Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Dec 30, 2018

ITT: inability to separate reality and fiction
Expected nothing less (or rather more) from this userbase

I know right, I wish people would just learn to love every single aspect of every single piece of fiction they mindlessly consume.

In that same font, we should also allow for the ability to be gross/problematic characters in queer fiction as there are gross/problematic queer people irl too.

I think most people's problem with it is more how the grooming situation was handled than it simply existing (well at least that is how it is for me). This is fiction, but this story constantly brings up many real life issues relating to the LGBT community so having them kinda "tee-hee" away the whole Karen situation isn't very palatable. They acknowledge how wrong it is with the "that's illegal" statement and Aya warning Marika about Karen, but it was portrayed as something to brush off. The overall situation was painted in a comedic light with the whole bar watching the 2 while they are discussing this with smiles on their faces so it was just...weird.

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

What?? No, what you sayin fam? These are just DRAWINGS and they have nothing to do with real life, who cares if there's rape or some other idiocies like that, it's FINE as long as it stays in the manga because of course no real person is drawing it out there while thinking it's completely fine and that's how a healthy relationship is IRL. People can be dumb sometimes ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Nah it's weird af bro

God why are so many weebs like this man

joined Apr 25, 2020

Nah it's weird af bro

God why are so many weebs like this man

Perhaps you should take a class on irony. Or if you're being ironic too, well I guess it's too many layers of irony already so it's becoming way too entangled

last edited at Feb 3, 2023 2:02AM

joined Dec 30, 2018

Nah it's weird af bro

God why are so many weebs like this man

Perhaps you should take a class on irony

How tf do you write two contradicting statements in a span of a few min??? Like what

joined Apr 25, 2020

Nah it's weird af bro

God why are so many weebs like this man

Perhaps you should take a class on irony

How tf do you write two contradicting statements in a span of a few min??? Like what

Pal, lemme clarify just so we can get this straight at least between us (because mods will surely come for me anytime now). My first comment was my thoughts and my second one, a quote on someone else's comment, was me being ironic. My actual thoughts are on my first comment, resumed along the lines of "this is rape and pedophilia and it's wrong"

joined Sep 27, 2017

For me it feels like this chapter brushes a lot of the uncomfortable and unpleasant aspects of the earlier chapters under the rug, and the whole experience feels off to me because of the earlier chapters and the forcefulness in them.

joined Dec 20, 2018

The tsun has been broken.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I love how everytime marika does something with aya she's like : "I’m just a girl with a gf and we kiss and have sex and cuddle and I’m almost exclusively attracted to women but I’m DEFINITIVELY DEFINITIVELY DEFINITIVELY DEFINITIVELY DEFINITIVELY not gay"

joined Jul 7, 2020


joined Oct 27, 2017

This chapter in the novel is where everything clicked for me. Aya revealing that she’d been pining after her for a while and going about it in a wrong way, while Marika is the undefeated queen of moving goalposts. From here on its 100% my favorite flavor of trash.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Pal, lemme clarify just so we can get this straight at least between us (because mods will surely come for me anytime now). My first comment was my thoughts and my second one, a quote on someone else's comment, was me being ironic. My actual thoughts are on my first comment, resumed along the lines of "this is rape and pedophilia and it's wrong"

Damn,it really did become 'Nam,a pointless war about fiction.

Also,pedophilia is for those who target 13 and under,depending on puberty,and usually pre-puberty..

Hebephilia is for those who target 11 to 14 or slightly above,usually in the midst of puberty.

And what we see here is ephebophilia,15 to 19,the late puberty stages(all three have overlaps with each other becauase RAGING HORMONES).

Albeit,it's probably just a case of horny sadistic lesbian beast who resides in a bar as their hunting zone who snagged two teens at once.

Which is still in fiction,where it belongs,despite the obvious aspect that it does happen in the real world,even as this is being typed.

last edited at Feb 5, 2023 8:50PM

joined Jan 3, 2019

What's up with people in these forums lately? Does anyone get this mad at comedy shows and movies whenever they depict a murder and play it off for laughs, but they don't condescend to the audience enough, lecturing about how murder is bad and wrong and we absolutely should not emulate the murderer in real life? Is this a thing that I am unaware of? Or is it a unique phenomenon to Westerners that pretend to like Japanese content, but really don't?

joined Sep 21, 2020

What the hell are you talking about in the last few pages Marika? I’m legit confused by her logic lmao, glad she still maintains that competitive spirit atleast.

joined Dec 1, 2018

I liked it. And if I don't like something, I don't read it. I know it's fiction and don't compare it to reality. If you criticize something here, you should criticize EVERYTHING. Men rapes Women or child, hypnosis, tentacles and more

joined Sep 9, 2019

What's up with people in these forums lately? Does anyone get this mad at comedy shows and movies whenever they depict a murder and play it off for laughs, but they don't condescend to the audience enough, lecturing about how murder is bad and wrong and we absolutely should not emulate the murderer in real life? Is this a thing that I am unaware of? Or is it a unique phenomenon to Westerners that pretend to like Japanese content, but really don't?

That's usually the case, the problem is that this manga in particular has a mood problem, where it doesn't understand how it should be read by readers: Light romance with a bit of side jokes, or a manga where characters discuss real life problems that resonates with a lot of readers. It's cool if you didn't take the manga seriously, heck I don't take it seriously anymore. But in my opinion, it's such a waste, because I know there have been some scenes in this chapter where I didn't know I was holding my breath because of the characters' deep conversations, only to be kicked on the ass because some character mentioned a joke that was placed horribly.

It's literally just that, a mood problem. It doesn't know when to add the perfect kick, doesn't know when to slow down. I have never read the LN before, but I'm guessing the problems arise solely because the manga is a more condensed version of the novel itself.

joined Feb 11, 2022

and is that heterosexual marika-chan in the room with us right now ?

joined Aug 26, 2022

I feel as though this story has progressed to quickly and that this should have happend a chpater from now or be 2 chapters

joined Feb 11, 2022

Btw why did they debate about dropping the series? What was wrong with this chapter?

joined May 13, 2018

What's up with people in these forums lately? Does anyone get this mad at comedy shows and movies whenever they depict a murder and play it off for laughs, but they don't condescend to the audience enough, lecturing about how murder is bad and wrong and we absolutely should not emulate the murderer in real life? Is this a thing that I am unaware of? Or is it a unique phenomenon to Westerners that pretend to like Japanese content, but really don't?

That has been a thing on Dynasty for as long as I can remember, and I think it's just that people cannot treat a story as simply a story. Even if it's clearly in jest by the author as is very obvious in this case, there simply must be a self-righteous individual who accuses everyone else of being a pedo for treating fiction as fiction. This isn't even a controversial work like Lolita where the entire novel was written seriously from the bad actor's perspective. It was a throwaway one-liner to make fun of how Karen fucks anything that moves.

I gotta stop reading the comments sections, sheesh

joined Jul 21, 2015

For me it feels like this chapter brushes a lot of the uncomfortable and unpleasant aspects of the earlier chapters under the rug, and the whole experience feels off to me because of the earlier chapters and the forcefulness in them.

Yeah Marika is way too casual about what Aya's been doing considering her reactions to it in previous chapters, even if she's happy to be in a mutual relationship. Maybe we'll see some of that baggage get unpacked later but it feels like the author just doesn't care about depth or authenticity (which, to be fair, is a valid way to write)

Btw why did they debate about dropping the series? What was wrong with this chapter?

It had a ton of text to clean and typeset and translate, I assume. Text-heavy chapters suck to scanlate

last edited at Feb 6, 2023 2:37PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

It's literally just that, a mood problem. It doesn't know when to add the perfect kick, doesn't know when to slow down. I have never read the LN before, but I'm guessing the problems arise solely because the manga is a more condensed version of the novel itself.

Nah, I can assure you that the novel (the first one at least) is just as bad. The adaptation was actually quite faithful, the source material itself is the problem. I honestly find it sad that stories like this get adapted to multiple media, when there are much better writers with much more compelling and funny and sexy stories out there.

I'm getting tired of people dismissing criticism with "this is just fiction, you don't have to take it seriously". Fiction can and does impact people's view of reality. I've seen quite a few people confessing that movies and novels warping their view of romance contributed to them getting into abusive relationships, so maybe people should give it a second thought before dismissing any problematic elements in a work (that aren't even remotely addressed) as inconsequential, because "it is fiction". And what you said about the mood is exactly right: you can't pretend to make social commentary one moment and then play predatory behaviour off as a joke.

I suppose this is okay if someone simply wants to read some mindless smut, but I certainly don't think it's worth defending on any level and people commenting on how bad it is (myself included now, I guess XD) have good reasons to do so.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Btw why did they debate about dropping the series? What was wrong with this chapter?

It had a ton of text to clean and typeset and translate, I assume. Text-heavy chapters suck to scanlate

ok fair enough

joined Feb 11, 2022

I like this manga 10/10 so far, it's funny , ch10 made me think "damn I love yuri"

joined Jun 17, 2018

Im pretty sure it would actually be illegal. Despite the common misconception that Japans age of consent was 13 with no further limitations, there are actually a bunch of laws in place (also varying across prefectures as far as i know) that prohibit different sexual encounters that this might well fall under. In general i think alot of ppl would consider someone in their (probably?) late 20s having a threesome with a 15 and 16 yo to be problematic to say the least.

Oh, I'm not denying any of that. But at the same time, it's right there around the legal line in the civilized world where it's usually around 14-16, and exactly at the time most young people actually start having sex (saw a study in the newspaper just last week that put it mostly at 14 years of age). Not saying I approve of Karen doing what she's doing, but it's not nearly as horrible as the initial comments made it sound, either.

Yes, most people start having sex in that age, but not with 20 year people. I see it gross. And I feel the first comment appropriate, to be honest.

So the exact situation with Japan's age of consent is that federally the age of consent is 13, however every single prefecture has adopted laws that up that age to 16-18. So while theoretically the age of consent is 13 in Japan in reality every prefecture independently says "no it's 16-18 actually". Groups have been lobbying to have the age of consent to 16 federally for peace of mind, but like the only places in Japan where the age of consent is actually 13 is a couple of rocks that Japan claims as uninhabited islands to have greater sea borders so those don't actually matter because nobody ever goes there.

Additionally an important note is that having sex with someone under the age of consent as set by the prefecture is fine if you are also under the age of consent, two 15 year olds having sex is legally speaking a-okay it's a problem when someone over the age of consent has sex with someone under the age of consent. Additionally if both people are under 13 the federal age of consent then it is actually again a problem because under 13 any sex at all is illegal and if two kids under 13 had sex then legally speaking they could both be tried for statutory rape. Though realistically this would be unlikely to actually happen.

TLDR; the age of consent is 13 in Japan only theoretically, it has been 16 to 18 depending on what prefecture you live in since an age of consent has been established, and teenagers are legally allowed to have sex but only with other teenagers in between 13 and the age of consent in their prefecture.

Also if you're wondering why I know this, it's because I kept seeing people spread this idea that the age of consent in Japan is 13 and I didn't believe it and I looked it up, and what do you know it wasn't true.

This makes me have more hope in the human being. No person with 13 years should have sex with a 20 years old person, and the people saying it's okey because "it's legal" (and thanks god it's not), wtf are you thinking if a CHILD having that "intercourse" with an adult is normal for you? I am 21 years old and would never do it with someone under 18. And not for legal issues, it's because it creeps me out.

joined Jun 17, 2018

Im pretty sure it would actually be illegal. Despite the common misconception that Japans age of consent was 13 with no further limitations, there are actually a bunch of laws in place (also varying across prefectures as far as i know) that prohibit different sexual encounters that this might well fall under. In general i think alot of ppl would consider someone in their (probably?) late 20s having a threesome with a 15 and 16 yo to be problematic to say the least.

Oh, I'm not denying any of that. But at the same time, it's right there around the legal line in the civilized world where it's usually around 14-16, and exactly at the time most young people actually start having sex (saw a study in the newspaper just last week that put it mostly at 14 years of age). Not saying I approve of Karen doing what she's doing, but it's not nearly as horrible as the initial comments made it sound, either.

Yes, most people start having sex in that age, but not with 20 year people. I see it gross.

You're not wrong to feel this way, really. Then again, it's easy for straight kids to find a partner, but where's a queer kid to go when the prevailing opinion surrounding them is still rather hostile? Finding someone in a bar like this may not be the smartest idea, but one might not be able to think of better choices either.

And I feel the first comment appropriate, to be honest.

On the other hand, we did learn that Astarotte was the one coming on to Karen, not Karen herself going after minors left and right as the first spoilers claimed. However one feels about Karen not turning down anyone who comes to her, calling her a predator goes too far when you consider these revelations.

I think it doesn't matter if the kid can't get a girlfriend and goes to the bar, or if the kid goes for Karen first. If I had a 13 years old girl trying to do whatever with me, I wouldn't do NOTHING (?!). The adult should stop it. And I don't think it's difficult to not do something with a kid, for god, it's a kid. If an adult finds difficult to stop a kid approaching them like that, I would... Go to therapy.

joined Jan 23, 2023

Good news girls! Marika is confirmed trans in an unofficial scan page made by one of the translators

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