Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Jul 11, 2022

Thanks for the response, based on that I am going to assume they don't actually sleep around or cheat on eachother which the manga made me vaugely worried about.

I read all 6 vols and they're without a doubt 100% monogamous, so no need to worry there.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I hope none of the people complaining about the stuff with Karen are reading/watching MagiRevo, as that one also has a woman in her late 20s fucking a 15 year old with the author even writing them a dedicated sex chapter lmao

Well maybe because most watching it or readingthe manga didn't know about it ? Why would you even spoiled something on an unrelated thread.

joined Apr 14, 2022

before it was raised to 16 last year out of misguided moral outrage

I've seen a lot of garbage on this forum, but unironically advocating for 30-year-olds to be able to groom and sleep with 13-year-olds really takes the cake. What the fuck is wrong with you.

exactly at the time most young people actually start having sex

With each other. Not with adults. Jesus fucking christ.

joined Dec 20, 2018

before it was raised to 16 last year out of misguided moral outrage

I've seen a lot of garbage on this forum, but unironically advocating for 30-year-olds to be able to groom and sleep with 13-year-olds really takes the cake. What the fuck is wrong with you.

It used to be 14 like in most of Europe, not 13, and I have certainly never advocated that. And the outrage was certainly misguided since the scandals that caused the change involved coaches for whom such relationships were illegal in any case due to their position of power.

joined Nov 23, 2014

ITT: inability to separate reality and fiction
Expected nothing less (or rather more) from this userbase

I know right, I wish people would just learn to love every single aspect of every single piece of fiction they mindlessly consume.
joined Jun 6, 2020

I've gotta ask, what's the LN/web novel like past this point? Is there much more drama, do either Aya or Marika ever have sex with some one else, or is it mostly just smut of the two of them?

The comparisons to citrus are bang accurate because it basically turns into a healthy monogamous relationship while Marika gets a tour of the queer community of Japan.

Think Honk Kong Summer of 1984. Basically that vibe throughout.

last edited at Feb 1, 2023 10:10AM
joined Jun 6, 2020

I know right, I wish people would just learn to love every single aspect of every single piece of fiction they mindlessly consume.

In that same font, we should also allow for the ability to be gross/problematic characters in queer fiction as there are gross/problematic queer people irl too.

joined Oct 7, 2021

Is the next chapter the last chapter ?

joined Mar 6, 2021

no we have like a full volume after of marika and aya fucking nasty

joined Oct 16, 2013

ITT: inability to separate reality and fiction
Expected nothing less (or rather more) from this userbase

I know right, I wish people would just learn to love every single aspect of every single piece of fiction they mindlessly consume.

In that same font, we should also allow for the ability to be gross/problematic characters in queer fiction as there are gross/problematic queer people irl too.

I think most people's problem with it is more how the grooming situation was handled than it simply existing (well at least that is how it is for me). This is fiction, but this story constantly brings up many real life issues relating to the LGBT community so having them kinda "tee-hee" away the whole Karen situation isn't very palatable. They acknowledge how wrong it is with the "that's illegal" statement and Aya warning Marika about Karen, but it was portrayed as something to brush off. The overall situation was painted in a comedic light with the whole bar watching the 2 while they are discussing this with smiles on their faces so it was just...weird.

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

last edited at Feb 1, 2023 6:26PM

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

I'd like to dedicate this 3 day turnaround time to Magic.
Rest in peace, my beloved witch, BEATRICE.

joined Apr 11, 2019

yo these girls gay af

joined Mar 8, 2020

Is the next chapter the last chapter ?

Nah, there is still like 5 chapters left (not sure, but i think volume 3 renamed chapter 15 to extra?)

last edited at Feb 2, 2023 8:33PM

joined May 13, 2018

We could hyperanalyze that line about the lesbian trying to get straight girls to fall for her, but I think I'd rather laugh at the absurdity of how this whole plot is based on Aya sexing (lol) a sometimes unwilling Marika enough to make her somehow fall in love with her.

last edited at Feb 2, 2023 9:09PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Well the last two chapters seem to be retconning that Marika was into Aya all along, without realizing/admitting it...

Though after re-reading the first two chapters, Marika is thinking "really attractive" and "sexy appeal" right up front, so not that much of a retcon.

The "Aya's not that rich" 'revelation' was foreshadowed from early on too: ordinary house, ordinary room...

joined Feb 14, 2016

I think most people's problem with it is more how the grooming situation was handled than it simply existing (well at least that is how it is for me). This is fiction, but this story constantly brings up many real life issues relating to the LGBT community so having them kinda "tee-hee" away the whole Karen situation isn't very palatable. They acknowledge how wrong it is with the "that's illegal" statement and Aya warning Marika about Karen, but it was portrayed as something to brush off. The overall situation was painted in a comedic light with the whole bar watching the 2 while they are discussing this with smiles on their faces so it was just...weird.

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

I would agree and think it really undercuts the romance in this chapter to have the last couple chapters go the way they did. "Yeah, I proposed this challenge because I was infatuated and didn't want you to wind up doing compensated dating with some abusive creep. Oh right, my boss who I introduced you to without pointing out she's a nearly Lily Cade level of missing stair in this community is still here huh". Just completely undermines whatever point Aya is trying to make here.

joined Dec 15, 2016

Absolutely ridiculous but the confession was really cute and funny since they had an audience lol, I love this manga.
joined Jun 6, 2020

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

Not disagreeing but that's usually how manga rolls with this kinda stuff period. Characters like Karen are kinda just one-note jokes. But we also have the benefit of hindsight and time with the LN to know that it kind of does switch to LGBTQ in Japan commentary fully with smut interwoven. Just goes through some early squick to get there

joined Oct 16, 2020

Good for them

joined Dec 23, 2020

I'm surprised it accelerated the LN content so much, but I care not. THE GAYBIES ARE TOGETHER AT LAST!!!

joined Apr 25, 2020

Great, this manga has it all, from rape and pedophilia to a very retarded fanbase who thinks all these stuff is okay as long as it happens in "fiction" and the two MCs end up together. Dropping this rn my life this made me puke by how naturally all this illegal stuff is addressed by the characters, is this really how you-us lesbians want to be portrayed? Go get a breath of fresh air and a good read of the law please

joined Dec 30, 2018

Great, this manga has it all, from rape and pedophilia to a very retarded fanbase who thinks all these stuff is okay as long as it happens in "fiction" and the two MCs end up together. Dropping this rn my life this made me puke by how naturally all this illegal stuff is addressed by the characters, is this really how you-us lesbians want to be portrayed? Go get a breath of fresh air and a good read of the law please

It sucks but don't use the r slur, you can convey all those thoughts without it...

joined Apr 25, 2020

ITT: inability to separate reality and fiction
Expected nothing less (or rather more) from this userbase

I know right, I wish people would just learn to love every single aspect of every single piece of fiction they mindlessly consume.

In that same font, we should also allow for the ability to be gross/problematic characters in queer fiction as there are gross/problematic queer people irl too.

I think most people's problem with it is more how the grooming situation was handled than it simply existing (well at least that is how it is for me). This is fiction, but this story constantly brings up many real life issues relating to the LGBT community so having them kinda "tee-hee" away the whole Karen situation isn't very palatable. They acknowledge how wrong it is with the "that's illegal" statement and Aya warning Marika about Karen, but it was portrayed as something to brush off. The overall situation was painted in a comedic light with the whole bar watching the 2 while they are discussing this with smiles on their faces so it was just...weird.

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

What?? No, what you sayin fam? These are just DRAWINGS and they have nothing to do with real life, who cares if there's rape or some other idiocies like that, it's FINE as long as it stays in the manga because of course no real person is drawing it out there while thinking it's completely fine and that's how a healthy relationship is IRL. People can be dumb sometimes ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯

joined Dec 30, 2018

On the other hand, we did learn that Astarotte was the one coming on to Karen, not Karen herself going after minors left and right as the first spoilers claimed. However one feels about Karen not turning down anyone who comes to her, calling her a predator goes too far when you consider these revelations.

I'm continuing to read the manga because I can look past some of its weirder characters (and generally don't get into these debates) but this is a bit much. So as an adult: if a 13-15-year-old minor "came on to me first" and I slept with them multiple times, I would not be classified as a predator? What would I be then? A victim of a 13-15-year-old? I'm not sure about that one. I can look past her character and don't have strong feelings one way or the other but at no point do I think what she's doing is fine, or that she is not the predator when compared to a child. I didn't think that was a debatable aspect of her character but I guess I was wrong.


What an insane thing to type holy shit

Don't imagine it tf

last edited at Feb 3, 2023 1:57AM

joined Apr 25, 2020

Great, this manga has it all, from rape and pedophilia to a very retarded fanbase who thinks all these stuff is okay as long as it happens in "fiction" and the two MCs end up together. Dropping this rn my life this made me puke by how naturally all this illegal stuff is addressed by the characters, is this really how you-us lesbians want to be portrayed? Go get a breath of fresh air and a good read of the law please

It sucks but don't use the r slur, you can convey all those thoughts without it...

You're right, it's wrong and I apologize. I just couldn't think of any other word that quite represented what I wanted to convey since I'm not a native speaker

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