of ghosts record) I love Dorothy's varied approaches to horror. Even these silly drawings come with tense anticipation and letting your imagination run wild with the ghosts' actual appearance. The blood and sounds of the cat in particular must be nasty, but the man is practically deformed beyond recognition; he's like something out of Otherside Picnic. This manga's making a strong example case for the shared elements in writing comedy and horror.

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