Forum › Crescent Moon and Doughnuts discussion

joined Apr 16, 2020

It's a good ending. Not all ace people have no sexual desires though since it isn't the same as sexual attraction.
joined Apr 19, 2012

"just like a doughnut" in another comment and I chuckled

So deep, so empty, I need thee

joined Mar 20, 2014

Bro lots of people on Dynasty hates aces seems like. Everytime they appear it's always a trainwreck in the comments. Empathy isn't in abundance around here I guess.

The issue is that this just feels like a complete cop-out after everything that came before. Sure, things have improved somewhat over the years, but it still sucks when a yuri romance smashes into the relationship ceiling that suddenly gets introduced for no good reason whatsoever. It's why I hated the ending of Marimite, yelled at my screen during the last episode of Aquatope, and why I dislike this one.

Well, at least it was over quick.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Abrupt ending. Not even a kiss. Art somehow dropped in quality. What happened to this manga?

She literally says that she doesnt want to kiss anyone. Jesus, some people are good at complaining while having zero reading comprehension

joined Mar 20, 2014

they are a couple now, how the hell did you interpret it otherwise??

No, they're not. The ending is just a weird roundabout way of telling they, yes, they will be best friends forever, but not as an actual couple.

joined Jul 6, 2020

they are a couple now, how the hell did you interpret it otherwise??

No, they're not. The ending is just a weird roundabout way of telling they, yes, they will be best friends forever, but not as an actual couple.

Like I said. No reading comprehension. They can literally confess, say I love you and lets stay together forever and it's still not enough.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Like I said. No reading comprehension. They can literally confess, say I love you and lets stay together forever and it's still not enough.

There's a long history in anime and manga of two female characters telling each other "I love you," after which one or both hook up with a guy anyway. The issue is what happens after they say it, but this story just ends there. To me, that comes across as "so close, yet so far."

I'll also keep it at that. Yes, I'm annoyed, but hey, there's so much more to read out there.

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 10:54AM

joined Jan 27, 2016

Noooooooooooo not end it now

joined Jul 29, 2017

The issue is that this just feels like a complete cop-out after everything that came before. Sure, things have improved somewhat over the years, but it still sucks when a yuri romance smashes into the relationship ceiling that suddenly gets introduced for no good reason whatsoever.

Some literary interpretations are subjective and entail several legitimate ways of seeing a story. The above is not—it is simply false.

Both characters were introduced from the very beginning as being alienated (for different reasons) from what they saw as “normal” relationships. Their attitudes were not a “complete cop-out after everything that came before” nor was there a “relationship ceiling” that suddenly got introduced.

They each opened up emotionally to the other while learning about and respecting the other one’s feelings and personal boundaries, and they have mutually decided to be together, presumably permanently. The expectation that the story would inevitably conclude with a standard lesbian sexual relationship is entirely made up and based on nothing in the text itself.

joined Aug 17, 2019

Can someone make a crop of the "Did we just get our feelings across" panel?
Like, that would solve so many stories in record time!

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Like I said. No reading comprehension. They can literally confess, say I love you and lets stay together forever and it's still not enough.

There's a long history in anime and manga of two female characters telling each other "I love you," after which one or both hook up with a guy anyway. The issue is what happens after they say it, but this story just ends there. To me, that comes across as "so close, yet so far."

I'll also keep it at that. Yes, I'm annoyed, but hey, there's so much more to read out there.

You're fighting phantoms of your own making. The story has plainly laid out the feelings and circumstances of Hinako and Asahi. They are asexual. They are romantically interested in one another. They are moving forward on that basis. What elements are missing to make them qualify as a couple, in your eyes?

joined May 13, 2018

Ayo, ain't no way they left us hanging with Subaru and Fuuka

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Yoo aces are winning.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Nice change to have proper ace yuri couple. For me they really developped well and I am glad they had a proper confession and all before it ended. But I will definitely miss them and wish I could see a bit of everyday life after.

joined Sep 5, 2019

Awww felt like it ended too quickly but hey I'm still gonna miss this series!

joined Oct 22, 2018

In this house, we stan aces.

joined Sep 23, 2021

you know how there's an 'angst' tag and an 'aaaaaaangst' tag? i think we might need 'whooooooolesome'

joined Jul 31, 2019

She mentioned "kissing, affection..." as things she is averse to (or incapable of), things I took as physical intimacy as a general concept, but holding hands with Asahi is one of her favorite things, and what is it if not a sign of affection and a form of physical intimacy?

This jumped out to me too - in one of the chapters she basically couldn't resist grabbing her hand, to the point it scared her, and I was sure this was some kind of prelude to overcoming her aversion to physical contact. I think this one thing might somewhat point at the end being just a tiny bit rushed - with a couple more chapters they could get to a hug or something and it wouldn't be inconsistent with the story so far at all.

But other than that I think the ending was satisfying and fairly logical. The whole point of the story to me was that both characters were either scared of or didn't understand love, so the endgame was obviously overcoming that and confessing to each other... and even if I'm slightly disappointed that they didn't hug, I think it was also a lot about the journey, not the destination, and I enjoyed the journey very much. Something about the general atmosphere of Usui Shio's stuff just speaks to me, it portrays feelings beautifully and has a warm sense of humour throughout (someone earlier said that the "well we made our feelings clear huh" moment was undercutting the impact a bit, but I think this was very on-brand for this author, and the big reason I liked the series).

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 2:24PM

joined Apr 27, 2018

This was honestly pretty good I thik the characters felt like real people with worries and anxieties and stuff. I also think the confession at the end there was very cute :).

But I would've liked if this series showed Hinako and Asahi dating...

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 2:38PM

joined Oct 16, 2013

I was preparing myself for an underwhelming last chapter since I saw people mention it in spoilers months before that there was no kiss and stuff, but it wasn't bad at all. Other than the last few chapters being rushed af and yeah you can feel the loss of enthusiasm from the author, it tied up everything really neatly and it was nice to see an actual ace yuri couple.

To those who still see this ending as platonic love, how can you say that when they specifically had that whole Fuuka arc to explain how Asahi's feelings toward Hinako is very different and NOT platonic friendship love. If it was just friendship with Hinako, it'd end the same way it ended with Fuuka. They even made a point of Hinako saying she "loves" Fuuka as well, but that it was still a different love compared to the love she felt toward Asahi.

Anyway I do think the 2nd half of this series was not as engaging as the 1st half, but I still really enjoyed it overall.

joined Feb 9, 2021

Like I said. No reading comprehension. They can literally confess, say I love you and lets stay together forever and it's still not enough.

There's a long history in anime and manga of two female characters telling each other "I love you," after which one or both hook up with a guy anyway. The issue is what happens after they say it, but this story just ends there. To me, that comes across as "so close, yet so far."

I'll also keep it at that. Yes, I'm annoyed, but hey, there's so much more to read out there.

In those stories, one of the female characterst never ask "are we lovers now?" afterwards, and to put that in a manga where homosexuality have a big topic, is just stupid if your goal was to make them best friends at the end. Because everyone would think they are lovers.

Plus, after reassuring her that it was ok to be lovers even tho they would'nt kiss and do other lover stuff, you could see on their body language and with the context of the scene in mind, i think its really farfetched to say they are just best friends.

Also, you can be lovers without having any skinship.

joined May 21, 2021

I think this one thing might somewhat point at the end being just a tiny bit rushed - with a couple more chapters they could get to a hug or something and it wouldn't be inconsistent with the story so far at all.

I feel the ending is not so much rushed as just plain average. Everything about it (composition, art, dialogue) is so basic it doesn't make me feel a thing, while the first chapter left quite a strong impression on me.

I think it was also a lot about the journey, not the destination

I also care more about the journey than the destination. It's not the romantic outcome that I find disappointing , but the fact that the two main characters somehow became less interesting than when they started out. It's like they stopped growing around chapter 10 and had remained flat ever since. Even their ranges of expressions toward the end are rather limited. Or maybe I'm just biased against the art style Usui Shio ended up with.

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 3:15PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

It feels rushed because the dialogue seems a bit stilted to me.

Would've liked to see them dating as Aces though, navigating the nuances of the urges they do and don't get.

joined Feb 7, 2018

Bit sad that it ended just like that. Would've liked seeing the sister's reaction for example but ah well

joined Jul 31, 2019

Bit sad that it ended just like that. Would've liked seeing the sister's reaction for example but ah well

Gah why did you have to write that, I was fine with the ending but now I actually want to see this too

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