NB4 She immediately betrays her. This gal is obviously a catalyst for their relationship (andpresumably setting her up for the chunni as a rebound when she is clam jammed)
Otome chan was definitely needed. Based on what we saw, Shio was going to take ages to awaken, she is just to innocent.
Also, Mei x Otome would be hilarious.
Oh damn now that's what I call a development this series has been moving at a good pace. Shino now knows that Kafka likes her the next few chapters should be great lol.
Kafka going for the kill. A bit worried about that somber expression at the end. We might end up experiencing Kafka being distant while Shio gay panics because… it’s her step-sister. Shio wouldn’t want to… do all that with her, right? (Answer: She would)
I do not know how I expected this to develop, but I do know that this wouldn't even be on the list, but that I like it quite a bit. Shio fucking stopped functioning, and it was simply glorious, and I am very much looking forward to seeing the gay panic unfold.